Saturday, December 8, 2012

Psalm 59 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 59 - Psalms of Steel

The Lord is able, He came to do the impossible.
The Lord created all things and through Him all things live.
The sun, moon, and stars are all His handiwork.
The beasts of the field and wild animals,
Are the works of His thoughts and word.
He spoke and all creation came into being.
He created man out of the dust and breathed life into our nostrils.
He gave us Eden as an habitation and we sinned and were cast out.

Man is His greatest and most marvelous creation.
He gave man a mind to think and reason.
A body to live out and do His will.
A mouth to speak His praise and words.
We can love, heal, forgive, restore and set free.
We can build, create for His praise and glory.
We can harness the power of His creation.
The Lord gives us His mental, moral and social likeness.

How is it that we can do such evil things?
We kill, destroy, accuse, test and hurt each other.
One moment we are praising God,
Then the moment cursing a man created in His image.
We can lift up and destroy with our words.
With our hands we can heal or destroy.
Our hearts run to sin and evil, our thoughts destroy.
Oh God we need your great salvation.

Lord come now, give us your redemption.
Help us to receive your salvation.
With it comes ability, might, power and strength.
Release your virtue, righteousness, holiness and abundance.
Holy Spirit change our hearts, Give us your power.
As you change me, I will change others for your glory.
Lord be praised in all I do.  Praise the Lord.

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