Saturday, December 29, 2012

Psalm 18 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 18 -  Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Praise the Lord, all creation raises its voice.
From the smallest creature to the highest mountain.
Praise Him all elements and animal life,
The beast in the field, to the birds of the air,
Sun, moon, stars, constellations, galaxies, comets and heavenly worlds.
The animals on the earth and creatures of the seas.
From Everest to the Dead Sea.  From the Mariana Trench to Mount Lau.
Let all praise the Lord.

Let child, youth, and adults, praise the Lord.
Man and woman together exalt His name.
He alone is worthy, no one is like our God.
Tell all of His greatness and qualities that truly are beyond description.
Publish to all His awesome deeds.
Praise the Lord, Let everyone and everything, Praise the Lord.

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