117. Life is a great teacher unfortunately we will run out of time to learn all the lessons it has to offer. So learn the ones you can and don't worry about the rest.
118. The truth will set you free but most of the times at first it makes you miserable until you do something about it.
119. It has been said that tribulation works patience but so does line ups at your local government offices. I wonder if this what the writer had in mind?
120. The first priority of life is loving God and then others.
121. The school of hard knocks is created when we choose to leave the school of wisdom.
122. Remember when you are facing adversity, your attitude at the beginning helps determine the outcome at the end.
123. Waiting is providential discipline for those that have been given a great task.
124. Courage is not measured in the size of the bicep or chest size. It is measured on our willingness to stand up for others and do what is right.
125. Worry takes you away from the joy of life. So stop worrying and enjoy life.
126. Believe for the best in people but never be surprised by the worst. It comes with the territory.
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