Feb 24 – Psalm 23:4 - Walk in Victory
This verse is often used during funeral celebrations but it is so much more. Even though we walk in the shadow if death we have no fear. 1 Cor 15:52-58 states that death has lost its sting and victory when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. David did not fear death because he knew it was a portal into eternal and abundant life. He knew He was going to be with the Lord. In this verse there are three great promises, God’s protection, presence and confidence. I love that song, “I have got confidence God is going to see me through” David had this confidence as well.
.David knew the Lord was going to be with him. The rod and staff of the Lord was with him. No evil would defeat Him. No foe would overcome him. The Lord was with Him. We have the same promise in Matt 28:20, God is with us. Now the staff or rod was an instrument of authority, correction and help. It was used by the shepherd to guide, correct the sheep. In the hands of a skilled shepherd it could be used as a weapon. Today let God walk, guide and protect you.
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