July 4 - Vignettes on Prayer
Prayer is such a practical aspect of the life and ministry of the giants of the faith. Here are some testimonies whose lives have been effective for God who bear witness to the importance of prayer as the following quotations demonstrate. Larry Lea says “Prayer is the highest and holiest calling because it is what Jesus is doing right now.” Martin Luther the initiator of the Protestant Reformation said, “Prayer is the most important thing in my life. If I should neglect prayer for a single day, I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith.” John Knox, the leader of the Reformation in Scotland. He pleaded with God and say, “O God give me Scotland or I die. In fact God did give him Scotland. His fame as an intercessor was so marked that “Bloody Mary,” Queen of Scotland confessed that she feared the prayers of John Knox more than any army of soldiers. Oh that we would have this kind of prayer life. Strive for that today.
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