There have
been numerous accounts of dreams in the Bible.
We have Jacob seeing a ladder to heaven that affected him where he
promised the Lord of tenth of all he had.
There was Pharaoh whose dream was interpreted by Joseph that led him to
become Prime Minister. There is Daniel
interpreting Nebuchadnezzer’s dream. One
widely held theory about the purpose of dreams is that they help you store
important memories and things you've learned, get rid of unimportant memories,
and sort through complicated thoughts and feelings. Research shows that sleep
helps store memories. We know when we
are asleep we are more open to the supernatural and eternal realms. God also is able to break down our self
defense walls, self reliance and sufficiency to speak to us.
Make a record of repetitive dreams
Even if you don’t think your repeating dreams are
important, they often leave lingering feelings in your heart. Don’t ignore
these feelings. Instead, analyze them. Write down those feelings and
descriptions of the dreams in a journal. After some time, search through your
journal and see if you can find a common phrase, person or image that give you
an answer to a recent (or maybe a future) prayer.
Pay attention to the symbolism in your dreams
The world is full of symbols. There are many that you
probably don’t recognize, but if you look carefully, they have always been
there. God often uses symbolism to give you the answers you seek. That’s why
you need to write down even the most insignificant part of your dreams, because
the one part could be the key to unlocking what the dream means and what God is
trying to tell you. We see this in
Daniel’s visions.
Heed the messages you hear in your dreams
On more than one occasion, your dreams can reveal some
important messages that, due to lack of attention or disbelief, you don’t
noticed. It may be that given the simplicity or clarity of the message, it’s
considered unimportant. They can be a
source of comfort and/or strength during a difficult time in your life.
Pray and ask
Just as God gives you the opportunity to communicate with
him for help, comfort or counsel, he also allows you to pray to know if your
dreams are answering your prayers. Asking him if that special, memorable dream
that you had is part of the message that he has for you, is without doubt the
most effective way to know if God is trying to tell you something. Finally, remember that as the son or daughter
of God you are, he will always seek to stay in touch with you and show you the
great love he has for you. Also ask for
clarification through the Word.
This last
Thursday at 4:26, I woke up from a dream that has significantly impacted
me. I am going to share it with you
today. In my dream I was in a portal or
doorway to eternity. On one side was our
natural realm and on the other side was eternity. In this dream I was able to pass through the
portal with people and see the other side.
On the natural side were all the familiar things of the world. The noise pollution, pain, sorrow, sickness,
disease, anxiety fear.
On the other
side of the portal there was love, joy peace, incredible beauty. There was no sorrow, fear, pain or
sickness. On this side of the portal or
gateway was all the natural things we face on the other side none of that was
I escorted
people or walked with them from our natural world into the eternal. What was amazing is that all of this happened
in a moment of time. We know from 1Thess
4, that the rapture or translation of the church happens in a moment of
time. Paul says a twinkling of an
eye. In that moment that which as 1 Cor
15:51-58 states mortal puts on immortality and that which is corruptible puts
on incorruption. In the moment of death
the spirit and soul of mankind passes through the portal or doorway of eternity
in their final destination. The portal
or doorway I saw was the one into heaven.
The amazing
thing is that when we die or pass away we leave this reality of the natural
realm and immediately past into the eternal realm and our final destination at
this time period. Those that I escorted
and others who came into eternity we excited.
Some were actually running. One
was a father and son. The people I saw
were of all ages, nationalities, races and of both genders. Some were old, young and all in between. One reality I thought about later was that it
may take nine months to come into this world but we could leave in a moment of
time. Each moment is precious and
should be valued.
I escorted a
friend of mine through the portal and he saw his brother who had recently
passed away. When they met the brother
who was in eternity told him he was whole, complete, happy and 100%
content. My friend returned through the
portal with assurance and great peace in his heart.
I was amazed
about the reality of how we step from our natural life into eternity. I was overwhelmed by how fragile life really
is. When God says life is over it is
over and nothing we can say or do to stop it.
God gives us life, in Gen 2, the Lord breathed into Adam the breath of
life and he became a living soul.
I have
pondered this dream. In my life I have
had visons of heaven and hell. Just
shortly after I got saved in 1974, I saw the second coming of Christ before I
read Matt 24 or the Book of Revelation.
I know in this dream I was able to walk into eternity with others even
though I know that the Bible teaches that when a righteous person passes into
eternity that angels escort them. We saw
that in Luke 16:22, with Lazarus and the rich man.
Here are some
of lessons or things I have pondered about.
I know that Jesus is the way, the truth and the
life. He is the one who opened the door
to eternity for us. Those who have
receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior were the ones I saw coming through this
Life is fragile and it can change in a moment of
time. One moment you are here the next
moment in eternity. You need to tell
people in your world. Enjoy every
moment. Don’t wait to tell people you
love them. Forgive, let go of hurt,
bitterness and unforgiveness. Don’t put
off tomorrow what you can do today.
Remember you are not going to do all the things you want in life so
enjoy each day and be fluid about it.
If God brings someone across your path to help,
love or be a blessing do it. We are only
called to do two things. Tell others and
love them and if you are looking for opportunities there will be plenty.
Live your life ready. The portal of eternity could happen any
moment. It could be the rapture or death.
No one can even say they will last the day.
Jesus said in John 14:3, He goes to prepare a
place for you. In my vision of heaven I
saw a place of light, love, colors, peace, joy, friendship, no pain, sickness,
sorrow or fear. Just perfect love, peace
and incredible music. The glimpse I saw
through this portal was like that.
Those who came through the portal were excited,
joyful and satisfied more than any time in their life on earth. It was a homecoming and promotion. That which you dreamed about, looked forward
too, believed in and hope for was finally achieved. When I walked through I was overwhelmed by
the absolute love, peace, joy, freedom and victory that was on that side of
eternity. The sense of completion. Everything was perfect. Absolute perfection. Everyone was complete, whole, well and
I know the portal I saw was to heaven. I know that Paul said to die is to gain. Paul knew that whether he lived or died He
was with the Lord. As I reflected on
this dream I also because aware that there is also a portal to a lost
eternity. We choose where we go by what
we do with Jesus Christ. This dream just
double my efforts. I share it on the
morning after I had it on Am 930 the light I have also shared it on Youtube,
and our different social media platforms and now I am sharing it with you.
I know we are living in the last days. I know our world as we know it is winding
down. The age of grace is coming to an
end. That also Jesus could come at any
moment. God allowed me to see this
portal in this dream and I ask Him why.
His answer was simple. I am
calling you as a herald, messenger or gate keeper. I shared this dream with you to make you
aware and challenge you to draw close to God, share Christ in your world and
love those you come into contact and make the most of every moment and
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