Saturday, July 31, 2021

July 31 - Vignettes on Prayer


July 31 - Vignettes on Prayer


     The Lord has left how we pray and the postures of prayer to us.  The time and place of our prayers is entirely in our control.  There is no set way to pray or method.  One thing that is absolutely necessary is a place that is both quiet and private where we can be alone and undisturbed.  Jesus in Matt 6:5-6 points this out.  In fact, Jesus often went off by Himself into the desert or the mountains to pray.  Let Jesus be our example.  In the biggest decision of his life, we find Him in a garden alone praying.  Prayer is the time and place where we hear from God.  Remember when Elijah was on Mount Sinai he did not hear God in the wind, rain or earthquake.  He heard him in the still small voice.  You cannot hear God when all the noise of the world is blaring Him out.  You can only when you are silent and ready to hear.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Proverbs of Steel for July 30, 2021


July 30, 2021


July 30 - Vignettes on Prayer

 July 30 - Vignettes on Prayer


    In this vignette I will talk about the problems in prayer.  In our busy world with cell phones, emails, computers, smart devices and just the craziness of life learning to set aside time each day to spend alone with God can be a challenge and difficult.  For this reason alone is all the more necessary.  Nothing will give us peace of mind, freedom of worry, spiritual strength and victory in life that prayer.  Anxiety, worry, care and fear can only be truly coped with when we pray.  Coping with our busy schedules can only be done through prayer.  Martin Luther said, “I have so much to do, I have to spend several hours in prayer to get it done.”   Prayer must be placed at the top priority of a Christ list of goals and plans.  I have a poem that goes like this.  “I have so much to do today, I need to start my morning in prayer.”  The best time I find is first thing in the morning before the day starts so your day starts off right.  Of course the issues is not time but setting a time alone to be with the Lord.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Proverbs of Stee for July 29, 2021


Quotes for July 29, 2021


July 29 - Vignettes in Prayer

July 29 - Vignettes in Prayer


     Jesus made a promise to us in Matt 28:20, that He would never leave or forsake us.  That means we have the presence and essence of God with us always.  Paul tells us in ! Cor 6:19-20, that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  This means we have the presence of God with us always by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  This means we can experience a daily, moment by moment communion with Him.  This awareness of His presence is that part of prayer that we can take with us throughout our day to strengthen and encourage us.  This has been called practicing the presence of God.  Practicing God’s presence is something that must be learned and cultivated for the rest of our Christian life.  This is growing in the grace of God.  Paul calls it praying without ceasing. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Proverbs of Steel for July 28, 2021


Quotes for July 28, 2021


July 28 - Vignettes in Prayer

 July 28 - Vignettes in Prayer


     We have been looking at the varieties of prayer now we will look at the last one which is communion.  This is friendship and fellowship.  Jesus said in John 15:1-5, that he is the vine and we are the branches.  The branches will not bear fruit unless connected to the vine.  We need to be connected with God to bear much fruit.  This happens through prayer.  His presence is essential to our spiritual life and we  must stay connected through prayer.  We are called in this passage to abide in Him Jesus also warns that if we do not abide or connect with Him we can do nothing.  Paul says that without love we cannot produce, receive anything of value.  In fact without God’s love and connection we will produce nothing of real value.  Imagine going through life and at the end find out you have produced nothing of real value.  That is why daily communion with prayer is so important.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 Character Studies of Ruth

Ruth – A Moabite a Descendent of Lot.


-  The main character of the book of Ruth.

-  Former Wife of Chilion, son of Abimelech and Noami.  Ruth 1:4

-  Woman of consistency.  Ruth 1:16

-  Filial love and godliness.  Ruth 1:16

-  Industrious and hard worker. Ruth 2:6-7 & 23

-  Filial obedience did what her mother-in-law instructed.  Ruth 3:5

- A spotless name.  Ruth 3:11

-  Was recognized for her good deeds.  Ruth 2:11-13

-  By life was enriched by accepting the counsel of elder friend.  Ruth 3:1-5

-  She made good family choices.  Ruth 4:10-11

-  Her confession of faith exalted her to a royal line.  Ruth 1:16-17 & 4:13-17

-  She made a declaration of faith and a wise choice.  Ruth 1:16


Her Confession of Faith!


     “Where you go, I go, where you stay, I stay, your people, are my people, your God is my God.  Where you are buried, I will be buried and nothing but death will separate us.”


-  She married Boaz who was the son of Salmon who had married Rahab and their first     

    Boy was Obed, whose son was Jesse who was the father of King David.  Ruth 4:21-22

    Who Jesus’ family came from.  Matt 1:5




-  Wife of Abimelech Ruth 1:2

-  One of three main characters of book of Ruth.

-  Mother of Mahlon and Chilion.  Ruth 1:2

- Moved to Moab with family during famine and they lived there for 10 years Ruth 1:1-4

-  Her husband and sons died in Moab.  Ruth 1:3-5

-  From Bethlehem and chose to return home & was accompanied by daughter-in-law

    Named Ruth after Ruth refused to leave.   Ruth 1:18

-  Blamed God for her tragedy and became bitter.  Ruth1:20-21

-  Was a matchmaker.  Ruth 2:22-23 & 3:1-4

-  Had her bitterness turned to joy and restoration.  Ruth 4:15-17

-  Was in the family line of David and Jesus.  Ruth 4:18-22




-  Son of Salmon & Rahab of Jericho.  Ruth 4:21 and Matt 1:5

-  Descendant of David.  Ruth 4:22, Matt 1:5 & Luke 3:32

-  A rich man from Bethlehem.  Ruth 2:1

-  Was kind to Ruth.  Ruth 2:8-9

-  A man of integrity and honesty.  Ruth 3:18

-  Was not a younger man.  Ruth 3:11

-  Was a kinsman-redeemer.  Ruth 4:9-12

-  When he redeemed Ruth & Naomi he was a type of Christ who redeemed mankind.  Ruth 4:9-12

July 27 - Vignettes on Prayer

July 27 - Vignettes on Prayer


     There will be times when God does not seem to heed our prayers.  On these occasions He may simply say it is not best for you right now.  Remember God answers prayer three ways, yes, no and wait a while.  Timing is everything.  God knows how to best meet your need and when.  I have found He is never late or early but always on time.  Over the many decades of serving the Lord I have hundreds of examples of God meeting the need on time.  An important principle to remember if God answers no, He knows that you may not be able to handle it.  Another reason for answering no is because you ask for purely selfish reasons.   The key principle to bear in mind regarding petition or praying for your own needs is persistence.  Sometimes God just wants to find out why and how determined you are to get it.  The secret is not giving up and not shutting up.  Luke 18:1-8, is the story of the persistent widow.  Jesus told this so we would never give up and never surrender in prayer until we have received an answer.  

     There will be times when God does not seem to heed our prayers.  On these occasions He may simply say it is not best for you right now.  Remember God answers prayer three ways, yes, no and wait a while.  Timing is everything.  God knows how to best meet your need and when.  I have found He is never late or early but always on time.  Over the many decades of serving the Lord I have hundreds of examples of God meeting the need on time.  An important principle to remember if God answers no, He knows that you may not be able to handle it.  Another reason for answering no is because you ask for purely selfish reasons.   The key principle to bear in mind regarding petition or praying for your own needs is persistence.  Sometimes God just wants to find out why and how determined you are to get it.  The secret is not giving up and not shutting up.  Luke 18:1-8, is the story of the persistent widow.  Jesus told this so we would never give up and never surrender in prayer until we have received an answer.  

Judges of the Bible

 Judges – God Raised Them Up


            God raised up men and women who delivered the nation of Israel out of trouble many times.  It seemed that the nation would follow the leading of the judge for as long as they lived but then, would follow other ways.  The judges were both military and civil leaders.  The book is an account of 14 judges who ruled over the nation.  It is from the time of the death of Joshua until Eli.  The time span of the book is approximately 400 years.  It shows the development of Israel and its religion.  It covers the time from when the tribes were separate until the time of the monarchy.  The problems of the tribes are clearly shown.  This book gives the philosophy of Israel’s history.  It shows that neglect of God will bring grave consequences.  Repentance brings divine favour.  The book portrays a series of relapses into idolatry by Israel, followed by invasion and oppression by their enemies.  It reveals that God deals with nations and individuals and these lessons would be good for all to learn.


Theme:  Eyesight instead of faith sight.  Every man did what was right in his own eyes.


Judges emphasize:  Spirit-filled people are needed to lead in times of emergencies. 


1.  In our struggles God is there to direct us along if we are willing to follow Him.

2.  Do not follow the philosophy that I can do my own thing, follow God and He will give you

     Victory over your many enemies.

3.  God wants to lead us into perfect peace as He used the judges.  He uses the Holy Spirit in the

     Believer’s life.  Unlike the nation of Israel, let us never leave the safety of the Lord’s camp.

4.  Human failure is a stepping stone to divine mercy and deliverance. 

5.  The power of prayer in emergencies is when you cry out to God with your whole heart.


Author:  It is not really known who wrote the book of Judges.  Most scholars believe it was Samuel who wrote it during his retirement.


Note:  This book is a companion book to Galatians.  The relapse of Israel into idolatry is like a Christian who allows themselves to relapse into ceremonial and faithless religion.




Israel captured and serving Baal                                  Ch 1:1-3:14

Ehud delivers from Moab                                Ch 3:15-30

Shamgar                                                           Ch 3:31

Deborah and Barak                                          Ch 4:1-5:31

Gideon the conqueror of Midian                                 Ch 6:1-8:35

Abimelech                                                       Ch 9

Oppression of Philistines and Ammonites       Ch 10

Jephthah and his tragic vow                             Ch 11

Jehpthah and his successors                            Ch 12

Manoah and the Philistines                              Ch 13

Samson                                                             Ch 14-16

Micah                                                              Ch 17

Danites and Micah’s idols                                Ch 18

The Levite tragedy                                           Ch 19

The guilty to be punished and a civil war        Ch 20

The destruction and restoration of  Benjamin  Ch 21

Judges of Israel


1.  Othniel.  Jud 3:9                                       2.  Ehud.  Jud 3:15

3.  Shamgar.  Jud 3:31                                  4.  Deborah. Jud 4:5

5.  Barak.  Jud 4:6                                         6.  Gideon.  Jud 6:36

7.  Abimelech.  Jud 9:1                                 8.  Tola.  Jud 10:1

9.  Jair.  Jud 10:3                                           10. Jephthah.  Jug 11:11

11. Ibzan.  Jud 12:8                                       12. Elon.  Jud 12:11

13. Abdon.  Jud 12:13                                   14. Samson.  Jud 16:30

15. Eli.  1 Sam 4:18                                        16.  Samuel.  1 Sam 7:15