Friday, June 12, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Italy.

To the Church and Nation of Italy.

     I have a warning and an encouragement for you.  You are an ancient land with a rich culture ad heritage.  You were at once a world leader in military, culture, society, and might.  You were the cradle and still are a strong force for me around the world.  I will tell you now that you will never claim back your glory and past fame.  You have three good things about you.  First, you are the home of my first church.  You listened to my voice, believed in me and then from you came some my most effective voices.  Next, you embraced the reforms and renaissance that I gave.  Your cities had fame and influence.  They spread my message through, word, art, culture, and inventions.  Thirdly, you fought oppression and work for the poor and still are a caring society.  My warning is that you also were guilty of persecuting my people and killing them.  This is why I judged you and why you have never reclaimed your past glory.  In the near future, you will become the center for the antichrist and the false prophet.  To this end, I will judge you and destroy you.  The false church will rise out of you and the nations close to you,  You will try one more time to regain your glory and for this, I will bring you down.
   To the church, I give you a warning as well.  You have forgotten your first love and you have become lukewarm.  I warn you now to return to me while there is yet time.  I know there is a remnant among you who are zealous, courageous and strong.  Yet in comparison to the majority who claim to know me there, it is not large.  Those who claim to know me are following, idols, icons, tradition and the teaching of men.  I call you back to truth, righteousness and my word.  To my remnant, I will give you three things.  First the power and anointing to reach those who you will share with.  Next, I will make you shine as a light in a dark world.  Lastly, I will give you your families and household salvation.  My coming is soon so to prepare your oil and lamps and not be caught unaware.

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