Saturday, June 20, 2020

The dragon

June 20 - The Dragon - Rev 12:4

Vs 4 – The dragon had a tail and this tail was dragging a third of the stars in heaven.  This refers to the angelic beings.  This chapter gives us a glimpse into what happened before the creation of the world.  Now we know from Isaiah that satan use to be known as Lucifer.  He was the guardian of God’s throne.  The chief musician of heaven and one of the three archangels.  He allowed pride to consume him.  He led a war in heaven and he lost.  Before the war however he was able to convince one third of the angels to participate in the rebellion.  This lead to several things.  First, they became totally corrupt their primary function now is to rob, kill and destroy.  They will do anything to keep mankind from God.  Next, they crave worship.  They have been detached from the creator so now their existence depends on worship and connection with the created or mankind.  They feed off our worship and spiritual resources.  That is why Isaiah stated that whenever we worship idols and deities we are actually worshipping demons.
     Now satan and his demons came to the earth with one goal.  They stood before the woman who was ready to deliver to devour the child as soon as it was born.  Satan knew that salvation was coming through Israel so he did everything to kill the babe.  Herod killed all the children of Bethlehem .  God had others plans though.

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