Thursday, June 4, 2020

Prophesy again

June 4 - Prophesy again - Rev 10:11

Vs 11 – John is now commissioned.  He is to prophesy or be a herald for the Lord.  He is told that he has been reactivated.  At this moment he was on the island of Patmos but he obviously would be released and he primarily responsibility was again to tell others.  The island he was currently on was not his last stopping point before going on to glory. 
     The scope of his mission has a fourfold emphasis.   This book, message and revelation would be first universal.  People from every race, creed and color would be the recipients of this message.  No people group was to be missed.  All mankind need to hear this word.  Next, nations.  Jesus said the gospel was to be preached in all nations.  This book would be read in every nation for generations.  It would bring hope, fear, awe and amazement.  No nation would be missed no people group left behind.  Thirdly, languages.  There are 6500 languages and the Bible has been translated into 698.  The New Testament has been translated into 1548 at the writing of this commentary.  There are still thousands of languages this message must be translated.  John began the work it is ours to finish it.  Lastly, it is to be presented to kings and leaders throughout the world.  They must know the consequences of their decisions.  They must make sure they are not the agents of evil but of truth.  They must be aware that kings and nations will be judged on how they conduct themselves before the Lord.  All mankind must be aware of what is about to happen.  Ignorance does not have to be a factor.  They can know the truth and the truth can set them free.  

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