Tuesday, June 23, 2020

To the Nation and Church of Kiribati

To the Nation and Church of Kiribati

    I know that at one time you were in darkness.  You gave yourself to idols, demon worship and cannibalism.  In those days you lived in fear, despair, and lies.  Those were days when you oppressed one another.  You feared any one that was from other places.  You chose to intermarry and this weakened you and made you sick.  In every way, you were in darkness.  Even though you lived in paradise you lived in a prison.  When the light of the gospel came you receive it with joy because you saw the light, the love, mercy, grace, and peace it brought.  You became a light in your world.  My missionaries went from island to island and were received with the same zeal because darkness was broken through the prayers of the saints.   The challenge you have now is the resurgence of the old ways.  Many want to embrace the demons, sorcery, and occult as part of the culture.  I will be with you as your warn and battle these forces of darkness.
     To my church, I have three promises for you.  First, I will help you defeat your enemies.  Be strong and courageous.  I have already defeated your enemies.  I will undue all his work and he will not succeed in any attack against you.  I will destroy your foes and humiliate them just like I did Pharaoh.  I will be with you.  I will never forsake or leave you.  You will see my glory, authority, anointing, enablement, and provision.  Your best days are ahead.  The beauty of your land will be your jewel and glory.

Cosmic Conflict

June 23 - Cosmic conflict - Rev 12:7-8

Vs 7-8 – Now we get a glimpse into the past and the presence.  There was a war in heaven.  Michael who is the captain of the Lord’s host, the warrior commander and the princely protector of Israel fought a war angel satan and his angels.  Lucifer managed to convince a third of the angels to rebel against God.  It obvious had a cosmic effect.  The dragon lost.  They lost their original habitation.  They were cast out of heaven.
     This happened before the foundation of the universe.  Created beings have been given the gift of free will.  For the angels the rejection of God carried an eternal price.  They lost their beauty, majesty and nature.  They became corrupt, wicked and ugly.  They lost the purity, love, compassion and truth.  They now lie, test, and deceive.  They only have one agenda and that is to rob kill and destroy.  Their mission is to corrupt and destroy mankind.  They will never show mercy, grace, kindness or love.  They promise the world and deliver only destruction.  They lost their place, way and their purpose

Proverbs of Steel - June 23

Monday, June 22, 2020

A place prepared

June 22 - A place prepared - Rev 12:6

Vs 6 – So she fled to the wilderness to a place prepared by God.  Now this is of course a reference to how the Lord kept Israel in the wilderness for 40 years.  This also refers to what will happen to the Jews when they reject the beast or anti-christ.  They will have to flee from Jerusalem out to the wilderness of Sinai or in the desert places of the middle east.  They will be kept from the devil.  The Lord will keep them for 1260 days.  It is obvious that in the last three and a half years of the Tribulation period the beast will try to hunt Israel down but will not be able to find or destroy them.   God has always promised to keep and meet the needs of His people.  This is a promise of daily provision, protection and fellowship.  This is also a reminder that the Lord still has strong dealings with His covenant people the Jews.   The Lord keeps His people in perfect peace when they put their trust in Him.

To the Church and Country of Kenya

To the Church and Country of Kenya

   I have a rebuke and a commendation for you today.  First, I am not pleased with you because you have allowed slavery in your land and even now many children are working and being exploited.  This is to your shame.  Remember you are not to hurt the innocent and the children.  They are under my protection and you must cease this practice.  Your commendation is that you have refused to give in to pressure from outside forces to allow practices that are forbidden by my word.  You are trying to incorporate justice, law, and truth.  I am pleased with you.  I also commend you on how you have given yourself to me as a nation.
     To my church, I will continue to bless you.  You have been very successful in reaching your nation.  I will even give you more.  You will reach nations closed to me by your prayers, courage, and willingness to suffer.  The poverty that you have experienced will be a source of try victory.  It has made you rely on me and because of that, you have seen my provision.  I am also pleased with your generosity and love for those who have no voice.  You love the widow, orphan and the poor.  I have three promises for you today.  I will take away your sickness in any form.  I am your healer.  Next, I will bless you in all you do and you will see my abundance and prosperity and thirdly, I will help you be an overcomer, a victor, and a conqueror.  These are my promises to you.  So rejoice and be glad.  Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness for his goodness is to you and to all who follow you.

Proverbs of Steel

Saturday, June 20, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Kazakhstan

To the Church and Nation of Kazakhstan

You are the ancient land of Persian and Scythians.  You have been called the silk and iron country.  You are a large country in which few people lived.  You have been blessed with resources and beauty.  I have a rebuke and a promise to you today.  I know you are oppressive and authoritative.  You want order and stability.  As the days close and as we draw near to the day of the Lord.  You will make a choice.  You will have to choose between your old ways and the new ways of the antichrist.  Some will choose the old but many will choose the new one.  The promise is that in this time this message comes and many of you will turn to me.  I know that you are a land of Islam but I have been pouring my Spirit on you.  The promise is that this move of God will happen among your young people.  They have seen atheism, Islam, Buddism, and traditional ways.  They see how flawed and oppressive each one is.  They want freedom and they will receive it from me.  Remember who the Son sets free is free indeed.  This is your moment my people so seize it.  Be not afraid, my promise is you will see my glory, power, and healing upon those who call.
     To my people, I have four promises for you today.  I will multiply you.  You will see daily those who I will save.  I will bless you with children.  They were many who will come to you in childlike faith and you will disciple them and be their spiritual parents.  Thirdly, I will bless you with fruit.  Jesus said, He would be given fruit and it will remain that is my promise to you and lastly, I give you increase.  I will bless every aspect of your life.  You will blessed coming and going.  This is my promise to you.  Be bold and be strong you for the Lord is with you.

The dragon

June 20 - The Dragon - Rev 12:4

Vs 4 – The dragon had a tail and this tail was dragging a third of the stars in heaven.  This refers to the angelic beings.  This chapter gives us a glimpse into what happened before the creation of the world.  Now we know from Isaiah that satan use to be known as Lucifer.  He was the guardian of God’s throne.  The chief musician of heaven and one of the three archangels.  He allowed pride to consume him.  He led a war in heaven and he lost.  Before the war however he was able to convince one third of the angels to participate in the rebellion.  This lead to several things.  First, they became totally corrupt their primary function now is to rob, kill and destroy.  They will do anything to keep mankind from God.  Next, they crave worship.  They have been detached from the creator so now their existence depends on worship and connection with the created or mankind.  They feed off our worship and spiritual resources.  That is why Isaiah stated that whenever we worship idols and deities we are actually worshipping demons.
     Now satan and his demons came to the earth with one goal.  They stood before the woman who was ready to deliver to devour the child as soon as it was born.  Satan knew that salvation was coming through Israel so he did everything to kill the babe.  Herod killed all the children of Bethlehem .  God had others plans though.

Proverbs of Steel - June 20