Thursday, January 11, 2018

One generation away

 One generation away – Forty Five

The Church of Jesus Christ is always just generation away from extinction.  For centuries the enemies of Christ have tried to destroy the church but we know that nothing can prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ.  The church will always have times of trials and tribulation but the promise is that they who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.  The Lord is looking for the next Gideon, Jeremiah, Judah or Deborah.  There is a next Esther is waiting in the wings.  A child is being born and set aside for a time such as this.  The question is are you desiring to be that person?
     Harold Varley wrote, "The world has yet to see what God can do with a fully consecrated person."  Do you want to be that person?  Is it your desire to be the next Billy Graham?  Have you thought about the impact you could make on your world?  You are actually a champion for Jesus Crist if you want to be.  In every believer and Christian there is waiting a David to come out.  The Lord wants to make a slayer of every giant in the land.  Jesus said that we could ask anything in His name and we could have it.  What do you want from God?  What is your dream?     Ask it now in the name of Jesus.  The Apostle Paul took his world because he saw the risen Lord and took his message to the world.

     What is so amazing is that so many people are living below their potential.  In Eph 3:20, it says that God can do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we are able to ask or imagine.  The problem is that we are not asking.  Prayer is the most powerful thing in the universe because God is standing behind it.  Remember nothing is impossible for God.  It is now time for you to ask God for this generation.  There are children, young people, young adults, young families, families with teenagers, empty nesters and seniors waiting to be called out of darkness into the light.  Call them now.  Claim your promise, your heritage and legacy in the Lord.  Arise people of God and take you family, community and world for Jesus Christ.  Remember we are only one generation away from extinction

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