Psalm 181
Oh give thanks to
the Lord for His wonderful salvation.
For it was His love,
that motivated Him to send Jesus Christ.
The Lord had a
divine will that needed to be fulfilled.
Jesus was obedient
to that divine will and purpose.
Jesus hung on a
cross so we could have eternal and abundant life.
Jesus did not hang
on that cross because of He was friendless.
He could have
called a legion to come and rescue Him.
Jesus was not weak
when He hung on that cross.
He chose the time
and place of His death.
He said it is
finished when the work of redemption was finished.
So what was it that
kept Jesus on that old rugged cross?
That cross stained
with blood so divine and powerful.
It was our sins and
their power over our lives.
Jesus knew that
only His death could set us free from sin.
Death, hell and the
grave could only be defeated by His sacrifice.
Jesus stayed on
that cross until it was finished because of love.
What love, what
great love Jesus had for us that He gave all.
For God so love the
world that He gave us Jesus.
Jesus was resigned
and obedient to the divine will.
It was God’s will
and plan that we would be saved and Jesus did this for us.
Jesus submitted
Himself to the will of the Father.
He was loyal to the
divine purpose and plan.
Praise the Lord for
His broken body and shed blood.
We thank Him for
His death burial and resurrection.
Without them we
would be lost. Thank you for your love O
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