Do not Compromise - Seven
Lord is looking for people who will obey and not compromise. Saul was given a task back in 1 Samuel
15. He was told to destroy the enemies
of God. Instead he kept tribute and did
not destroy the king. The Lord and
Samuel were greatly distressed because Saul only partly obeyed. Partial surrender is the most prevalent sin
in the church. We obey to a
measure. Partial obedience is like doing
a half job. It shows lack of commitment
and a flaw in our character. Half
measures will never be good enough. It
is like running half the race and expecting to be rewarded. Society has lowered the bar of expectation
but God has not. Partial surrender is
called lukewarmness and Revelation 3, reminds us that a lukewarm Christian will be spitted out. Today throw away your disobedience, lukewarm
hearts and come back to God. He will
heal, restore and revive you. Hunger
again for righteousness. Thirst for
Truth. Be desperate for God. His promise is that He will revive and
restore you. Pray because the answer is
on the way.
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