Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Cry for Revival and Obedience.

A Cry for Revival and Obedience.  -  Six

     The Lord is speaking once again to His people about a personal time of reflection and revival.  “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?”   Psalm 85:6.  The church of the Lord has become rich and increased with goods and lacking nothing.  The reality for most churches today is that we are wretched, pitiful naked, blind and lame.  Yet the Lord has a great promise.  If we will call unto Him He will not only answer but will change us.  The Lord is willing and able to change us but we need to want to change.  No major change is going to happen unless we see the need to change and that has been the problem.  We have not seen the eroding of morality and social change.    We have been caught up in selfish and self centered lifestyle.  A conversation I had with someone today summed up the reality of many people’s lives.  They are just waiting to die.  Most today do not see each day as an opportunity to change others for eternity.  When was the last time you cried out for the soul of another?   Was it today, last week, last year or never?  The Lord is asking His people to weep lament and cry over their sin and the sin of their society.  Aw Tozer wrote that many today are praying for revival but are not willing to obey God to bring about revival.  “ Obedience is better than sacrifice”, Samuel told Saul.  We will not have revival until we obey God.  We will not have revival until we want holiness, righteousness and truth.    The promise of Psalm 85:6 is that God will revive us again if we ask.  His people will rejoice in Him when we are revived.  Gypsy Smith was asked one time how a revival started, he said, “Draw a circle around yourself and do not come out until you are revived.”   That is how revival starts.    

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