Saturday, April 18, 2015

To the church in Toronto

To the City of Toronto  - Five

     It has been two decades since my last major move in your city.  In recent years your city has been sparked and plagued by controversy by flamboyant self centre and self driven people.  I have given you a time of rest but several things need to be address.  I see my people as lethargic and slow to respond to my words.  This is about to change quickly.  I am now raising up a new generation of people who are going to seek me and then when they hear my instructions they are going to move quickly and decisively.  I have heard your many prayers and am about to answer them.  My Spirit will be poured on those churches and people who are hungry and ready to receive.  What disappointed me in my last out pouring is the debate many of my own got into over the signs and wonders I did.  Many did not accept this because it was not according to the way they viewed how I do things.  Remember I do not do things according to how you see things.  I do it according to my will and purpose.  I give you a strong word.  This time if you debate what I do, I will not give it to you.  Unity is what I am looking for.  Not unity at all costs but I do my best work when my people are in one accord.  I will give the fullness of my Spirit to the hungry, thirsty and desperate.  I urge you to choose to become this.  Canada`s largest city is about to be shaken too its very core.  All over the city churches are going to experience a hungering and thirsting for righteousness.  The acceptance of the unholy and profane will no longer be tolerated by my people.  I have called my people to be holy and they will be holy.  Toronto was once called, Toronto the good and Toronto the beautiful, and it shall be again.  This move will start as a spark but then become a raging fire across the city.  Once again Toronto will be a beacon in the world.  Once again people will flock to Toronto see experience what I am doing.  Prepare you heart, fast and pray.  A new day is about to dawn on you.  

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