Saturday, March 23, 2013

Parable 30 by Robert Dean Steel

Parable 30

     God has created many animals and each one is unique and different.  A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.  A bee must visit 4,000 flowers in order to make one tablespoon of honey.  Humpback whales create the loudest sound of any living creature.  Bald eagles may use the same nest year after year, adding more twigs and branches each time.  One nest was found that had been used for 34 years and weighed over two tons.  Great White Sharks can go as long as three months without eating.  A bee can see the colors green, blue and ultra-violet - but red looks like black.  A giant squid’s eyes have a diameter of 15 inches which are the largest of any animal.   A zebra is white with black stripes.  Mayflies live for a year or more as larvae; but as adults they live for only a few hours.  Bats always turn left when leaving a cave, 3 out of 10 Dalmation dogs suffer from hearing loss due to inbreeding.  Hummingbirds are the only animal that can also fly backwards.  Polar bears are the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet.
     The greatest creation is man.  We are marvelously created in the image of God.  A social, spiritual and moral likeness.  With all the wonderfully things that God has created it is hard to imagine people who refuse to believe in a creator, one who made the world.  The Psalmist said, "it is the fool that says there is no God."  Which are you?

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