Saturday, March 23, 2013

Parable 25 by Robert Dean Steel

Parable Twenty Five

   A housewife had just finished making a wonderful dinner for their family.   She called them all to come to the table.  When they began to appear she noticed little Johnny had dirty hands and face.  She ordered him to go to he bathroom and wash his hands and face.  He turned on his heels and proceeded to the bathroom where with vigor he washed his hands and face.  Returning to the table the family sat down, said grace and began eating their meal.
   Mom curiously asked Johnny why his face and hands were dirty considering he had been inside all day.  He responded by saying, "I have been gardening all day."  "Gardening," the mom responded a little surprised.  She thought nothing about it for a couple of moments.  Then a shocked look came over her face.  She immediately jumped up and ran from the table.  She yelled, "Johnny come here."  Johnny left the table along with everyone else.  In the solarium mom stood viewing Johnny's gardening,  Every plant and pot  had been tampered with.  Dirt and plants were everywhere.  Mom looked down and said, "Johnny what were you thinking."  Johnny replied, "Mom I was trying to help you."  Mom immediately changed her expression.  Yes, she was still angry but she put her arms around him and cuddled him.  She said, "I appreciate the effort."  Mom knew that plants and pots could be fixed or replaced but an opportunity to show love must be taken whenever is presents itself.

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