Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jesus be Glorified

In John 17, we have the prayer of Jesus for himself, the disciples and the church in general.  One of the recurring themes in this prayer time is that Jesus would be glorified.  The word glory has to do with the essence and character of God.  Jesus wanted to promote the character and nature of God in His life.  He wanted those of His generation to see the Father through His life and example.  Jesus showed who God really was.  If you see Jesus, you saw the Father and vice versa. This raises a challenge for us today.  If a person claims to be a Christian than they should be Christ like.  Their speech, thoughts, actions, attitudes and motives should glorify God.  He should be the foremost motive behind everything we do, think, speak and live.  That is unfortunately not the testimony of many who claim to know Christ.  Today is seems that even disciples of Christ often do not look any different than anyone else.  Most today suffer from "I" disease.  We want what we want and then to make it more presentable we put a little Christian flavor to it.  The question we should be asking ourselves is this, "Lord are you being glorified in my life?"  If we cannot answer that with a powerful, yes, than we need to come back to the cross and rededicate our lives again and start over.  This is something I do every morning.  Every day it is my wish that my life would be example for all to see.  There is an old song that goes like this, "If my life be glorified, today."  That is challenge I leave with you today.  Your promises today are:  John 17.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Remember beauty is fleeting and even plastic surgery cannot fix an ugly heart.  True beauty is rarely found in the mirror but in the heart.  

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