Saturday, March 30, 2013
Insight and Encouragement: Psalm 58 - Psalms of Steel - By Robert Dean Steel
Insight and Encouragement: Psalm 58 - Psalms of Steel - By Robert Dean Steel: Psalm 58 - Psalms of Steel The Lord abides and provides for His children. His love never fails, it gives hope to the hopeless, Faith to...
Psalm 58 - Psalms of Steel - By Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 58 - Psalms of Steel
The Lord abides and provides for His children.
His love never fails, it gives hope to the hopeless,
Faith to the discouraged and a future to the doubter.
The Lord breaks the bondage of sin, fear and hurt.
All diseases and sickness can be cured in His name.
Afflictions, trials, and problems can be defeated.
The secret is abiding in the Lord.
In that secret place. You will find rest for your soul.
In that quiet time. God will speak His love.
Your closet of prayer will refresh your innermost being.
Each moment you spend with Him, His will becomes clear.
Do not neglect your time with God.
Each moment is precious, it brings clarity to your heart.
And purpose, guidance and direction to your life.
As you abide in the Lord, He will abide with you.
The Lord will never forsake you or leave you.
The Lord will be closer than any brother.
In the place of abiding, you will learn trust.
In the Lord we can endure and overcome to the end.
We will stand and see the salvation of our God.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Parable 33 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Thirty Three
A young farmer was getting his fields ready for planting. He had just spent weeks tilling and preparing the soil. As the planting time approached he went to his storage area to get th seed for planting when he noticed that the door to the shed has been broken. He quickly ran inside and found that all his seed for planting had been stolen. It was devastating. That was all the seed he had and he had no money to go and buy more. The prospect of starvation was now looming on the horizon. That night he return to his home and told his young wife what had happened. That night both knew the future looked bleak, but being people who believed in the power of prayer they knelt down and prayed. They knew only divine help could save them.
The following morning a knock was heard on the door. A man was standing there. He said, "May I come in." The young farmer and little taken back said, "yes." He explained that he was sleeping and during the night a strong urge came upon him to pray. He began to seek God's face and this young farmer face and name came to him. The Lord instructed him to bring a wagon of seed to their home and give it to them.
The young farmer then explained what had happened and how they had prayed the night before. The man gave the young farmer the seed and even helped him plant it. When difficult circumstances happen and all doors seem shut. Open the window of prayer and see the heavens open and rain His love into you situation.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Make things right
In Matt 5:23-24. Jesus now teaches on what we need to do about making things right with the Lord and with others. He says when you are about to present an offering to the Lord and while you are there and you remember that your or you brother has something against you before you offer that gift to make it right. Often it is during these times of worship the Lord reminds us of unforgiveness or offenses that need to be dealt with. There is a story about an Indian chief who had wronged another man. He had become a Christian and when he saw this man he immediately made it right with his enemy and the result was that most of his tribe came to know Jesus. Our example can lead others in the same path of forgiveness and reconciliation. Your promises are Matt 6:33, John 17, 1 John 4:7-8. Your Insightful Sayings are: The person who encourages brings life to the bones, the one to criticizes brings death to the soul. Children are the best and the worst of their parents which always come out when the parent doesn't want it to happen
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
About about Anger
In Matt 5:21-22, Jesus deals with a common problem which is anger. It is both a root cause and symptom of unresolved issues. Murder in most cases is a crime of passion. A person becomes angry and this anger causes them to do things they would not normally do. Jesus says you have heard how in the past or in the teachings of the law, do not murder. Anyone murders will be brought before the judge. Evidence will be presented and a verdict will be rendered. Jesus then tackles the issue of what is behind murder and many other crimes, anger. Anger comes because of perception. A perception that as an individual you have been wronged. With this emotion comes two responses, a need to right the wrong or the need to punish the offender. We learn from Eph 4:26 that we can be angry and sin not. God gets angry and does not sin. What we get angry at or for what reason determines if it is sin or not. Immorality, injustice, rebellion and sin in any form we can become angry at. When anger is wrong is when we direct it at others for issues we personally struggle with. Jesus says when we become angry and it leads to action against another we will be brought before the judge. If we are angry for no real reason we are in danger of judgment. If we call a person a fool, a good for nothing or raca which is a Hebrew swear word we are in danger of hell. All of these are sayings that demean a person created in the image of God. Your promises are: 2 Chron 7:14, Psalm 23, Isaiah 41:10 and 1 John 4:7-8. Your Insightful Sayings are: Success is strickley a matter of perspective. You may have riches and still be a failure as a person. You can have nothing and be a success as a person. God has never hidden Himself from man's view. Creation declares His glory and power. Man has chosen to look in the wrong places and ways.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Being a follower of Christ
In Matt 5:17-20, Jesus taught about His relationship to the law and how the follower of Christ is to respond to the law. Kingdom living is one of faith and practical application of its principles. Jesus did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. The law should bring us to Christ. Jesus fulfilled its requirements. The law will not be done away until it has fulfilled its purpose. Its purpose was fulfilled and accomplished in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Disobedience to the law and teaching others to do the same makes an individual the least in the Kingdom. Jesus dealt with pride and self righteousness in this portion. If one obeys and teaches others to do likewise will be considered great in the Kingdom. Obedience is the key in the Kingdom. Influence is also a key component in the Kingdom. Then Jesus puts an important statement about righteousness here. Unless a person is able to out perform the Pharisees and the teachers of the law in acts of righteousness they will not enter the Kingdom. In a final statement Jesus makes it clear that righteousness is not accomplished through works but through grace. Jesus also makes it clear that the law had its purpose but the only way to fully merit its demands you must come through Him. The Kingdom of God is not about works but grace. Your promises today are: 2 Sam 22:31, Job 13:15, Psalm 25:2, 40:4, Isaiah 12:2 and 1 Thess 2:4. Your Insightful Sayings are: Men rarely ask the five W's because they associate the first W with either woman or wife. Man's best effort does not even come close to God's worst mistake if He ever made one.
Monday, March 25, 2013
The Passion week
Jesus had a very busy week during the passion week. After He had been escorted into the city by the crowds proclaiming Him to be the Messiah, Jesus went and cleanse the temple. The Bible says it was the zeal of the Lord that motived Him. He saw that the temple had been turned into a place of business instead of what it had been designed for. The temple was built as a place of prayer, worship and meeting with God. Men can do that with places designed for God. Today we have been called the temple of the Holy Spirit. Our bodies are designed to be places of worship, prayer and meeting with God. The challenge that each one of us face is whether or not we will allow the Lord to have number one place. Everyday we whould ask ourselves the following questions. Lord are you being glorified in my life? Does my life reflect you motives, thoughts, words, deeds and attitudes? Am I an example for you? Three questions that if not answered in the affirmative should motivate us to look long and hard to change the way we live. Jesus died so you and I could have salvation and He paid a heavy price. If you are unsure where to start here are two suggestions. First, Matt 22:37-40, loving the Lord with everything we have and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Secondly, instead of having the ten commandments on your wall put them in your heart. These two are a great starting point. They will help you get on the right track to glorify the Lord.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Blessed are the Persecuted
March 23 – Matt 5:11-12 – Blessed are the Persecuted.
finished the thought of persecution by reminding His audience there are three
consequences or realities that come with being His followers. First, you will be insulted. An insult is the verbal reaction to hatred or
misunderstanding. When someone does not
understand, agree or hates what you stand for there is going to be a negative
reaction. David calls them mockers. A mocking spirit comes from an unredeemed
heart. When a person does not know
Christ they belong to the kingdom of darkness and their master is satan. They do not understand you, whom you serve or
what you stand for so they will insult, slander and malign you. Secondly, you will be persecuted, people will
become hostile, abusive and cruel to you.
They will harass you. Friends
become enemies, family become abusive and hostile. All because we are His followers. Thirdly, you will be lied about. Satan is the father of all lies and so his
followers will use the same method of attack.
reaction should be one of happiness and rejoicing. When the disciples were beaten for the sake of
the gospel, they rejoiced. To be counted
worthy to suffer for Christ has been a badge of courage from the beginning of
the church. Jesus says a reward is being
held or kept in heaven for you. Do not
let a little persecution on earth keep you from your reward in heaven.
then closes this thought with reminding His audience that they persecuted the
prophets who were before them. Religious
establishment resent change. It upsets
social, religious and often economic realities.
Often new ideas and ways of doing things are met with opposition because
of ignorance and fear. God is always
doing a new thing because man loves stability, security and self
importance. These things in themselves
are not bad but they are factors that lead to resistance to necessary
change. Today remember when God is
making the necessary changes in your life don’t be surprised by those around
you to resist it and remember your in good company when people react
Parable 32 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Thirty Two
There is the promise of Proverbs 22:6, which states, "Train a child in the way they should go and they will of depart from it." This promise is wonderful illustrated in the story of the Swallows return to this particular place every year. The miracle of the "Swallows" of Capistrano takes place each year at the Mission San Juan Capistrano, on March 19th, St. Joseph's Day. As the little birds wing their way back to the most famous Mission in California, the village of San Juan Capistrano takes on a fiesta air and the visitors from all parts of the world, and all walks of life, gather in great numbers to witness the "miracle" of the return of the swallows.
Each year the "Scout Swallows" precede the main flock by a few days and it seems to be their chief duty to clear the way for the main flock to arrive at the "Old Mission" of Capistrano. With the arrival of early dawn on St. Joseph's Day, the little birds begin to arrive and begin rebuilding their mud nests, which are clinging to the ruins of the old stone church of San Juan Capistrano.
This Chapel, said to be the largest and most ornate in any of the missions, now has a more humble destiny. After the summer spent within the sheltered walls of the Old Mission in San Juan Capistrano, the swallows take flight again, and on the Day of San Juan, October 23, they leave after circling the Mission bidding farewell to the Mission.
This illustrates wonderfully the promise of God working on the hearts of the wayward pilgrim. He will call them back. As the swallows return so by God`s grace shall those who were trained and mentored as children the ways of God.
Parable 31 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Thirty One - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
It has been said we only use about five percent of our brain. This most biblical scholars believe is because of the fall. When man choose disobedience over the obedience to God. Here is what we do know about our brain. The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy. There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts.
Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. Ever wonder how you can react so fast to things round you or why that stubbed toe hurts right away? It’s due to the super-speedy movement of nerve impulses from your brain to the rest of your body and vice versa, bringing reactions at the speed of a high powered luxury sports car.
The brain operates on the same amount of power as 10-watt light bulb. Your brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb even when you’re sleeping.
The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica. Or any other encyclopedia for that matter. Scientists have yet to settle on a definitive amount, but the storage capacity of the brain in electronic terms is thought to be between 3 or even 1,000 terabytes. The National Archives of Britain, containing over 900 years of history, only takes up 70 terabytes, making your brain’s memory power pretty impressive.
Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen that enters your bloodstream. The brain only makes up about 2% of our body mass, yet consumes more oxygen than any other organ in the body, making it extremely susceptible to damage related to oxygen deprivation. So breathe deep to keep your brain happy and swimming in oxygenated cells.
God has given you a mind to sort out truth. Here is one truth. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father but by Him. Use your brain and mind to make a decision to serve the Lord. A wise man will make the right decision.
Parable 30 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable 30
God has created many animals and each one is unique and different. A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours. A bee must visit 4,000 flowers in order to make one tablespoon of honey. Humpback whales create the loudest sound of any living creature. Bald eagles may use the same nest year after year, adding more twigs and branches each time. One nest was found that had been used for 34 years and weighed over two tons. Great White Sharks can go as long as three months without eating. A bee can see the colors green, blue and ultra-violet - but red looks like black. A giant squid’s eyes have a diameter of 15 inches which are the largest of any animal. A zebra is white with black stripes. Mayflies live for a year or more as larvae; but as adults they live for only a few hours. Bats always turn left when leaving a cave, 3 out of 10 Dalmation dogs suffer from hearing loss due to inbreeding. Hummingbirds are the only animal that can also fly backwards. Polar bears are the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet.
The greatest creation is man. We are marvelously created in the image of God. A social, spiritual and moral likeness. With all the wonderfully things that God has created it is hard to imagine people who refuse to believe in a creator, one who made the world. The Psalmist said, "it is the fool that says there is no God." Which are you?
Parable 29 by Robert Dean steel
Parable Twenty Nine
There is a great deal we can learn from the animals especially when it comes to monogamus relationship. There's a reason that turtle doves come in pairs of two they are among 11 known animals that mate for life. The eagle, wolf, swan are among this exclusive group. The turtle dove is fiercely loyal to its mate. It only seeks another mate if the other mate dies. These emblems of love and faithfulness have even inspired poetry and stories through out the centuries. This is one time mankind could learn from the animals. In our immoral and inconsistent generation where love is cheapened and even trampled under foot in the name of selfishness let us talk to the animals and learn from them.
Parable 28 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty Seven
A young woman who lived on a farm was late for church one Sunday. Her family had already left but her father had left her one of the farm trucks to use. She finally was ready and strolled out to the old truck. She put the keys in the ignition, turned the key and nothing happened. She tried several times with the same results. This was before cell phones so see was literally stuck. The next farm was two miles away and she thought to herself, "what I am I going to do." She had promised to teach Sunday and she did not want to break her commitment.
She said to herself, "I need divine help," so she closed her eyes and prayed. She prayed, "Lord send someone to help, an angel would be nice, one who can fix trucks." No sooner had the words left her mouth when she heard a rap on the window beside her. It made her jump with a start. There standing beside the truck was a young man. He said, "Do you need help?" She replied, "The truck won't start and I have to get to town to teach Sunday School at my church?" The young man said, "Well let's see what we can do?" He went around to the front of the truck and said, "pop the hood." She grabbed the hood release, the hood opened up, he lift the hood up and peered under the it. He said, "there' your problem, loose and dirty battery cables. Can I use your dad' tools to fix them?" She said, "Sure they are in the garage."
So the young man went into the barn and came back with a wire brush, screwdriver and an adjustable wrench. He cleaned and tightened the cables. Then he said, "Turn on the ignition." The truck started right away. He close the hood and said, "I will return these to the garage." He went into the garage but did come out. The young woman wanted to thank him so she got out of the truck went into the garage and he was not there. There was no sign of him anywhere. The young woman got into the truck and drove to town and to church. As she drove she wondered if she had just had an angelic visit or not.
Parable 27 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty Seven
There is a continious story of a young man who hitch hikes and who has for decades been pick up by numerous people. Recently this young man was pick up between Calgary and Lethbridge by a woman. He chatted with her for a while and then told her that Jesus was coming back soon and live ready. She then for a moment turned away and he disappear from inside her car. This has been this mysterious young man's motive of operation in every one of these meetings. It this another urban myth or angelic encounter?
The reality is for the Christian this story should not matter if it is true or not. The Christian should live ready. We do know that the return of Christ is immanent. We should not need a heavenly messenger to remind us of this fact. The truth of the matter is Jesus is coming and like children playing hide and seek, "Here he comes ready or not?
Parable 26 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty Six
The year was 1945 and Christmas time had come to the city of Toronto. A large department store had just set up their Christmas display which included a Santa Claus village and a nativity scene. A special group of children were invited to the opening of the Christmas department of the store. They were recent immigrants from Europe. Children whose parents had been killed during the war and had been adopted by Canadian families.
The store as an act of generosity was going to allow each children one gift of their choice to call their own. The children were marveling over the displays when one little five year boy saw the nativity scene and then began to run around the store looking under tables, chairs and displays. One of the clerk's ask him what he was doing and he looked with tears in his eyes and said, "Where's baby Jesus." As young as he was he knew that you could not have manger scene or Christmas without the Baby Jesus.
Immediately the department manager found a baby boy doll and had it dressed up as Baby Jesus. The boy smiled and pick out his gift. That day a whole department store was reminded you cannot take Jesus out of Christmas even though today, many try.
Parable 25 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty Five
A housewife had just finished making a wonderful dinner for their family. She called them all to come to the table. When they began to appear she noticed little Johnny had dirty hands and face. She ordered him to go to he bathroom and wash his hands and face. He turned on his heels and proceeded to the bathroom where with vigor he washed his hands and face. Returning to the table the family sat down, said grace and began eating their meal.
Mom curiously asked Johnny why his face and hands were dirty considering he had been inside all day. He responded by saying, "I have been gardening all day." "Gardening," the mom responded a little surprised. She thought nothing about it for a couple of moments. Then a shocked look came over her face. She immediately jumped up and ran from the table. She yelled, "Johnny come here." Johnny left the table along with everyone else. In the solarium mom stood viewing Johnny's gardening, Every plant and pot had been tampered with. Dirt and plants were everywhere. Mom looked down and said, "Johnny what were you thinking." Johnny replied, "Mom I was trying to help you." Mom immediately changed her expression. Yes, she was still angry but she put her arms around him and cuddled him. She said, "I appreciate the effort." Mom knew that plants and pots could be fixed or replaced but an opportunity to show love must be taken whenever is presents itself.
Parable 24 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty Four
The family was quietly sleeping in their tent trailer in a local national park. It was early in the morning when the paw of a grizzly bear came through the side of the tent trailer One of the teenage boys woke up just in time an yelled as the paw just missed his head by inches. He screamed, "There is a bear coming into the trailer."
The entire family woke up with startled expressions and actions. Immediately the dad, mom and two teenagers jumped up, opened the door and ran out into the morning light. The mom however before she exited the trailer grabbed a 12 inch cast iron frying pan and a large pot. As they rounded the corner on the other side of the side of the trailer they came face to face with the rather large bear. The mother who was not even five foot tall and weighed only a hundred pounds, stepped forward and confronted the bear. She raised her hands with the frying pan in hand and delivered a two handed downward blow to the nose and face of the grizzly bear.
The bear immediately turned and ran away bawling as he went. The mom immediately gave chase yelling and cursing the bear in three different languages. As she was chasing the bear she was waving the pot and frying pan wildly. The bear was almost out of range when she threw the pot at the bear`s rump. The pot hit the bear`s rear end with such force it caused the bear to sit down and reduce to the pot to a mangled mess. The blow from the pot caused the bear to run even faster into the underbrush a feet feet away.
The mother stood at the edge of the underbrush, huffing and puffing and when she was sure the bear was gone retrieved the mangle pot and returned to her family. As she arrived she said, "That bear better not come back or I will give him more, no one is going to hurt my family."
True courage is measured on how we react when faced with danger and the protection of the people we love.
Parable 23 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty Three
A man one day was exploring a local flea market. He came to a particular shop where he went in and looked at different items for sale. He looked over items such as watches, jewelery, electronic gadgets, tools, household items and local art and paintings. Finally after a long time he spotted a rather striking painting. It was a landscape and he loved the technique, color and the way the artist painted the image. He bought the painting, took it home and place in a prominent place in his den.
An amount of time past when one day an old friend came to visit. His friend who was a man well known art dealer noticed the painting. He said, "I think I recognized this painting it looks like a painting from a famous artist, how did you get it?" The owner replied, "I found it in a local flea market." To which his friend replied, "Well then it cannot be the painting but just for peace of mind why don't you have it evaluated."
Together they went to an international art expert with the painting and the expert confirmed the painting was not a copy but the real painting from this artist. Immediately the news of this lost painting being found race across the art world like a blazing fire and the owner was offered large amounts of money for the painting. After careful consideration he sold the painting to an art museum where it be viewed by all.
You will find real beauty or valuables in the most unusual places but real charity is sharing these with others.
Parable 22 by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty Two
The guest list had been made, all the preparations were done and the big day had arrived. Months of anxiety, excitement and nervousness were all past and the wedding day was here.
The bride came down the aisle, beautiful and lovely. The groom stood there nervously. They exchanged vows, ring and a kiss. The wedding ceremony was completed, pictures were taken and all the participants and guest proceeded to the wedding reception.
A beautiful banquet was presented with salads, meats, vegetable plates, main dishes, desserts and beverages. As the father of the bride was walking around he noticed a man he did not know. He inquired of they bride and groom if they knew him, they said, "no." After careful investigation he discovered this man was a wedding crasher.
He was dressed for the part but he was not invited. The father walked up to the man and asked him to leave. The man was escorted out by local security.
You may look the part but unless you have an invitation you cannot come to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
Friday, March 22, 2013
A final week
Through the next week I will be focusing on the passion week. The week prior to Jesus going to the cross is a wonderful and terrible week. Jesus knew that this would the last week of His life and so it was His desire to maximize His effort in the minimum of time. He knew that on Friday He would be giving His life for the sins of mankind. Interesting it would start with a parade and end up on the cross. In one week He would go from being adored by the crowds to being crucified at their word. That said something about the crowd. They never know what they want. That is a good lesson for us. The majority is not always right. We may lived in a democracy but that does not mean the majority is right. In Jesus' case the crowd was dead wrong and it would cost them so much. So here is my thought for today. Like Jesus we do not know when the Lord will come and take us home. So my exhortation for today is to live every day as if this was our last day on the planet and to maximize every day for the glory of God. That means every thought, word, deed, attitude and motive should be based on how we can bring glory to the Lord for this day. The Psalmist writes, "This is the day the Lord hath made let us rejoice in it." I will add one further thought. Let us use it for His glory and change our world's
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Gain the whole world.
In Matt 17:26, Jesus gives a dire warning about gaining the whole world and losing one's soul. Today people are falling into the age old trap of trying to secure a future by getting possessions. Recently I had a conversation with a fellow Christian about investing in hard assets such as silver and gold. Now the principle behind this is very sound but silver and gold will not secure a future. Only a strong relationship with the Lord will make that happen. We live in a very prosperous country in fact never has there been such wealth and prosperity available as there is today. But it is this access to prosperity that is our greatest adversary. Mother Theresa came once to North America at the invitation of President Clinton. He showed her all the beauty and wealth that America had to offer. He thought this would impress her but when she gave her address to the national leaders she shocked them by saying this. "America has such wealth but you use it for all the wrong things. Your have children being killed in the name of convenience, you spend all your wealth on yourself so your country has the greatest waste of resources." She then went on to say that North America has a great problem. We have wealth but not in spiritual things. Our prosperity has destroy our ability to hear and know God. She asked President Clinton to give her the children that America did not want and to send her the wealth it has to help the poor around the world. She understood what Jesus was talking about when He said, "You can gain the whole world and lose your soul." Many today are exchanging their soul and future for trinkets and bobbles. Not a good exchange or investment. I trust you will not fall into this trap.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Jesus' Dominion
In Matt 8:27, we see Jesus having command over the elements. He has just calm the winds and the waves. In another place we see Jesus walking on the water. Jesus was and is an amazing individual. When He was walking on the earth, He healed all who came to Him and He ministered God's love. Jesus showed what the Father was really like. God has always had a great love for mankind. From the first time He breathed life into Adam until this moment God has had a deep affection for mankind. We are His greatest creation. When mankind sinned He already had a plan in place. One day the Father would send the Son to be our sacrifice for sin and allow us to have a relationship with God. Jesus allowed Himself to suffer the agonies of the cross so that you and I could be called the sons and daughters of God. His broken body and shed blood became the avenues of healing and redemption. Jesus knew His hours of the cross would secure eternity for all mankind. Jesus said, "Perfect love is shown by the fact you lay down your life for a friend." Jesus laid down His life for us even before we knew Him. This is amazing. So today as you go about your day and enjoy all the benefits of heaven remember Jesus did that for you. Your promises are. Isaiah 9:6-7, Zech 9:10, Matt 8:27, Eph 1:22 and 1 Pet 3:22. Your Insightful Sayings are: Seek God first and His blessings second. Never follow the crowd it rarely knows where it is going.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
A House of Prayer
In Luke 19:45-48, we have the passage where Jesus cleanses the temple. The motivation behind such a violent act was that the temple which was designed to be a place of worship and prayer had become a place of business where thieves and merchants operated under the guise of religion. The zeal of the Lord drove Jesus to cleanse it and make it holy again. Today the temple of God is not made with hands or bricks but He dwells in His people. The question I ask today is what kind of temple are you? This question is direct, precise and to the point. You and I have the responsibility for the care and maintenance of our temple. One day in fact we will have give and account of how we lived in our temple. Do you let every thought, word, action, attitude and motive be directed by the Lord? Are you living like this is the last day on the planet and so direct every thing you do for the glory of God? I know I am asking more questions than usual but there is a reason. Here is the reason. The Holy Spirit dwells in us and everyday we get a chance to change ourselves and make ourselves more like the Lord. Paul calls it going from glory to glory. The word glory means to conform into the character and essence of God. This is done on a moment by moment and day by day experience. Jesus wishes to be glorified in your life. You are the Bible that most people will read. So today let your temple be a house of prayer and worship or maybe one day the Lord may have to come and do a radical cleansing. That will not be pretty. Your promises today are: Matt 6:33, 1 Cor 6:19-20, John 4:4, James 4:7 and 1 Pet 2:24. Your Insightful Sayings are: Forgiveness is free, trust must be earned. Love so well that you will never lack friends
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wise or Foolish
In Matt 25, there is a very powerful story about the foolish and wise virgins. The story goes to tell us that there were 10 virgins who were waiting for a bridegroom. Each had lamps and oil. Five brought extra oil and five did not. The Bridegroom was late so the five foolish ones did not have enough oil. They asked the other five wise ones to give them some oil. The five wise ones said there would not be enough to go around so the foolish virgins had to go and buy more oil. While they were gone the bridegroom came. When the girls returned and tried to get into the wedding banquet they were refused. The gist of this parable is to be prepared. We live our lives in the in the light of eternity. You never know when the Lord will call you home. Wisdom is knowing this and being prepared or may I say living prepared. Billy Graham's daughter once remark that she lives her life as if this was the her last five minutes on the planet. She goes on to say that this has brought real focus to her life. Recently there was a tragic accident in my home community. A young couple were driving down one of the main streets and a drunk driver T boned the car and a young man was tragically killed. When that young couple got in the car they had no idea that one of them would not get to their destination. You never know from one day to the next whether you will live or die. I am not trying to be morbid but to encourage each of us to live ready. The foolish virgins did not and they missed out. I trust you will not.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
In John 16, Jesus says that He will send the Holy Spirit who will lead us into all truth. The Holy Spirit is the one that draws us to Christ and then regenerates our hearts and changes us from the inside out. He then dwells in us and daily works with us to draw us closer to God. We become His temple and the place He dwells. He will continue working with us to bring our minds, emotions will, attitudes and motives under the submission of Christ. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will take what He hears from the Father and pass it unto us. The Holy Spirit will also help us to pray and understand the word. He will gives us the desire for worship, going to church and sharing our faith. The Holy Spirit does so much to help us to live a victorious life. Our part is to allow Him to do what He wishes in our lives. My challenge for you today is to allow the Holy Spirit to have the prominent place in your life. He will enable you to live not only a good life but an abundant life in the Lord. Your promises are today: John 16, 1 Cor 6:19-20, James 4:7, and 1 John 4:4. Your Insightful Sayings are: The folly of today is that we look to the beautiful people to show what life is like when truthfully they have no idea what they are doing. Through the example of Solomon we learn that early wisdom does not prevent later folly.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Jesus be Glorified
In John 17, we have the prayer of Jesus for himself, the disciples and the church in general. One of the recurring themes in this prayer time is that Jesus would be glorified. The word glory has to do with the essence and character of God. Jesus wanted to promote the character and nature of God in His life. He wanted those of His generation to see the Father through His life and example. Jesus showed who God really was. If you see Jesus, you saw the Father and vice versa. This raises a challenge for us today. If a person claims to be a Christian than they should be Christ like. Their speech, thoughts, actions, attitudes and motives should glorify God. He should be the foremost motive behind everything we do, think, speak and live. That is unfortunately not the testimony of many who claim to know Christ. Today is seems that even disciples of Christ often do not look any different than anyone else. Most today suffer from "I" disease. We want what we want and then to make it more presentable we put a little Christian flavor to it. The question we should be asking ourselves is this, "Lord are you being glorified in my life?" If we cannot answer that with a powerful, yes, than we need to come back to the cross and rededicate our lives again and start over. This is something I do every morning. Every day it is my wish that my life would be example for all to see. There is an old song that goes like this, "If my life be glorified, today." That is challenge I leave with you today. Your promises today are: John 17. Your Insightful Sayings are: Remember beauty is fleeting and even plastic surgery cannot fix an ugly heart. True beauty is rarely found in the mirror but in the heart.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Jesus in Galilee
In Matt 15:21, Jesus went back to the Galilee and healed many of various diseases. He fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah. Jesus then went to many different places through Galilee. People followed Him so they could be touched by Him. Demons were also cast out. Jesus has power over sickness and demons. Jesus healed all who came to Him. He was a man who always met the needs of those who needed it. He will do the same for you. Jesus was a man of prophecy. Isaiah said that He was a chosen servant of God. He is the one who the Father delights in. The Father put His Spirit on Jesus and had Him proclaim justice in the streets. He will not quarrel or cry out and no one will hear His voice in the streets. He will not hurt anyone until He leads justice into victory. In the name of Jesus nations will put their hope in HIm. Prov 14:34, "States that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people." Jesus can heal with just a touch. Demons recognized Him as God and they fled from Him. They will do the same when we come in the name of the Lord. Power came out of Him to those who needed a touch. Jesus was full of the power of the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to use you today to touch your world for Christ. Your promises are: Psalm 17:4, 25:17, 55:15, Isaiah 41:13, Jer 15:21, Joel 2:32, John 8:26, Rom 8:2, 2 Cor 2:14 and 1 John 3:8.
Friday, March 8, 2013
A Gold Mine
In John 5:1-47, we have discovered this is a gold mine of truth. Today we learn that Jesus did not accept the praise of men. He knows that many do not have the love of the Father in their hearts even though they claim to have it. Jesus knows who are His own. When Jesus came many did not accept Him. What is amazing is that even now many will not accept Him but they will accept false messiah's. The question being asked today is why do some people willingly give praise to men but refuse to give it to God who truly deserves it? It is better to get praise from God than man. Jesus reveals today that the Jews own accuser will be Moses who will judge them by the law. Moses wrote about Jesus and believed. The Jews didn't and so Moses will be their accuser. They refuse to believe what Jesus was saying. Your promises today are: Psalm 23:4, 34:4, Prov 18:10, 29:25, Isaiah 41:10, Matt 28:20, Luke 12:17, Rom 8:15, 2 Thess 3:3 and 2 Tim 1:7. Your Insightful Sayings are: Health, love, peace and joy are the essentials of true prosperity, These are found in the heart of the person who puts God first. The future is often determined by how we deal with the past.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
The Greatest Testimony
In John 5:1-47, Jesus doesn't just testify about Himself but the Father testifies of Him and this testimony is greater than John the Baptist who was sent as a human witness. John was sent to testify that Jesus is the truth. All this so people might be saved. John had testified to the people that Jesus would come shortly and baptised them with fire and the Holy Spirit. Jesus revealed that John was a light that burned for a while and some people chose to enjoy the light. Ministry is not always long term but effectiveness is determined by anointing, availability and obedience. Jesus had the Father's testimony and the works He was doing showed that He was the Son of God. In the case of the Christian the inward testimony of the Holy Spirit and the fruit we display show we are of the family of God. If people will believe in Jesus they will have the Holy Spirit and the voice of God within. We have His word and voice inside. Our last point today is people can study the scriptures and yet miss the mark because they think through them they might have life. True life comes through Jesus Christ. It is a sad commentary of religious life to read the Bible and miss eternal life because you did not believe and trust in Jesus. This is also a challenge for all today. Start with Jesus and go from there. Your promises today are: John 3:16, John 10:10, Rom 12:1-2, 1 Cor 10:13, Gal 6:1 & 6-8, 1 John 4:7-8. Your Insightful Sayings are: A change in Environment effects only the area it happens. A change of heart changes all who come into contact with that world. Success is measured many times not by what we possess but by what we give away.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Let's Honor God.
In John 5:1-47, Jesus states that whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. Many monotheistic religions love the concept of the Father hood of God but they fail to see the significance of Trinity or even deny it. Jesus makes it clear when you honor and accept Him you are honoring the Father. Whoever believes the words of the Son will have eternal life. They will pass from death unto life. Peter stated in Caesarea Philippi that only Jesus had the words of eternal life. Jesus tells the people of that day about the rapture. When the dead hear the voice of God they shall live. This also happened when Jesus died on the cross. Many people were raised from the dead and were seen through out the city of Jerusalem. The Father and Son have life in themselves. They are the source of life. The time is coming when all shall rise and those who believe will have life and those who did not believe will be condemned. Belief and trust have powerful consequences to them. Eternal consequences. Jesus tells that by Himself He can do nothing. He does what the Father tells Him to do. Jesus judges by what He hears and His judgment is just for He seeks to please the Father. The harmony and the unity between the Father and Son during Jesus' earthly ministry is amazing. The obedience to the Father is an example to follow. Seek to please God, do what He says and there will be harmony and unity between you and Him. Your promises today are: John 3:17, James 4:7, 1 John 4:4, Matt 6:33 and Rev 12:11. Your Insightful Saying for today is: Activism brings change that only changes society but not hearts. Discipleship changes the heart and then changes society.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Jesus is God.
In John 5:1-47, John reveals some real nuggets of truth. Jesus claimed in this passage that He was equal with God. This is a recurring theme in the Book of John. Jesus is the Word, the Logos, God with a face and the perfect union of the human and the divine. Jesus taught that the Son is the one who reveals the Father and He will do what the Father has told Him to do. The writer of Hebrews says that Jesus was obedient to the will of the Father. John states as well that Jesus was God with a face. Here we learn that God is going to show men even greater things than what was done on that day. He would raise people to life. This was a prophetic promise both physical and spiritual realities. The Son can give life to whoever He wishes. The sovereignty of God is both amazing and fearful. Amazing to those His grace has been given and fearful because it cannot be questioned or understood. The Son of God is going to be the judge of all. So honor the Son as you would the Father. God is the righteous judge because He knows all and sees all. Nothing can be hid from Him. He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart. Live your life so well that the preacher does not have to lie at your funeral and you will not have to fear the judgment of God. Your promises today are: Matt 7:21, John 14:15, Acts 5:32, Heb 5:8 and 1 Pet 1:14-15. Your Insightful Sayings are: Believers are like the devil, but they are not like the devil. He believes and tremble, they believe and do not. Believers are people who say they follow God and do not. Disciples say they follow God and do.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Jesus is Savior.
Today it seems that more people are really struggling with who Jesus is. Maybe I should say the real struggle is with Jesus being the only Savior. Today in an appeasement to certain religious systems many Christian leaders are saying that Jesus is just one of the Saviors mankind has been presented with. They would say that Jesus is on par with the leaders of Islam, Budda and Krishna. May I remind these Christian leaders that it was Jesus Himself who said in John 14:6, that He was the way, truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. The universal theme of the Christian church since its inception has been the that there is no other name given under heaven that men may be saved. When the High Priest asked Jesus if he was the Son of God? Jesus replied, "He was." He would be put to death for this claim. To compromise on this fact denies the very reason of why Jesus came. Jesus died for sins of mankind and to bring salvation to man. He was God's answer and the only one that God has given. The other religious leaders were teachers of moral truth and starters of religious systems but what they offer cannot save and cause a relationship with the Father. They are dead and your know where their graves or tombs are. Jesus proved His claim to deity by rising from the dead. The angel of the Lord said to the women that morning, "He is risen come and see the place where He laid." Here is something to think about Christian leader who says that Jesus is just one of many Saviours. Either Jesus is who He said He was or He is not. Secondly, how can you claim any faith in Christ if you do not believe that Jesus is the great I am. Your faith is nothing but s sham and you need to repent and come back to God. Jesus is who said He was and His resurrection prove it. e are your promises for today: John 3:16, 14:6 and Acts 4:12. Your Insightful Sayings Are: Believers are people who believe God can do it, disciples are people who see God do it. Believers are people who mentally ascent that Jesus is the Savior and Lord. Disciples are people that make Jesus Lord and Savior.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Parable Twenty One - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty One.
There was a rich man who had two sons. He decided that he would test each one to see who would be worthy of inheriting the bulk of his fortune. The father hired a man to portray a beggar and come to the estate for help.
The Father pretended to leave on a trip and he left the responsibility of the estate to his two sons. The beggar in disguise arrived and approached the oldest son for help. The oldest son treated the beggar harshly and contempt. He had the beggar driven off the property with a warning to never come back.
The next day the beggar in disguise came back and was greeted by the youngest son. The beggar was treated kindly, given clothing, a meal and a small pack sack with essentials to help him.
When the Father returned he called his sons to him. He gave the youngest son the bulk of the inheritance. When questioned by his oldest son on why, with tears in his eyes he replied, "I taught you to love, be kind and treat others with respect and when you were given the opportunity you did not. Your brother did."
What you do to others when there is no one around and there is no benefit for you is real love.
Parable Twenty - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twenty
In a land far away and in a time long ago there was a king who was very kind and wanted to know how his subjects were doing. Often he would disguise himself and walk among and visit the people. One day in disguise he visited an old man in his humble cottage. The king spoke kindly and spent time with him and shared in a simple meal with the old man.
Later the king visited he man but this time he came in his kingly attire and with an entourage of gifts. The king asked the man if he wanted anything. To his surprise the man replied, "I am content with what I have and who I am. Give these to someone who really needs them." He then something the king would never forget. He said, "When you came to me and spoke kindly to me, encouraged me and you shared my simple meal with me, you gave me the greatest gift of all. You gave yourself."
The greatest gift we can give anyone is ourselves, unselfishly, unreservedly, with deep sincerity, compassion and love.
Parable Nineteen - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Nineteen
The castle was strong and well defended, the people inside were determined and well stocked for a long siege. Outside the King was deliberating what to do with this rebellious city. They had been responsible for many attacks on people in the area, innocent merchants and travelers alike. The King knew it would be a long and difficult campaign with much loss of life. As he conversing with his war counsel a man sent word that he was a former resident of the city and knew a secret way in.
The king was leary and skeptical about this offer. Yet since he knew the cost of the campaign he invited the man to speak to the war counsel. The man told them of a secret passage way at the base of the hill the city rested upon. The king and counsel decided to send a small attack party with the man to verify the story.
That night under the cover of darkness a small squad of men followed the former resident to the base of the hill where they found the secret passage way. The King sent the following night a larger force through the secret passage way into the city where they were able to open the main gate where the King entered into the city with his army to the surprise of the residents of the rebellious city. They surrendered quickly and the rebellion was subdued. Rebellion is never easy to over come but with wise, deliberate planning and a forceful response, it can be overcome.
Parables Eighteen - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Eighteen
Once there were two men. Each man had his routine at the start of the day. The first man would get up and have his shower and shave. He would get dressed and go to the kitchen and make his morning coffee. He would prepare a hearty breakfast, sit down with his coffee and read his morning paper. After this he would go back to his bedroom wake up his wife and then finish his getting ready for work. Lastly, he would wake up his children, talk to them and kiss them before he went to work.
The second man had a routine of getting up and immediately opening his day in prayer, Bible reading, reflecting on what it said. He then asking the Lord to help him apply throughout the day what he prayed and read. He would then follow a similar routine as the first man. So the question is which one was better prepared for the day?
Parable Seventeen - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Seventeen
There were two travelers going on a trip together. The one carefully planned every aspect of this trip. He knew exactly how much money would be needed and the amount of luggage for the trip. Where he was going to stay, what sights were going to be seen and a plan out itinerary for each day. The other man had as much money he felt he needed, he would buy clothes on the way, he would go just as far as he could that day, see whatever sights he wanted that day and did not have any plans. As it turned out they both had a great time and both enjoyed their trip. The Kingdom of God is about making plans for the trip but also enjoying the journey on the way.
Parable Sixteen - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Sixteen
There was a fishing vessel in the middle of the ocean fishing for cod. They threw out their net and it caught a great amount of fish. It took quite a while for the net to be raised and brought into the boat. In the net there were many different kinds of fish. The fishermen then began the tedious and patient job of separating the fish. Out of the many different types or species of fish they found a generous amount of cod. They also were able to find other valuable types of fish to sell but many other types were discarded and thrown out. The Kingdom of God is finding the valuable among the many types of things being offered. It is also knowing what to keep and discard.
Parable Fifteen - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Fifteen
There was a man who traveled the world looking for the rarest treasures. One day he heard of a beautiful pearl that was in a particular place. He traveled there to see it. When he saw it he was in awe. He offered the owner a payment for the pearl beyond imagination to which the owner refused. He was amazed that his offer was refused. Yet he determined to up the offer. A few days later he returned with several of the rare treasures he found and with the previous payment he offered them as well. To his astonishment the owner still refused. This only may his resolve to have this pearl stronger. After gathering his most valuable and rarest treasures together along with a huge amount of cash he returned. He offered all of these to the owner. Without a moment of hesitation the owner refused. The man was dumbfounded for a moment and then asked the owner this question. "Why have you refused these generous offer which any ordinary man would have accepted immediately." The owner of the pearl said, "it is true this pearl is of great value, but it was a gift from my wife who I value more than any possession in this world, that is why I cannot or would not sell it." True value is not found in material possessions but in those we love.
Parable Fourteen - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Fourteen
One night a young pastor in a meeting with his leadership team received a frantic call from his young wife that their six year old son had caught his arm in a hole. He replied, "what's the problem just have him pull it out." She explained this hole was in a rock face behind their home and the arm was swollen and could not be pull out. The young pastor immediately concluded the meeting and went home. When he arrived the local fire department had already arrived and were trying to figure out the problem. Early attempts of water and oil had caused an airlock or vacuum and the arm had been sucked deeper into the hole. A local doctor had arrived and said, the best solution was to try to a break the vacuum. He used hose used in IV's but it just collapsed under the pressure. The doctor decided to go back to the hospital to find a long special steel needle which could be inserted into the tube to relieve the pressure. He left but before he did he sedated the little boy because his arm had already been in the hole for an hour and a half.
The little boy's mother sang him songs, held him tight and prayed with him. The Father frantically looked for solutions. Finally after a while the Father joined his wife and the little boy and they prayed. They were joined by people of the church, firemen and neighbors close by waiting for the doctor. The doctor arrived a little later inserted the needle and with two or three pumps of air the arm popped free much to the delight of all 400 people who had gathered for this event.
There are two unknown features in this story. The doctor who was a well known for his opposition to Christianity put it aside to help someone in need. The pastor saw his faith rattled in the face of absolute helplessness for there was nothing he could do for his son but wait. When your faith is shaken help can come from the most unexpected places or persons.
Parable Thirteen - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Thirteen
In the past many of the great masterpieces of architecture were designed and made by the unknown or un-name. Many of them took decades to build or complete. They were labors of love for those involved. Many are still around today as testimonies to a by gone age. Today however that concept is lost in the desire for recognition and efficiency. Most structures today will be gone within a hundred years for a new and improve model of living. A testimony to an age of selfishness, pride and greed. Things that last are made through love, hard work and humility.
Parable Twelve - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Twelve
There was a man who had been working on a particular art work in a Cathedral for many years. Finally he was finished and he admired the work. A co worker, who was standing beside him said, "That is a beautiful piece of workmanship, to bad it will never be seen unless directed to it." The man replied, "what do you mean," The co-worker said, "I heard this section is going to partially covered by a large ring of concrete." The man said, "Then the Lord and those He wants to see it will notice it." The Kingdom of God remains hidden except to the Lord and those to whom He reveals it too.
Parable Eleven - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Eleven
A mother was preparing dinner when her young son came running into the kitchen excited about his latest discovery. "Mommy, Mommy," he said excitedly, "Look what I have found." She looked over her shoulder half heartedly because she was in the middle of mashing the potato's. Not really looking she replied, "Yes, Johnny that is nice." Go into the bathroom and wash your hands for dinner." He said, "O.K. Mommy, I will put it in my room," He walked off carrying his prize.
Not long after, the rest of the family came in for dinner. They all sat down and enjoyed a wonderful dinner together and talk about many things around the table. Finally Johnny said, "You are not going to believe what I found today. When Mommy saw it she said it was nice." "Can I show everyone Mommy? John asked. "Maybe later" said his Mom, "right now we are having pie." Which of course brought a chorus of cheers.
Later as everyone was clearing the table and starting the dishes. John came into the room. He was carrying his prize in a little box. His brother George said, "What is in the box?" Johnny replied, "What I found this afternoon and Mommy said it was nice." George said, "let me see it." Johnny opened the box and out jumped a field mouse which immediately sent all the females in the house including Mom up on chairs screaming. Mom immediately started screaming, "Catch that thing and get it out of this house immediately." "But Mommy," protested Johnny, "You said that he was nice this afternoon." She screamed back, "I was not looking this afternoon, now get that thing out of this house." Well Johnny and George did catch the mouse and removed it from the house.
After everything had settled down, "Mommy took Johnny aside and said, "Johnny I was so busy this afternoon I did not take time to see what you were doing and I am sorry, I will try not to do it again." George piped off to the side, "Well I will say one thing, I have not seen this much activity around for a while here." Take time to notice things first because it could save a little trouble later.
Parable Six - Parables of Steel - by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Six
The Kingdom of God can be summed up like this. For years two young men were bitter enemies. As children whenever they met foul language or blows were exchanged. This continued until they were teens when one chose a life of crime and spent the majority of his teen years in jail. The other later became a Christian and joined a local church.
One day as the young man was sitting in church his bitter rival walked into the sanctuary. The enemy had been invited to church by one of the young ladies of the youth group. They stared at each other throughout the service. The young man slipped out of the church after service mad at God and the young lady for inviting his bitter rival.
Then the Holy Spirit spoke into his heart reminding him that just a few months before he was just like his enemy a sinner needing salvation. His heart melted a little. The following Friday both found themselves at youth group. They kept their distance but no unpleasantries came about. The following Sunday they both were again at church but something extra-ordinary happened the rival became a Christian.
The young man again slipped out of church mad at God. "This will not do," he thought to himself. "When he was not a Christian I could justify my feelings of hate but now that he is a brother in the Lord." said the young man to the Lord. Once again the Holy Spirit reminded him that his enemy now was a fellow believer.
The young man knew what he had to do. That night before the service as his rival now brother in the Lord was sitting down the young man walked up to him. With a wary look this new brother in the Lord look at him. Before any encounter usually ended badly. The young man extended his hand and said, "welcome to the family, let us leave the past in the past and start again." They shook hands and a new friendship started built on forgiveness.
Parable Five - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Five
Two friends were sitting in the park playing checkers when an elderly woman walked by. She was carrying too many packages and one fell to the ground. Without hesitation the two friends sprang into action. They picked up the package that fell to the ground and then offered to help her carry her packages home. She offered them a reward which they promptly refused saying it was their privilege to help her. After they had made sure she was cared for they returned to the park and their game.
The Kingdom of God is watching for an opportunity to serve others without any expectation of reward or compensation but with only the thought to be God`s vessel of love.
Parable 4 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Parable Four
A business man had received notice from the Revenue Department that he was subject to a routine audit. He went to His office to gather all his papers and receipts in preparation. He soon discovered he was missing some valuable receipts. He cleaned his office and did not find them. He did the same at His home with the same results. He look everywhere for several hours and finally in frustration he prayed and within a short period of time he found the receipts in an obscure box in his basement after remembering he had put them there after a fall cleaning session. Relief and peace returned as he was now ready for the audit.
The Kingdom of God is finding the treasure you had but was misplaced by the busyness of life. Make pray, be diligent and deliberate and your will be prepared for anything that comes your way.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Jesus bears our burdens
Matt 11:28 is the famous verse about Jesus calling people to lay their burdens on Him and to take His yoke for it is easy and the burdens He gives are light. We live in a world where stress seems to be king. There are a thousand voices who seem to cry for our attention. We have untold situations that seem to place greater burdens on our lives than ever before. I remember before cell phones and e mails that life seemed simpler. E mail was suppose to make our lives easier but now many of us spend more time just answering our e mails than every before. Cell phones are designed to make life easier but now we have to make laws so people don't use their cell phones at the wrong time. Life has not gotten simpler with technology but more complicated. There is one who can help you slow down, His name is Jesus Christ. You can turn your burdens and life over to Him and He will help you. One of the advantages of a life in Christ is that you will get God's priorities. You will find as you pray, read the Bible, go to church and share your faith that life becomes a lot simpler. You begin to see that the way of love is the path you follow. Quiet times of reflection on the things of God gives real clarity to life. When I have spent time with God things become real clear. I know what God wants for my life and I have His priorities. If you seem to answering the urgent and are running in crisis mode all the time, slow down and spend some quality time with God. He will help you. You don't have to run away and live in the woods to make life simple, just spend time with God. Remember Jesus promised with Him He will make your life easy and your burdens light
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