Psalm 93 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
There is a puzzle, an enigma, riddle and paradox.
How is it that through loss, one can gain all?
The Kingdom of God is so foreign to the natural mind.
The humble are exalted, the exalted are humbled.
Greatness in the Kingdom of God is learning to be a servant.
The principle of gain tough loss is mind altering.
The loss of earthly treasures secures spiritual gain.
Materialism, commercialism, greed and covetousness,
And the love of money, which is the root of all evil.
When we give these up, we gain the Kingdom of God.
The treasures of heaven become ours to possess.
Self sacrifice becomes a paying investment.
The promise is that whatever we give up,
Will be returned a hundred fold in this life and the next.
Another spiritual paradox is when you lose your life,
For the sake of Christ is you gain it back.
Another truth is, if you try to save your life,
You will lose it because you did not consider the eternal cost.
The reality of the Kingdom of God, is humility lead to exaltation.
God exalts the humble and humbles the proud.
Pride is the original sin that caused heavenly beings to fall.
The Lord promises life out of death.
You have to be dead to trespasses and sin to live.
The Lord takes the foolish things to confound the wise.
Lord consider your servants, when we give up all to follow you.
Help us to see true value, not in what is seen by that which is unseen.
We gain and receive all. This is the prize and reward,
For those who long for His appearing.
The puzzle, enigma, paradox and riddle remains.
God chooses through loss to bring about gain.
Let the wise consider and grasp this and live.
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