Psalm 86 - Psalms of Steel
I sat and pondered and meditated on the love of God.
I asked the question, "What was it that held Christ to the cross?"
What was the thing that kept Jesus there when He did not have to stay?
Then in a moment, in a flash of time, it came.
The Holy Spirit spoke and I was enlightened.
Jesus was not friendless as He hung on the cross.
All of heaven was ready to be dispatched.
Millions of angels were ready to do the Father's will.
In a moment to come and release the Son of God.
It was not because of human weakness,
Jesus was the perfect union of man and God.
He was God with a face. God in flesh.
The perfect sacrifice for sin.
The Holy Spirit spoke. It was our sins that kept Him there.
He knew we could not save ourselves.
Our righteousness is as filthy rags and dismal clothes.
We need a redeemer and Savior for our forgiveness.
The love He had for mankind kept Him there.
For God so loved us that He gave His only Son.
While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
His love for each of us kept Him on the cross.
In the garden Jesus resigned Himself to the cross.
It was the will of the Father to afflict Him for the good of all.
Man needed a Savior and redeemer.
The broken body and shed blood of the Son secured our salvation.
The last cord that held our Savior to the cross,
Was obedience and loyalty to an eternal purpose.
The eternal man was needed to be the eternal sacrifice,
To deal once and for all with eternal death.
The cross is the vehicle and avenue to salvation.
The Son is the way, truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Him.
The cross was God's answer to sin, death, hell and the grave.
Praise the Lord for salvation from sin.
Oh gives thanks to the Lord for the Savior's love.
Declare the goodness of God and the Son's loyalty to the Father's will.
the Lord is good, He was obedient to the Father's will. Amen,
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