Sunday, January 6, 2013

Psalm 84 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 84 Palms of Steel

The Lord is building His people.
One's who are chosen, called, filled and anointed.
There are a building with truth as their foundation,
The Builder and maker who is God Himself.

His people are a living body. 
Growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.
Fruitful when connected to the roots.
Useless when not abiding in the wine.

Jesus Christ is the head of this living body.
He gives it life, purpose and direction.
As each joint supplies and each does its function,
His people will know their God and do exploits.

As the flock of God, the sheep of His pasture,
We will be cared for, fed and kept.
His protection, leading and oversight,
Will allow each to reproduce and be abundant.

His people are His bride, prepared for that great day.
Clothed in robes of white, clean as snow.
A bride loved, cherished and honored.
A Bride waiting for the great day of marriage.

The people of God are a treasured possession.
Valued above any material or tangible possession.
Branches of the vine, fruitful and productive.
Grafted in by the love and mercy of God. 

As His people each one is cleansed and pure.
A dwelling place for the Lord.
Christ is the High Priest, who offers Himself once and for all.
Give thanks to the Lord.

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