Thursday, January 31, 2013
Jesus is the Word
In John 1:1 and 14, we have Jesus introduced as the Word. He is full of grace and truth. He has always been with the Father. We learn that through Him all things were created and He is the sustainer of all things. I am amazed that as I study the Life of Christ how really amazing He is. Jesus is the incarnation of God. He was God with a Face. He was the perfect union of God and man. Never has an individual been the perfect representative of God like He was. He of course is God. Now how that happened is a mystery. How does one explain the mechanics of how that happens but that is who Jesus is. Of course to claim to be God you have to prove it and He did. He rose from the dead. He was the perfect sacrifice for sin. His death, burial and resurrection secured mankind's salvation, redemption and righteousness. His broken body and shed blood secured us healing and salvation. These are foundational truths for the gospel and Christianity. Jesus came because man could not save themselves. He lived so we could have forgiveness of sin. There has been something that has separated man from God since the fall of man under Adam and Eve and that is of course is sin. Jesus bridged that gap by allowing Himself to hang on a cross. To have His body broken and His blood shed. His death on the cross, burial in a borrowed grave and His resurrection from that same tomb gave us a chance to be reunited with God and have eternal life. This is done by confessing our sins, renouncing them, truly being sorry for them and receiving God's forgiveness. I love salvation and redemption because it is so simple but complete. Today give your life to Him and live in the full salvation God has for you. Your promises are: John 3:16, Rom 3:23, Rom 10:9-10, 2 Cor 5:17, John 4:4 and 2 Pet 3:18. Your Insightful Sayings are: It has been said that Jesus spoke more about resources than He did about heaven and yet most of His children know nothing about their proper use. A life is like a building with proper maintenance it will be kept sound and strong.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Jesus our Healer
A man who sitting on the road one day heard that Jesus was walking by. He had heard that this young rabbi from Galilee could heal. So the blind man cried out loud and strong. He said, "Jesus, of Nazareth have mercy on me." When the crowd tried to shush him, he cried out louder. Jesus finally came to him and asked him what he wanted. The man said, "I want to see again." Jesus then laid His hands on the man and he saw again. In this story we learn several powerful lessons. First when you hear about Jesus' ability to heal, believe it. I know there are some people who believe that healing went out with the apostolic age. However in Heb 13:8 it says that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Which simply means that what God did then He can do now. The second lesson we learn it that when the crowd tries to shut you up or tells you things like what I previously mentioned refuse to believe it. Get louder and keep petitioning God. Be like the little widow woman and keep asking until you get what you want. James 4:2 says that you have not because you asked not. Jesus is more than willing to heal you but you need to walk by faith and keep believing until it happens. Recently in our church we had a lady who was told by the doctor she would need surgery to repair damage to her hearing and the doctor was not sure it was going to be successful. She came to us for pray and together with others we prayed for her healing. Her hearing returned that next day and when she went to see the doctor he said she did not need the surgury and she saw God heal her. Remember if you need Jesus to heal you than ask and keep asking till the victory comes.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The Greatest Name Ever
There is a worship song that says, "Jesus, there is something about that nane," How true it is. There is no other name given under heaven by which man can be saved. Jesus' name is that name that is above all names. At the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. All for the glory of the Father. Jesus as we know is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Him. It is in the name of Jesus that we have access to the throne of God in prayer. It is through His broken body that we have healing and through His precious blood that we have forgiveness of sins and the right to be called the Sons of God. Through His death, burial and rresurrection we have this wonderful abundant and eternal life. His name is the name that has been spoken against, used in vain more than any other name. When people swear do they use the name of Budda, Krishna and any other religious figure? No, they use His name. But Jesus is more than a swear word, and I don't care word. He is the precious Son of God. Today let Jesus be the biggest and most important name you use. Use His name for salvation, healing, deliverance and victory. He came to set the captive free and you may be one. He destroyed the works of the world, the flesh and the devil. Let Him set you on the right course and be everything in your life He needs to be. Your promises today are: John 3:16, 14:6 Rom 8:11, John 8:36, 1 John 4:4, 3:8, Col 1:20, 2 Cor 5:17 and 1 Cor 3:16. Your Insightful Sayings are: What is amazing is you will defend your music preference with such zeal and yet not your faith. It has been said that Jesus talked more about resources that He did about heaven and yet most of His people know nothing about the proper use of them.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Characteristics of John the Baptist.
Today I want to do something different in our devotional. Instead of focusing on scripture we will look at the characteristics of John in a more topical format. John was a man of self denial. Matt 3:4. He was a man man of courage. Mat 3:7 & 14:4. He was a man obedient to the cause he was given. Matt 3:15. John was a powerful preacher. Mark 1:5. He was a man of humility. Mark 1:7 & John 1 :19-23, He had a burning zeal. John 5:35. He was honoured by Christ. Matt 1:11. John did not do any miracles. John 10:41. He suffered death at the hands of Herod. Matt 14:10. There is always a price for righteousness but the rewards always outweight the price. Your promises are today: Rom 12:1-2, 1 Cor 13:13, 2 Cor 1:20, Heb 4:13-15, 2 Pet 3:18, Rev 12:11. Your Insightful Sayings are: Music is one of the most loved and fought over forms of expression in the church context. God does not concern Himself about how you worship Him but that you worship Him.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Letters to David - Letter 1 - BY Robert Dean Steel
Letters To David
Hello David
I have wanted to write to you for a long time but like it seems like every time I get a minute, it seems something gets in the way. So I decided I just need to take the time and write. I wanted to talk to you about my struggles in prayer. Have you ever wondered why it seems that your prayers just bounce off the ceiling? I know I have. I know the word says that God is all powerful but why does it seems that in my world it just doesn't happen. There seems to be a holy frustration among God's people. We have a desire to pray but how does one turn that desire into a lifestyle of prayer? This to me is a paradox. You want to pray, you have a desire to pray but you can't either find the time or when you do, you cannot put your feelings into words.
I know I seem to be just spilling my thoughts onto the page but this is a real dilemma for me. I have ths great desire to pray, I want to pray but I need to figure this out. I love the Lord with all my heart and with every fibre of my being I want to serve and obey Him but like most I struggle with prayer so if it is o.k. I am going to write to you and tell you how this journey progresses.
Prayer is such an intimate thing David, it is a personal time with the creator of the universe. It boggles the mind to think that we can communicate in this form to the one who is still creating all things. To speak one on one with an individual who as Isaiah says, in Isaiah 55, "His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are greater than our thoughts." Truly prayer is an amazing spiritual exercise. It is also mind boggling to think that as one writer said, "Prayer is the most powerful thing in the universe because the most powerful being in the universe is backing it up." That we have the privilege of being to pray. It really gives a person assurance that when they pray that God will back up everything He says in His word.
Well David I guess I will go now. Been great sharing these thoughts with you. I look forward to our next letter. I will write to you soon.
Your Friend
Letter to David - By Robert Dean Steel
Letters to David
Hello David.
I love prayer so much it gives such focus and direction for life. What a beautiful concept to know you are one on one with the Master of the Universe. It is just you and Him. To be able to set time aside to be with Jehovah, the great, I Am. I marvel how when Moses asked the Lord, "who shall I say sent me." His reply was, "I am that I am." I am the all sufficient one, I neeed nothing and no one. I am complete in myself. I have always been and always will be. He is the beginning and the end. The first and the last.
What a privilege it is to know that God is concerned about the smallest details of my life. Every problem, situation and circumstances can be covered in prayer. But it all starts with the right heart attitude. David, I never want my prayer time to be unfruitful. It has to be from the heart. I know I have had those times where it feels like duty or obligation. It is during these times I feel unfuritful and unfulfilled. Yet I must persevere because desire, becomes discipline and eventually becomes delight.
I love the fact I can focus on hallowing and worshipping the Lord. What a wonder it is to be hanging with Jesus. I guess what I find so fascinating is that God would want to be spend time with me. I know He loves me and has gloriously saved me but to actually to want to spend time with me is beyond my comprehension. This is truly amazing. I will really have to think about this more.
Your Friend.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Why I Love Christ
I really love studying the life of Christ. He is the most dynamic person who ever lived. Think about this for a moment. Here is God in the flesh. The only person who was the perfect union of God and man. God with a face. He lived in this world and yet was not contaminated by it. He lived a perfectly sinless life and because of that He was the perfect sacrifice for sin. I love the fact that He allowed his body to be broken and His blood to be shed so we could have forgiveness and healing from sin. He died, was buried and rose again from the dead for the redemption of all mankind. This whole concept blows my mind. Jesus was willing to allow Himself to be nailed to a cross so I could have fellowship with the Father. He become sin for me that I may not have to face eternal separation from God. This is the reality of love. He gave His life because He loved me. The incredibile truth is that He did this even before I knew Him. These are some of the reasons why I love studying about His life and why I love Him.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
John the Baptist view of Christ,
In John 1:26-27, we see John the Baptist's picture of who Jesus Christ is. John saw Jesus as a particular person with a particular purpose. John saw Jesus as more powerful than himself. He knew he was not worthy to unite Jesus' shoes. He knew that Jesus would soon baptise His followers with the Holy Spirit and fire. Jesus was ready to gather His wheat into His barn and the chaff would be blow away. Jesus is the one who is the Christ and John was going to have the privilege of baptising Him, yet John knew He was unworthy. Today as a disciple of Christ you need to have a clear understanding of who Jesus is and your role in the Kingdom. If you are not familiar with your role, ask the Lord and He will show you His will and plan for you life. Your promises today are: John 15:7-8, Ps 110:3, Matt 12:50, John 17:17, Rom 8:27, 12:1-2, Phil 2:13 and Heb 10:36. Your Insightful Sayings are: Today many people think being holy is something you find in cheese. Love is one quality we want given to us but we struggle to give to others
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Psalm 99 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 99- Psalms of Steel
I sit today at my place of prayer.
I ponder my life and how it has faired.
What I bring to the Lord today.
The comments, the words, what things will I pray.
I will tell Him of the peril I have faced.
The confusion, my fears, my questions, the obstacles in place.
The questions that haunt night after night.
The sicknesses, diseases, the innermost fears we fight.
Each difficulty, the losses, the pain each hour.
The needs petitions, intercessions. Lord I need your power.
My failures, disappointments, insecurities, all seem so in vain.
Family disappointments, struggles, worries and endless spiritual pain.
Yet in all of this I am reminded of your goodness and love.
The victories, true freedom and the glories from above.
Life has such struggles it seem at times unfair.
Yet the Lord is wonderful. It is so wonderful how He cares.
Life brings disappointments and discouragements. Yet we cannot forget.
The Lord gives freedom, help and life without regret.
In bereavement and sorrow as life closes the door.
In the face of eternity, each day our cry should be, Lord use me once more.
John the Baptist
John the Baptist is one of the most interesting men of Jesus' era. He was both a prophet and reformer. He baptised people in the Jordan and among those who followed him were ordinary people, lawyers, leaders and soldiers. He had a message for each one. Follow God and get rid of your sin. John would be considered today a radical and conservative. He called sin what it was and those who participated in it what they were. Today when people commit adultery, they are having an affair. A gossip is a person who relays information. A fornicator is someone who is living with another. Sin is sin no matter what new handle you put on it. John also was not afraid to speak to the leaders of his time period. He spoke against Herod who had committed adultery. This courage would eventually cost him his life. The path of righteousness is not an easy one but so mecessary. Solomon wrote in Prov 14:34, "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. We need the courage to speak our convictions without compromise or fear. We need to call sin for what it is. We also have to practice a life of righteousness. John is a role model and let his example speak over the ages to this generation. Let us shine as lights in a dark world for God's glory. Your promises today are: Joshua 24:15, Prov 3:5-6, 14:34, Zech 4:6, James 4:7, 1 John 4:7-8. Your Insightful Sayings are: Be aware of the time you live, be aware of who you serve, be aware of those you are called to minister too. Are you ready for eternity? You are aware that we are called not to judge but it is alright to be a fruit inspector.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Psalm 98 - Psalms of Steel
Psalm 98 - Psalms of Steel
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
He is wise, He will show His people, His ways.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
The Lord is just and He will deal with all fairly.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
He is faithful and He will do what He says.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
He is tender and shows great love.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
He is quiet, and He is the still voice who speaks.
He reveals to our hearts His plans and destiny.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
The Lord is gentle and loving.
His touch heals in a moment,
What the efforts of man takes years.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
He is longsuffering and perseveres.
The work of God is a life time work of grace.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
The Lord is the great liberator.
He sets the captive free whom sin has enslaved.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
The Lord will free all who call upon Him.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
He is the Savior. His salvation is full and complete.
Nothing can be added to it or taken away from it.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
The Lord shows the path of humility.
Humility is the path of exaltation.
To be great in God's Kingdom you have to be the servant of all.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
The Lord is forgiving, no sin is beyond His grace.
No deed, thought, or attitude is beyond His forgiveness.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
The Lord is zealous and desires all to know Him.
The true purpose of life is salvation and all connected with it.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
He is the great burden bearer. His invitation is to come.
Come to be healed, restored and be made complete.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
The Lord is love. It begins and ends with Him.
Unloved come, broken come, captive, come, and lonely come.
The call is being made today, Come, Come, Come.
The Lord is worthy of all worship.
Te Dynamic Duo
I like to call Jesus and John the Baptist the dynamic duo. No two men at on time affected history like these two. When John the Baptist came on the scene he was preaching a message of repentance and was gettting people ready for the coming of Jesus. He was telling them to get rid of their sins and show it in a practical way by getting baptised in water. Jesus would later come and baptise people with the Spirit and with fire. John had the privilege of baptizing Jesus in the Jordan river. It would be at this baptism that Jesus would have the Holy Spirit light on Him in the form of a dove and the voice of the Father testify that Jesus was the Father's son in whom He was well pleased. John would see this event. Both men had powerful ministries together and separate. I believe that God is looking for dynamic duo's today. People who will work together for the glory of God. David said in Psalm 133:1, "how good and pleasant for brethen to dwell together in unity." It is unity and working together that brings the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. It would be wonderful to see spouses working together more. To see familes working together. To see church leaders and pastors working together more. To see churches working together. What would be even more wonderful is seeing the whole body of Christ functioning the way it is suppose to, in unity. Unity is a choice and a privilege. We see in the life of Christ and John the Bpatist this example. Let us follow it for the glory of God. Your promises today are: Joshua 1:5 & 8, 24:15, Psalm 133:1, Heb 10:25 and Rev 12:11. Your Insightful Sayings are: Possession of material gain and the pursuit of things is like trying to drain the ocean with a thimble. You can be aware of time and places and not be aware of where you are iin life.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Psalm 97 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 97 - Psalms of Steel
The years have been lost to time.
The shadows within me echo, you are not alone.
The Lord has promised, He will never leave or forsake us.
HIs hand is always on our shoulder.
HIs presence completely surrounds and his angels watch over us.
Not since birth have we ever been alone.
There is nothing that can separate us from Him.
The Lord is always close, He sees everything.
His promise is that His angels will camp around them that fear Him.
So what can man do to us when the Lord is with us.
The Lord will be with us through all things.
You will never have to fear or be overcome.
He will always be with you and all your foes will be defeated.
God has promised His goodness to His people.
HIs majesty, goodness and power are there to help.
Praise the Lord for His goodness, mercy and love.
Rejoice with song, and musical instruments.
The Lord is high above all and He is great.
Give thanks with strings, percussion and horns.
The Lord will never leave or forsake you.
Jesus in the Temple
In Luke 2:41-50, we see Jesus going to Jerusalem with His parents to the Passover feast when He was twelve. When it was time to leave He stayed in Jerusalem at the temple. His parents did not realize that He was not with them until they were well on their way. In those days they travelled in large groups for protection. His parents returned to Jerusalem and it took them three days to find Jesus. When they asked Jesus why he was there he replied, "where else would I be but in my Father's house." Even then Jesus understood His mission and purpose. Jesus went back to Nazareth and obeyed His parents from then on. Here are some lessons we can learn from this story. We find that Jesus was dedicated to the Jewish faith. That people in those days travelled in large groups for protection. Jesus was a boy who was not afraid to ask questions and we should not either. Even as a boy Jesus amazed people with His wisdom and understanding. Even as a boy Jesus know that God was His Father and His purpose in life. We can as well. Jesus knew the important of God's house. True sons and daughters of God will want to be in their Father's House. Jesus was a role model and model child. He honored and obeyed His parents. Excellent lessons for us to learn today. Your promised are: Psalm 25:2, 40:4, 122:1, Isaiah 12:2, 1 Thess 2:3, Heb 10:25 and 1 Jn 2:20. Your Insightful Sayings are: True wisdom is found in the things that are not seen, not in things that are seen. Encouraging others is a mark of someone who has learned the path of love.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Letter to David by Robert Dean Steel
Letters to David - Letter 2
Hello David
What I find fascinating today is that I went to my time of prayer and I did not feel all that inspired or even powerful. I have often wondered if emotion and enthusiasm is the key to prayer. Does God hear us more when we are focused and directed as much as when we seem to pray out of duty and obedience.
This to me is a paradox in prayer. At times you really feel the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. Everything fits and feels right and yet other times it is dry and lifeless. You know God hears and answers prayer. The word declares it. Ask anything in the name of Jesus and you will have it. So the reality is that God hears you whether you feel the emotion or not. He promised in Matt 28:20 that He would never forsake you or leave you so I guess emotion has little to do with the power of prayer. God answers prayer out of grace and mercy. He answers because we ask and not because we feel inspired or emotional at the time. James says in James 4:2, that we have not because we asked not. So I think I will just ask.
I will never completely understand the whole concept of prayer. I know it is the means by which we comminucate with God. That part I get. The part I struggle with is why it seems at times He answers right away and other times it takes so long. Then the other times where He almost seems to ignore us. I am aware that He answers three ways, Yes, No and wait awhile. I love when He says Yes, I do not like it when He says no but this wait a while really is hard. I read in Isaiah 40:31, that they who wait upon the Lord shall be renew in strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they can run and not be weary, they shall not walk and not faint. But waiting is so hard. I am also aware that the will of God and comedy have one similarity, timing. I know all things things but it never makes it easy. I suppose that is where faith and trust come in.
Your Friend
Hello David
What I find fascinating today is that I went to my time of prayer and I did not feel all that inspired or even powerful. I have often wondered if emotion and enthusiasm is the key to prayer. Does God hear us more when we are focused and directed as much as when we seem to pray out of duty and obedience.
This to me is a paradox in prayer. At times you really feel the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. Everything fits and feels right and yet other times it is dry and lifeless. You know God hears and answers prayer. The word declares it. Ask anything in the name of Jesus and you will have it. So the reality is that God hears you whether you feel the emotion or not. He promised in Matt 28:20 that He would never forsake you or leave you so I guess emotion has little to do with the power of prayer. God answers prayer out of grace and mercy. He answers because we ask and not because we feel inspired or emotional at the time. James says in James 4:2, that we have not because we asked not. So I think I will just ask.
I will never completely understand the whole concept of prayer. I know it is the means by which we comminucate with God. That part I get. The part I struggle with is why it seems at times He answers right away and other times it takes so long. Then the other times where He almost seems to ignore us. I am aware that He answers three ways, Yes, No and wait awhile. I love when He says Yes, I do not like it when He says no but this wait a while really is hard. I read in Isaiah 40:31, that they who wait upon the Lord shall be renew in strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they can run and not be weary, they shall not walk and not faint. But waiting is so hard. I am also aware that the will of God and comedy have one similarity, timing. I know all things things but it never makes it easy. I suppose that is where faith and trust come in.
Your Friend
Sunday - Jan 20 - Message by Robert Dean Steel
Walking on the Wild
Side – John 6:16-21 – Jan 20, 2013
Intro: Jesus sent His
disciples ahead of Him in the boat and then He went to a lonely place to
pray. Later on that night in the middle
of the lake Jesus comes to them walking on the
water. It is an amazing feat of defying
natural law and showing His command over the elements.
- When the disciples saw Jesus at first they thought he was a ghost. Jesus then called out to them and they recognized after hearing His voice it was Him.
- When Peter saw it was Jesus he asked if he could come and walk to Jesus. Jesus told him to come and he walked on the water but when he took his eyes off Jesus and put them on the wind and the waves he began to panic and sink.
- Jesus saved him and they both walked back into the boat. Before we criticize Peter for his lack of faith remember all the rest stayed in the boat. No risk no adventure.
- Lessons we can learn from these passages.
- Jesus was a man who needed to get away from the crowds and His method of re-establishing His focus was to pray. A good lesson for us.
- Jesus was a man of prayer. He prayed before every major decision. Jesus’ lifestyle was such that he went from one place of prayer to another place of prayer and in between He did miracles.
- In the storms of life in the dark times Jesus is saying keep your eyes on me. Forget the winds and the waves focus on Jesus. Be still and not afraid. Be not afraid is a phrase used 366 times in the Bible.
- It takes real faith to walk on the water in the storms of life but Jesus taking our hand we can do all things. It is important to not look at the winds and the waves but keep our eyes focused on Jesus.
- We are to have faith and do not doubt. We are also to worship the Lord.
- People recognized that Jesus has the power and when they come to Him even the smallest touch can bring healing.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Letters to David
Letters To David
Hello David
I have wanted to write to you for a long time but like it seems like everytime I get a minute, it seems something gets in the way. So I decided I just need to take the time and write. I wanted to talk to you about my struggles in prayer. Have you ever wondered why it seems that your prayers just bounce off the ceiling? I know I have. I know the word says that God is all powerful but why does it seems that in my world it just doesn't happen. There seems to be a holy frustration among God's people. We have a desire to pray but how does one turn that desire into a lifestyle of prayer? This to me is a paradox. You want to pray, you have a desire to pray but you can't either find the time or when you do, you cannot put your feelings into words.
I know I seem to be just spilling my thoughts onto the page but this is a real dilemma for me. I have ths great desire to pray, I want to pray but I need to figure this out. I love the Lord with all my heart and with every fibre of my being I want to serve and obey Him but like most I struggle with prayer so if it is o.k. I am going to write to you and tell you how this journey progresses.
Prayer is such an intimate thing David, it is a personal time with the creator of the universe. It boggles the mind to think that we can communicate in this form to the one who is still creating all things. To speak one on one with an individual who as Isaiah says, in Isaiah 55, "His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are greater than our thoughts." Truly prayer is an amazing spiritual exercise. It is also mind boggling to think that as one writer said, "Prayer is the most powerful thing in the universe because the most powerful being in the universe is backing it up." That we have the privilege of being to pray. It really gives a person assurance that when they pray that God will back up everything He says in His word.
Well David I guess I will go now. Been great sharing these thoughts with you. I look forward to our next letter. I will write to you soon.
Your Friend
Friday, January 18, 2013
Psalm 94 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 94 - Psalms of Steel
There is a call ringing through the land.
A cry for revival, Oh God move your hand.
Lord bring your healing, revive the heart.
Do a work of redemption. Lord let me be the start.
Lord it is me standing in the need of prayer.
Change my heart God, between you and me, lets clean the air.
Revival and judgment begin in the Lord's house.
Lord give us the courage, in the things of God let us not be a mouse.
Lord you are the answer to revival in cities and our towns.
Lord bring your grace and let your love abound.
As we repent and then seek your face.
Let others and their salvation be the goal of our race.
Break the selfishness, disobedience and hurt that we carry.
Pour into us your love and forgiveness, this will make us merry.
There is still time to reach the lost.
All of us together must seek His face and then count the cost.
As Ezekiel was called to account for His generation.
So shall we must give an account of our regeneration.
Have we prayed, pleaded and sought His face for others?
Or forgotten that those who live by us are really our brothers.
Jesus in Eqypt
As you are aware our new devotional is on the life of Christ. Today in Matt 2:13-18, Jesus was taken to Egypt by His parents because they were warned in a dream that Herod would try to kill Jesus. They went down to Egypt and stayed there until Herod died. Herod had sent roops to Bethlehem and all the baby boys under two years were killed. Many cried that day. The lessons we learn from this portion is this, God will always keep His anointed from danger and that includes us. The enemy will roar around us but the angels of the Lord camp around us. The Lord will always confirm and fulfill His word. There will be weeping and mourning for those who die but there is comfort for those who mourn. Your promises today are: Psalm 5:12, 17:4, 34:7, 46:1, 91:9-11, Prov 2:8, 30:5, John 8:36, Rom 8:2, 8:37, 2 Thess 3:3, & Rev 12:11. Your Insightful Sayings are: The person who chooses their words wisely rarely makes a fool's mistake. When you guard your heart you rarely have to guard your mouth.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Psalm 91 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 91 - Psalms of Steel
What a wonderful friend the Holy Spirit is.
He has made His home in our hearts.
We are His dwelling and temple.
He is the one who gives us resurrection power.
Who is the Holy Spirit and what does He do.
The Holy Spirit is the abiding guest.
He will keep us in all things.
The Spirit is our guide and teacher into all truth.
He takes what He hears and shares it with us.
We will be aware and informed about God's will.
The Spirit testifies of Jesus Christ.
He points the way to the Savior.
He reproves and reveals what God says.
He reproves and reveals what God says.
He reproves of sin, righteousness and judgment.
If we repent our sins shall be removed and we will be righteous.
The Spirit is our guide, He guides into truth.
He is the voice of God, a voice we can know.
He reveals the future, God's and ours.
He reminds of each promise in the word.
He is the inside power to help us overcome.
The Spirit will point the way to the Savior.
He will glorify and exalt Jesus.
He has been sent to reveal our redeemer.
He exhorts and shows us Jesus.
The Holy Spirits shows us the Christ.
He is the resurrection power.
The spiritual dynamo, the regenerator.
He witnesses of the Son and tells us the truth.
We are the Sons of God, joint heirs and royal children.
Through Him, the promises of God come to pass.
The Spirit helps us in prayer.
He teaches us to intercede and pray with power.
He intercedes through us with groaning and utterances.
No words have to be spoken as the Spirit knows the mind of God and you.
Holy Spirit, thank you for dwelling in us.
Psalm 90 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 90 - Psalms of Steel
Lord your covenant and testimonies are true.
The contrast between the old and new covenants,
Are noteworthy and powerful in scope.
The Old covenant was longing the New is realization.
The Old was God the Creator, the New is God the Redeemer.
The Old was the Majestic God, the New is God our Father.
The Old covenant is the story of the first things, the New is the last things.
The Old shows man as in spiritual darkness, the New is Jesus as the Light of the World.
The Old shows satan`s victory, the New his defeat.
The Old reveals sins curse, the New sins remedy.
In the Old death reigns, in the New is life eternal.
The Old covenant required blood sacrifices, in the New Jesus is the Lamb of God.
In the Old men were in bondage, in the New freedom and victory.
In the Old was the law, in the New is God`s goodness.
In the Old were types and shadows, in the New substance and reality.
In the Old was a written code, in the New is the Holy Spirit.
In the Old were outward ceremonies and traditions, in the New the inward Kingdom of God.
Truly the Lord has shown His lover over time.
In the Old covenant prophecy, in the New prophecy is fulfilled.
In the Old an expected Messiah and Savior, in the New, the Savior.
In the Old paradise was lost, in the New paradise is regained.
Give thanks to the Lord for both covenants,
The New is superior because of Jesus, Amen.
Psalm 93 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 93 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
There is a puzzle, an enigma, riddle and paradox.
How is it that through loss, one can gain all?
The Kingdom of God is so foreign to the natural mind.
The humble are exalted, the exalted are humbled.
Greatness in the Kingdom of God is learning to be a servant.
The principle of gain tough loss is mind altering.
The loss of earthly treasures secures spiritual gain.
Materialism, commercialism, greed and covetousness,
And the love of money, which is the root of all evil.
When we give these up, we gain the Kingdom of God.
The treasures of heaven become ours to possess.
Self sacrifice becomes a paying investment.
The promise is that whatever we give up,
Will be returned a hundred fold in this life and the next.
Another spiritual paradox is when you lose your life,
For the sake of Christ is you gain it back.
Another truth is, if you try to save your life,
You will lose it because you did not consider the eternal cost.
The reality of the Kingdom of God, is humility lead to exaltation.
God exalts the humble and humbles the proud.
Pride is the original sin that caused heavenly beings to fall.
The Lord promises life out of death.
You have to be dead to trespasses and sin to live.
The Lord takes the foolish things to confound the wise.
Lord consider your servants, when we give up all to follow you.
Help us to see true value, not in what is seen by that which is unseen.
We gain and receive all. This is the prize and reward,
For those who long for His appearing.
The puzzle, enigma, paradox and riddle remains.
God chooses through loss to bring about gain.
Let the wise consider and grasp this and live.
Wise men still seek Him
In Matt 2:1-12 we again learn that Jesus is a shepherd to the people of Israel. The star was a sign of something great for we know that person was Jesus Christ. The world is decietful and we must be careful of them. We are to be in this world but not of it. When a true seeker of God comes into the presence of Christ they are overjoyed to see Him. Jesus will always be there to keep us safe from the harm of the evil one. Your promises today are: Psalm 30:2, 43:10, 19, 55:18, 103:3, 119:93, John 8:36, Rom 8:2, 2 Cor 2:14, 1 Jn 3:8 and 3 Jn 2. Your Insightful Sayings are: The issues of the heart can be only hid for a time before they surface in actions, speech or attitudes. Wisdom is the rarest and most precious of commodities today and only those who risk all can truly possess it.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The wise men.
In Matt 1:12, some wise men were shown by God that a King was bon in the nation of Israel. They saw a star and this star was a sign that would lead them to this King. Thy travelled west until they came to Jerusalem and visited Herod. An inquiry was made from the scripture Micah 5:2, it was known that the King would be born in Bethlehem. They went to Bethlehem and found the baby Jesus who was now about two years old. They gave him presents of gold, frankinsence and myrrh. They were told by the Lord in a dream to go home another way and Mary and Joseph were told to flee to Egypt. In this account we learn that God revealed to gentiles, His secret to confirm that Jesus was the Christ. They came to worship Him and to show that Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus came to disturb hearts as He did that day in the city of Jerusalem. God always confirms His word through prophecy, found in the word of God and confirmed by the word. Jesus right from the beginning faced opposition and as His followers we must realize that the world hates us and will try to kill us if they have a chance. Your promises today are: Micah 5:2, John 1:1 & 14, John 3:16, 2 Cor 5:17 and Eph 3:20. Your Insightful Sayings are: Children are the best and worst of their parents which always comes out in a parent teacher interview. Gossip is tasty to the tongue and ears until it is about you.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Psalm 92 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 92 - Psalms of Steel
Why have I fallen into his trap?
How is it that I find myself in this place again?
So many times I have tried to break free,
I continue to dig the same hole and pit.
Who can save me from my own folly.
A voice, an inner thought, a cry from within.
Reminds me that there is a redeemer who saves.
He can break the cycle of sin.
There is no trespass that cannot be overcome.
This does not have to be the end of my story.
In that moment I cried out to the Lord.
Save me from this madness, the insanity of sin.
Do not let me follow the path of the fool.
Keep me from the fate that awaits them at the end.
Turn this desperate time into a moment of victory.
The Lord heard my cry and He forgave my sin.
I confessed it to Him and He sent His love to heal.
I renounced my folly. He came and renewed me.
I received His abundant forgiveness and was renewed.
There is nothing that heals and restores like you oh God.
Now I sing praises and rejoice in our Savior.
With my heart, body and soul I worship you.
The attitude of my heart is expressed to you only.
With joyful praise and extravagant worship,
I extol, honor, glorify and exalt your holy name
Simoen and Anna
In Luke 2:22-38, Simeon and Anna were two older saints who were righteous and devout. Simeon had been told by the Holy Spirit he would not die unti he saw the Messiah. When he saw the child he took him in his arms and gave a prophecy over Jesus. Anna saw Jesus and spoke of His redemption. Mary and Joseph marveled over this and went to home. Here is Simeon's prophecy: The Holy Spirit was working in the lives of the Old Testament saints. The Holy Spirit moved him to find the Christ who God had promised to let him see before he died. God always keeps His promises. The Lord always completes His task before He dismisses His servants. The Lord prepares and gives salvation to His people. Jesus is the light and revelation to the gentiles and the glory of God to the people of Israel. Jesus is the rising and falling of the nation of Israel. Jesus will reveal the thoughts of many hearts even His family. Anna then came along and said that Jesus is the redemption of the people. He is the grace and wisdom of God. Your promises today are: Prov 8:22, John 1:1, 8:58, Col 1:15-19, Heb 2:1-8 and Rev 1:8. Your Insightful Saying is: The person who encourages brings life to the bones, the one who criticizes death to the soul.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Insightful Thoughts or Proverbs of Steel
161. God is everywhere but today
most people are looking somewhere else.
162. It is the wise man that hear
God calling. Is is the fool that shuts
his ears.
163. Age is a matter of mind not
body. You have young people that are old
in their outlook and Seniors who are young in their heart.
164. Here is a paradox of life. You have a rich man acting poor and a poor
man acting rich.
165. There is one place that we can
all act like children. In our
relationship with God.
166. Fitness to the body does have
some value. But being fit in your soul
is priceless.
167. Guard every friendship as a
precious treasure or you will find yourself much poorer.
168. Value your wife, she is the
strongest link in the family chain.
169. Never seek love outside of the
Lord and refuse the offers of those who claim to know about love. God is love and it originates with Him.
170. The Bible is meat for the soul
the problem today is many want to eat salad.
Obedient to the will of God.
In Luke 2:21-23, we see Jesus being brought by His parents to the temple on the day of His dedication. We learn that every first born male was to be presented to the Lord. The first born male was heir to the family name and fortune. They carried the glory of the family and God according to Jewish tradition. They were the Lord's and the parents would have to buy the boy back paying the price of two doves. This is what Mary and Joseph were doing at this time and they would meet two people who would confirm how special their child was and His destiny in this world. God will always confirm His promises when we are obedient to what He tells us to do. Today's promises are: Gen 3:15, Josh 1:5, Joshua 24:15, Isaiah 41:10, 53:6, Zech 4:6 and Mal 3:10. Yorr Insightful Sayings are: Success is a matter of perspective. You may have riches and still be a failure as a person. You can have nothing and be a success as a person. God has never hiiden Himself from man's view. Creation delcares His glory and power. Man has chosen to look in the wrong places and ways.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Insightful Thoughts or Proverbs of Steel
131. Words can be your greatest
asset or adversary.
132. Choosing to speak with wisdom
is like cool water to a thirsty man.
133. The greatest form of humor is
when you can laugh at yourself.
134. When I am at peace with the man
in the mirror I can have peace with all men.
135. Love is the greatest gift that
you can give yourself and others.
136. Comedy and God have one thing
in common that makes a person successful.
137. Putting love into practice is
the greatest action movie we will ever see.
138. Living in the last days helps
us to focus on making the maximum impact in the minimum amount of time.
140. Sportmanship is the ability to
lose gracefully and not make excuses for yourself.
Psalm 89 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 89 -
Psalms of Steel
The majesty of
the mountains.
The mighty
river rapids.
The howling
and powerful wind.
The vastness
of the cosmos.
All declare
there is a God.
The foolish
man is the one who misses the obvious,
The heavens
and firmament declare the glory of God.
The wise sees
everything that has been created,
As the
evidence of a master designer.
None but the
blind can miss this.
Man is God`s
greatest and most intricate creation.
All the
different delicate and apparent operations,
Of the body,
soul and spirit are wonders of God`s intelligence.
As the
psalmist said, “we are marvelous and wonderfully created.”
Truly the wise
can discern the truth.
The foolish
man will promote creation without God.
They will
expound theories that require more faith than believing in God.
They will
build creatures and eco systems .
stories and conjecture based on the smallest evidence.
They lie to
themselves and others.
The foolish
man who promotes a godless creation,
Professes to
be learned, intelligent and wise,
is in reality,
uneducated, stupid and foolish.
No manner of
education, truth or knowledge,
Will change
their minds, they will take this,
Theory, lie
and falsehood to their lost eternity.
Be wise young
man and women.
Seek the Lord,
refuse to listen to lies.
Know that the
Lord is God, He created all things.
In Him all
things, live, move and are.
Praise Him for
His goodness and love.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Dream a Little dream!
In Matt 1:18-25, Joseph discovered here that Mary was going to have a baby. He thought that she had been unfaithful to him so he was going to put her away secretly. Joseph was a righteous man and he did not want to disgrace her publicly. Before he did this act however the Lord comes to him in a dream and reveals how Mary become pregnant. Joseph then does what the Lord wanted. We learn that a virgin gives birth to a baby who was the Messiah. The fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14. This act would be done through the agent of the Holy Spirit. They would name Him, Jesus and He was going to save mankind from their sins. His name shall be called Immanuel, which means God with us. Jesus would be the incarnation of God. He was God with a face. Your promises today are: Isaiah 7:14, 9:6-7, 53:5, John 3:16, 12 Cor 5:17 and John 4:4. Your Insightful Sayings are: Men rarely ask the five "W's" because they associate the first "W," with either woman or wife. Men's best effort does not even come close to God's worst mistake if He ever made one.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Psalm 88 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 88 - Psalms of Steel
Let us give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
Let us be careful to obey and follow the Lord.
Let us make every effort to do God's will.
Let us approach God’s throne with confidence,
Know that we will have help and comfort in our time of need.
Let us go onto higher heights,
Deeper depths and places of victory in the Lord.
Let us trust in the Lord with every fibre of our being.
Lean on Him and His understanding and walk in His ways.
Let us draw near to God.
Let His mercy, love, grace and goodness surround and keep us.
Let us hold fast with confidence and joy.
Know that God only has the perfect plan for us.
Let us come into the Holy of Holies.
Our place of prayer and know that God will hear and answer.
Let us come when the Spirit says come.
As He guides us and leads us into all truth.
Let us consider one another.
Love one another as Christ loves us.
The greatest gift you can give is to lay down your life for others.
Let us praise the Lord with our voices, lives and being.
Let us live for Him and in turn for others.
Let us rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice.
All this for His praise and glory.
Let us honor, glorify and praise His name.
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