Monday, October 19, 2020

To the people and nation of Rwanda


To the Church and Nation of Rwanda


     You are struggling with your past and trying to come to grasp your future.  In the past, you followed the dark forces of Imana.  You gave yourself to idols, shamanism, witchcraft, folk religion with local deities and demons.  You were for a long time considered a dark and foreboding land.  You have also formed along with clans and tribes.  You have little love and tolerance for those outside your own people.  Others have exploited this and use it for their own gain.  This has caused war, slavery, and genocide.  As you come into your future you will have to renounce the sins of the past or you will repeat them over and over again.  You are in the valley of decision.  I want to use you but you must choose to come into love, unity, and peace.

    To my church, I have a rebuke and a promise.  First, the rebuke many of you have viewed me as synonymous with the traditional Rwandan God Imana.  That is why you put traditional practices into your services and festivals.  This cannot be.  Light has no place with darkness.  Bitter and sweet water does not come from the same source.  Death and life are not compatible.  Repent of these practices and serve the true and living God.  Now I have a promise to my church.  In the last days, you will reap a great harvest, especially among the young people.  They compose the majority of your land.  They are tired of clansmanship, poverty, racial tension and lack of opportunities.  They want to come into abundant and eternal life.  You will see a great move among them.  Teach them, love them and disciple them.  The cults will try to exploit that.  They need truth not lies.  I will pour out my spirit across clans, tribes, languages, and nations.  You will see reconciliation, unity, and healing.  It will days of victory and healing so go forth and see my love, peace, grace, mercy, and unity do it full work.

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