To the Church and Nation of Madagascar
You are an island nation with such unique landscapes, flora, and fauna. I kept you isolated so that I could show my creation. You have such a diversity of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. I wanted all to see that all I do in creation is wonderful and beautiful. When you came to this island you marveled but instead of seeking the creator, you chose to honor the creation. You began to follow idols, demons and worshipped your ancestors. This kept you in darkness, sickness, pain, and disease. Then I sent my missionaries and workers to you. They showed you that that the creator is greater than the creation and so you believed. Today many of you have turned to me and so I will continue to bless your nation.
This is what I have against you, however. You still even though you have accepted me are still including in your worship a place for your ancestors. You are praying to them instead of me. You are honoring them above me. I am a jealous God and will not brook any worship but my own. The reason is simple. These practices lead you back to demons, idol worship and occult activities that aligned you with the devil and not me. I want you free not in bondage. I will remind you that the devil comes only to rob, kill and destroy. What you call culture and honoring of the family is actually enslaving you to the enemy.
To those who follow me with your whole heart, I have three promises for you. I will show you, Jesus, as the conqueror of death. Death, hell and the grave have been defeated. Next, Jesus is the restorer of the humble. Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up. Lastly, Jesus is the great intercessor. Right now He is praying for you that you may be strong, courageous, fearless and persistent. I have a great future for you if you draw close to me.
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