Sunday, May 31, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Haiti

To the Church and Nation of Haiti

     To the people of Haiti.  You have wondered over and over why you suffer the way you do.  You have all the same natural resources as our neighbors but you can never break the cycle of violence, poverty, natural disasters and endless loss of opportunities.  The reason is simple and direct.  You have sold you're sold as a nation to voodoo, occult and satanic practices.  You allow demons, idols, and occult practices to destroy you.  You have sold your sold to satan and you are reaping the consequences.  You think he gives you power and peace.  The reality is has nothing but an agenda to rob, kill and destroy.  He has blinded you into a victim mentality.  You think it is other things that have caused this.  You even think that I have caused this.  No this is your own sin and unwillingness to let go of the occult that has caused this.  I have sent you help, hope and possible ways out but you refuse them or exploit them for your own gain.  I sent you international aid, missionaries, aid agencies, and ministries but you cannot and will not give up your evil ways.  I help your children all the time and yet you constantly give them over to satan.  You are drunk with the power of satan and he has blinded you and this has destroyed any hope.
     To the church in Haiti.  I see every tear that you have cried over the children, the families, and the nation.  You know why this has happened and you cry out to me.  Be assured I have not forgotten you.  I will still send help.  I will still do signs, wonders, and miracles among you.  Remember though this is not a competition between you and the shamans for power.  They bring fear, despair, and death.  You bring love, mercy, hope, and redemption.  The evil ones bring death, hell and the grave.  You bring life, heaven and victory over the grave.  I am going to send a great revival, especially among the children.  You are going to see large amounts of young people surrendering to me.  Remember your fight is not carnal but powerful.  Remember if you submit to the Lord and resist the devil, he will flee from you.  Satan is a defeated foe, Jesus destroyed his works on the cross.  Remember great is He that is in you than He that is in the world.  The devil is a coward, liar, thief and a defeated foe.  He makes a lot of noise but you have already one.  So go and take your nation.  I have given it to you.  Be strong and courageous.  No weapon against you will prosper.

No more delay

May 31 - No more delay - Rev 10:5-6

Vs 5-6 -  This is a very dramatic moment the angel that John had seen on the sea and the land raises his hand to heaven.  In this gesture he is doing four things.  First, he is surrendering his will to the will of the Lord.  When one lifts one hands it means surrender and giving up control to another.  Next, he is raising his hands in worship.  The one who sits on the throne and the lamb are worthy of all praise and glory.  Thirdly, he is thanking the Lord for his power, might dominion and authority.  This is about to be directed to those who have been walking in their own ways.  Lastly he is aligning himself with heaven.  This angel is about to release God’s  final word. 
     He then swears an oath.  He is representing the one who lives forever.  God is eternal.  He has no beginning and no end.  He has always been and will forever be.  He is the one who created the heavens and the earth.  He is the creator of al things and all that is in them.  The amazing thing is that scientists tell us that the universe is still expanding.  God is still in the creating business. 
     The angel then focuses on the earth and all that is in it.  Of course the Lord is dealing with this world.  Interesting as well the judgment of God is also on the sea and all that is in it.  The message is now conveyed.  There will be no more delay.  The time of grace has been suspended and now only judgment remains.  Mankind has refused to repent and so God will execute His judgment on all creation.  When God says it is done it is done.  He does not change His mind.

Proverbs of Steel May 31

Saturday, May 30, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Guyana

To the Church and Nation of Guyana

    I the Lord has blessed you with so much beauty, natural resources, and animals.  You have not spoiled them so far.  You are called the land of many waters because of the abundance that I have for you.  In the past, you gave into idolatry, demonic worship, and cruelty but you have listened and received my many servants who came to you and for that I am pleased.  You have not yet reached your potential.  You have been exploited by those around you.  Your day as a nation and church are coming.  I will use you as a doorway for reaching your continent.  You will see many great things for me.  I am sending you more help.  Though you are poor in the things of this world you are rich in faith and spirit.  You have learned to rely on me and your wish is for all to know me.  Even though you are small in population I will make you great in the spiritual realm.  Right now there is a fight for your soil.  Come to me and I will give you eternal and abundant life.  I will make you strong and anointed.  Remember those who know their God will be strong and do exploits.  That is what I will do for you if you remain in me and my mine remain in you. 

7 Thunders

May 30 - Seven Thurnders - Rev 10:3-4

Vs 3-4  Now this part is very interesting.  The scroll is open but then the angel gave a great shout and the voices like seven thunders also spoke.  He is having a conversation with seven thunders.  The seven thunders by most scholars is interpreted the voice of God.  Many also believed the reasons why John was not to write it down is because this is placed between two judgments.  This judgment is so severe that God decided to not do it and it has been either postponed.  John is ready to write down what is being said but he is told not to write down the conversation.  This has been a mystery talked about for centuries.    This is the grace of God at work.  God also shows his sovereignty because He chooses to let us know what we should know and keep from us that which we should not know.  This is one of the divine mysteries.  This has been sealed up and kept from the audience.  Either God is walking in grace or He changes His mind.  Either way we will never know what was said, John is the only living person who knows.

Proverbs of Steel - May 30

May 30 Proverbs of Steel

Addressing Fear

Friday, May 29, 2020

Proverbs of Steel - May 28 part 2

To the Church and Nation of Guinea-Bissau

To the Church and Nation of Guinea-Bissau

     The Lord has a word for you.  You have been in the past a nation of slavery.  In fact, you were an entry point and one of the largest areas for slavery in the Americas.  You are also a nation of poverty and disease.  That was never my will for you.  You chose however to ignore those I sent to you and you have been reaping that since.  Yet I am not finished with you yet.  There is hope for you if you listen to the next wave of missionaries and evangelists I am going to send you.  As you were a sending point of slavery I want to make you a nation of freedom.  Remember who the Son sets free is free indeed.
     To the people who claim to be mine, I warn you to give up your practices of combining your ancient ways with my ways.  Remember that why is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit.  They will never mix.  You cannot mix light and darkness.  You cannot mix a lie with the truth.  Yet you have tried.  I will have truth, light, and spirit.  To my remnant those who have not soiled their clothes with lies, darkness, and flesh.  I am going to send you a great revival.  I will use you to bless the nations around you.  You will be a sending point to your part of the world.  Remember there is no one like me in the battle between light and darkness.  I will give you light and life.  I will give you strength, help, and victory.  You can trust me to do my word.  I am not a man so I will not lie.   I have heard the prayers of my servants and will bring to you what you have asked for.  I have heard you in the early watches of the day.  I have seen your tears and I will wipe them away and give you joy.

Nothing Hid

May 29 - Nothing can be hid - Rev 10:2

Vs 2 – He had a little scroll in his hand and it was open.  God had a message and this message was nothing was being hid.  God lets us know what he is doing.  Jesus said, that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.  The Holy Spirit will take that which he hears and will pass it unto us.  Our responsibility s to get ourselves in a place that we can hear what the Lord is saying.  Now this angel planted his feet on the sea and one on the land.  All things created are under God’s authority.  This is also an amazing scene because only something supernatural can plant itself on water and not sink.  This is a supernatural moment.  Something powerful is about to be revealed.  John was getting ready and we should be as well.  The Lord is showing us things to come in this book.  We will know the future and this prepares us to live each moment for the Lord.  Remember Jesus can come back at anytime.  In the twinkling of an eye everything in our world changes.  We need to be ready to receive God’s message the moment he speaks and ready to leave in a moment as well.  Live ready.    

May 29 - Proverbs of Steel