Saturday, April 11, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Ecudaor

To the Church and Nation of Ecuador

     The Lord has both a compliment and rebuke for this country.  First, I will compliment you on the fact that over time you embraced me and chose me over the false demons and gods of the land.  I remember when the king of the Incas threw my word down and rejected me and suffered the consequences.  Though I did not approve of the means and method of his destruction.  One must remember that I am not mocked whatever a person sows they will reap.  I will compliment you on the ways that my people are strong in prayer, the word, and evangelism and are working hard to reach their fellow countrymen.
   I have a rebuke because you have practiced syncretism.  You add the traditions, the worship and the honoring of local deities, icons, and religious symbols.  Remember I am the Lord and you are not to have any of these things before me but you have.  You have embraced the religion of the old world and incorporated it into your religious life.  You have allowed human priests to change your heart.  They teach you the word of God according to the traditions of men and not the word of God.    This is to your shame and account.  I will not allow this to continue but will expose it for what it is.  This is demonic worship done in my name and I will not tolerate it.  You have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.
   To my true church, to those who are my remnant among the people.  I have two things to say to you and then five promises.  I want you to draw close to me.  I have many things I wish to show and teach you but you must draw close to hear and see.  Next, pursue godliness and truth.  This is done by studying my word and prayer.  Now the fivefold blessing.  First, you will shine like radiant stars in dark places.  Next, you will receive a royal welcome in heaven when you pass into death.  Thirdly, All that you have suffered will just add to the glory and honors that I will give you when you appear before me.  Fourthly, you will come in my presence with great honor.  I will welcome you as a victor.  Lastly,  I will give you a place near my throne.  I have seen what you have endured and will reward you for it.  Be encouraged today.

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