Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Angels watching

April 28 – Angels watching – Rev 7:11

Vs 11 – So here is the scene.  You have the multitude that cannot be number surrounding the throne.  Then all the angels who again are without number standing there.  They have been watching the redeemed from all over the world worshipping God.  Now you have to realize that the angels do not fully understand or comprehend salvation because they have never been redeemed.  They made their choice before the foundation of the world about whose side they were on and theirs carried an eternal consequence.   Mankind can be given many opportunities where the angels were given only once that opportunity.  Sin separated mankind from God and the Lord had a plan for salvation.  Sin was dealt with at the cross through the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb.  We do know that the angels do rejoice when one sinner comes to repentance.  Jesus said that in Luke 15:7.  The angels are now witnesses to this scene of a multitude without number worshipping God.  Then the elders and the living creatures fall on their faces before the throne and worshipped God.  What an amazing scene.  Here is one reality if you do not like worship then this is not a place you want to be.

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