To the Church and nation of Chad
The Lord has a word for the nation of Chad. I have seen your history and how you have prosper and then fell into poverty. I have seen how you follow after the desert gods and the folly's of worshipping creation more than me. I know that many have a form of religious behaviour but your hearts are away from me. I have given you everything you need in resources but you have squandered them. My heart is broken over your family units and how you exploit your women and children. This breaks my heart and I will have to deal with you in anger and not in love. Yet there is still time to turn to me. I am a graceful and loving God.
To my people in the nation of Chad, I will give you greater favor than you have ever had before. I have seen how you have cried out to me in your distress. I know your poverty but I want to remind you that you are rich. In me you can and will have abundance. I encourage you to live a life of praise and worship. I have heard you powerful and dynamic songs of worship. I have seem how you worship me with your whole heart and that pleases me. I am concerned about how some of my preachers have embraced selfishness and personal gain but I can still reach them if they turn to me and let go of their greed. I will give you strength and gladness. I will pour into you my love, grace and mercy. It will be an overflow. So today draw close to me. Heed my invitation and come. I remind you that I am coming soon. Live and be prepared for I will come at a time whenyou least expect it.
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