Monday, February 10, 2020

To the church and Nation of Central African Republic
 I the Lord have blessed you with climate, resources and beauty yet you have not use them for my glory.  You have been ruled by evil for a long time.  You have allow demons to take from you what I wanted you to use for your abundance and prosperity.  I gave you my presence and you have responded and I am please with you in that regard.  Your nation provided America with slaves and for a while the slave traders decimated your land.  They brought evil and the drink that they brought caused many of you to turn to evil in great ways.  They final left you poorer but you recovered.  
     I have sent many nations to keep your peace but you continue to fight among yourself.  You have been your own worst enemy.  Time and time again I have sent you help but instead you refuse and make it worst every time.  Yet it is not the end of your story.  I am going to pour out my spirit upon you in a greater measure.  I will send you my five fold ministry.  In particular I will send my servants and they will perform great things among you to stir you on.  Your young people will become your greatest asset.  They will lead you into greater and more wonderful things.  You have much too praise me for.  I will show you my greatness and power.  With that will come honor and glory to my name.  The leadership in your land will see what I am doing through my people and they will come to you to show them how to heal the land.  A healing is coming to your land.  Evil will only prevail for a while longer and as you turn to me I will heal your land.  

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