Friday, February 28, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

To the Church and Nation of Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
I, the Lord want to bring a message of hope and healing to a land that has been reaping civil and military unrest for the past while. I wish to address three issues I have against you. First on how you allowed the exploitation of my natural resources. You got your name because you allowed people from other lands to take the richness of your continent and destroy it for profit and personal gain. This has cause untold suffering and pain through out the world and is to your shame. Secondly, your history of human exploitation. You have promoted and even now hurt my little ones. You country is still full of small children being hurt. do you not remember when my Son Jesus Christ said, it would be better to have a millstone wrapped around your neck and thrown into the sea than hurt one of my little ones. This you have done to your shame and it will held against you on the day of judgment. Thirdly, you have allowed false religion to dominate your lands. This has been your shame for centuries. Though I have tried to balance that with my people.
To my church in this land. I will continue to use you for my glory. I have sent my missionaries to bolster and support you. I am about to do a great thing in your land. You are going to see my signs, wonders and miracles. My glory, presence and essence will be manifested in your land. From your capital to the smallest village I will pour out my spirit. Your greatest days are ahead. I call you to be diligent, faithful and strong. I will strengthen you when you feel weak. I will hear and answers your prayers. I will help you to be strong and courageous. There are four things I want you to do today. You are to love, show mercy, walk in grace and be bearers of my peace. There has not been much peace in your land of late. Mankind has tried to bring hope but have failed. You, my people will be the bearers of peace and hope in your land because you bring Jesus Christ, the Prince of peace. Be a light and beacon of love in your land.

Who love Him

Feb 28 – Who love Him – Rev 3:10

Vs 10 – There are two promises given to the church at Philadelphia and to all who love Him.  Since they have kept His commands and endured patiently.  He will keep them from that hour that will come to test all the inhabitants of the earth.  What a great promise to be kept from the great tribulation.  To be taken out of that time where the earth will be tested and perfected through judgment.  This is the promise to the church.  We shall be taken out before the great and terrible day of the judgment of God.  The thing to remember is that Jesus said it is coming.  The judgment of God is coming.  This is a sure and true statement.  Anyone who says otherwise is a liar and lunatic.  To know something is coming and not do anything about it is madness.  Jesus will keep His from facing this judgment.

Verse Today


Job has a great thought for us today in Job 23:10, But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. We all go through times of testing but if we react right and ask God for wisdom that test will turn into a testimony. Remember testing is for refinement and refinement brings purity. A great thought and lesson to learn today.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Verse Today


David said in Psalm 4:3, Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him. What a great promise to know that when you pray the Lord will hear and will answer. So today do not hold back. Tell the Lord all you need to. Get it off your chest, get peace and divine help. Help is only a prayer away.

To the Church and Nation of Costa Rica

To the Church and Nation of Costa Rica
     There is a reason that you have know stability and relative prosperity for many decades.  I the Lord have given it to you.  Now there have been a couple times where evil spirits and men tried to wrestle away your stability but I pulled them down so you could become what I intended you to be.  Now some would asked the question why?  I did it so that the nations around you could see my presence and glory.  I also did it because of the prayers and activity of my people.  You see my church in your country is why you are the way you are.  They have been praying, seeking my face, turning from their wicked way and humbling themselves on your behalf.  You have even seen how even an institutional church can be mighty in its influence.  I have made you what you are because of my people.  They are the reason and also I am please how so many of you have turned to me.
      To my church I want you to know how I am so pleased with what you have done.  I am concerned about how the small pockets of false groups that have tried to claim existence with you but they are a minor annoyance as long you keep turning to me.  I want you to know that I am going to continue to pour out my spirit upon you.  I am going to continue sending my people from all over the world to help you.  You are even going to be more determine and courageous than you have been in the past.  I also have a warning to my pastors in your land.  You have grown strong and have become people of influence but I warn you to stay humble, wise and do not believe all that people say about you.  It is easy to fall from a pedestal made by man or ourselves.  You were raised up by me and not by your pedigree, will, determination, charisma, skills or creativity.  You will raised up by me and me alone.  I can lift you up or tear you down do not forget that.  So today let righteousness, truth, honesty and integrity continue to be my benchmarks for you.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Comoros

To the Church and Nation of Comoros
     This is a word of encouragement to my small but determined remnant in this island nation.  First, to this nation I have a strong word of rebuke and yet hope at the same time.  You were given all the beauty and grace in your land.  It has been said that a spirit made you a gem.  That in part is true.  I made you and created you be beautiful.  What you have done is turned what I intended for good into bad.  You became a land of slavery and false religion.  When you as a group turned to the robber religion of the desert you aligned yourself which all that was false.  You believe in a false message given by a lying angel who claim to be of me and has robbed the earth of its peace.  Such is the lie of this false religion that has enslaved over 15% of mankind.  They call themselves a religion of peace and yet they have killed, murdered and enslaved so many.  You as a nation have accepted this and it has been your downfall.  Turn to me from this and I will heal you.  Since your independence all you have known is violence, political instability and poverty.  I can heal if you wish.
     To my small but vibrant church in this land.  I know that you are few in number but I so pleased with your determination.  You walk in love, faith and hope and this pleases me.  I have heard you pray in the watches of the night.  I have seen how you have preayed in the open.  I know that you have been persecuted, maligned and misundertood.  It seems at times you are losing the battle but I will give you so much more shortly.  I will give you household salvation.  You move  and revival will start with the young people of your island nation.  They have grown tired of seeing the world around them and they want to much more.  The poverty and the lack of hope will drive them to me.  They want to know live, acceptance and forgiveness and they will see it in you.  So be strong and stay determined.  Your best days are ahead.  Like Joshua of old, be strong and courageous.  Like Joshua, I am with you and you will take the land if you do not lose faith and give up.

Nothing can be hid

Feb 26 – Nothing can be hid.  Rev 3:8

Vs 8 – Jesus again reveals that he knows us and our deeds.  Nothing can be hid.  Motives and attitudes are always known by God yet they may be hid from the sight of man.  The all knowing one observes us.  The theme of each church is that God knows who we are and what we have done.  We have an audience of one.  
     Jesus then states He is opening a door for them.  This door no one can shut.  They have a special task.  A special job to do.  He also knows they have little strength.  They are a weary church.  They are tired and nearly worn out.  He also knows that they have kept His word.  What a great testimony.  Through it all they have been true to the Lord.  In spite of persecution, being maligned and misunderstood they have been truth to the Lord.  It can seem that we are taking two steps forward and one step back but stay true.  They have not denied Him.  Jesus stated in the gospel that if we are ashamed of Him He will be ashamed of us but if we acknowledge Him He will acknowledge us to all.  

Verse Today


David writes in Psalm 2:8, Ask me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.. What a great promise. You will touch people in all aspects of life. So today go into your world and be ready to minister encouragement to all types of people. Great promise and wonderful opportunity.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Feb 25 – Philadelphia – Rev 3:7

Vs 7 – This message comes from Jesus Christ.  Remember the book of Revelation is not just about things to come but Jesus’ message to the church of all ages.  This message is directed to the messenger, angel or church leader of the church at Philadelphia.  
     Philadelphia, "the city of him who loves his brother"), is a town and district of Manisa Province in the Aegean region of Turkey. It is situated in the valley of the Kuzuçay (Cogamus in antiquity), at the foot of the BozdaÄŸ Mountain (Mount Tmolus in antiquity). It stands on elevated ground commanding the extensive and fertile plain of the Gediz River (Hermus in antiquity), presenting an imposing appearance when seen from a distance. There mineral springs comes a heavily charged water popular around Turkey.  The city's is synonymous with the grapes and raisins.
     Jesus is known for four things here.  He is holy and true.  You can trust Jesus.  He holds the keys of David.  He has the lineage of David.  He is a direct descendent of David.  Jesus met all the criteria for being the Messiah.  When He opens a door no man can shut it.  When He closes a door no man can open it.  Such a wonderful thing to know that when God opens a door for you it cannot be shut but also when He closes a door it cannot be opened.  This is a truth with two sides.

Verse Today

Seek the Lord

David said in Psalm 34:10, The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. This is a great promise for you today. So seek the Lord and you will not lack one thing.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Overcomer and victor

Feb 24 – Overcomer and victor Rev 3:5-6
Vs 5 – Now a to the message to the overcomer and victor.  They will be like these few in Sardis.  They will be dressed in white.  The blood of Jesus has cleansed them.  They are clothed with righteousness, peace and joy.  They are pure in the sight of the Lord.  The next promise is wonderful, the Lord will not blot their name out of the book of life.  Never separated from God and being with Him for eternity.  What a fantastic promise.  The Lord will acknowledge them before the Father and the angels, heralded as a son and daughter of God.  Given recognition in heaven and before eternity.  This is the promise to them that overcome.  That is why being an over comer is so wonderful and fantastic.  Glory in heaven, recognition for the being of eternity.  What a great reward,

Vs 6 -  All who have ears to hear listen.  Do not miss what is being said here.  It has great significance to our future.  There is warning and reward here.  There is reality and truth.  Let all hear what the Spirit is saying the church.  Each message has application to the believer’s current situation.  Never ignore what the Bible and the Spirit are saying they are vital and important

verse today

Do his will

In Matt 12:50, Jesus said,For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” So doing the will of Father should be our top priority. Jesus did and he did incredible things and you can in his name. So be all God intended you to be. Do his will.

Friday, February 21, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Columbia

To the Church and Nation of Columbia
     I the Lord have seen what you have constantly done to yourself through the years that you have been a country.  You go from despair to hope and back again.  You have no had stability in your life.  You have been an exporter of death, violence and despair for generations.  Instead of using that which I have given you for good you have always turned it for evil.  From the days when you first established yourself till today.  I gave you all the things you needed for beauty, prosperity and freedom.  You chose to use what you had for evil and not good.  I have allowed you to destroy yourself over and over.  Yet I have not abandoned you.  I have also seen how many have turned from anger, violence, revenge and near death to me.  I have given you a great opportunity to know me via my spirit and many of you have responded.  I am so pleased that I have greater things in store for you.
     To my people, I have a simple exhortation.  You are my light in the dark world of your country.  You will be a fire brand for me.  I will light you and you will glow brightly for me.  You will be the city on the hill, the light in the house.  You will also be my bearers of love.  So many of your fellow country men do not know anything about love.  Through you I will show them love.  They will see it by the way that you love one another.  I am giving you my power, authority and anointing.  My power will bring signs and wonders.  My authority will give you victory over every force and person that will come against you.  My anointing will be with you wherever you go and whatever you will do.  It will break only yoke and anything tha tries to come against you.  Remember even though the enemy will come in like a flood, I will use you to be my standard against it.  I will continue to do great things for you and through you.  I have seen your hardship and your poverty but now I will make the road straight for you and you will come into my abundance.  So stay strong, true and faithful.  You are about to see and experiemce my glory.

wake up

Feb 21 – wake up – Rev 3:2

Vs 2 – Jesus calls them to wake up.  They have been slumbering and slowly dying.  Jesus often gives us wake up calls.  He always speaks to us as often as He can before judgment falls.  Jesus tells them to strengthen what remains.  Obviously there was things the church has going for them that was good and yet there were also things that were about to die.  They were in a state of decay.  This can happen when the next generation has lost its fire or zeal.  It can happen when the individual does not receive its own revelation of the Lord.  Every generation needs a personal encounter with Jesus.  You cannot teach faith it has to be caught.  Every church is one generation from extinction.  
     Jesus has found their works and deeds unfinished.  They start off well but do not finish.  They have great plans but never execute them all of this in the sight of God.  God sees our real deeds.  Many have many plans they tell God they are going to do and then either get sidetrack, distracted or just don’t do them.  This leaves God and the individual frustrated.

Verse Today

The best

Isaiah said in Is 1:19, If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; What a promise you have all the goodness God promise if you obey and be willing. So today make it you aim and goal to be obedient to the Lord. All God is looking for is willingness. Seem pretty straight forward. Do this and you will have the best. So like the commercial says, "Just do it."

Thursday, February 20, 2020

To the Church and Nation of China

To the Church and Nation of China
The Lord knows that you are an ancient land. You have been a source of enlightenment and darkness for centuries. I have seen your pride and pulled you down on numerous times. You have been arrogant and weak. You have risen from the ashes of decay on many occasions but you have not learned your lessons. You claim to be the cradle of enlightenment but in truth you have been a beacon of sin for centuries. The greatest sin I have against you has been how you have persecuted, imprisoned and killed my people. You have been judged as a nation yet I am not finished with you. I will use you as an instrument of destruction in the final days. Your sheer numbers will cause other nations in the last days to fear you. I will however bring you down and destroy you in the last days. You will reap what you sow. You have sown to the wind and you will reap a whirlwind.
To my people I am so pleased with you. You have resisted and overcome all forms of imprisonment, persecution and death. I have heard you voice and have visited you. I have seen your prayers and how you have not withered in the face of overwhelming persecution. You have not given up on me. You have not renounced my name. You are fearless, courageous and powerful. I have seen the many hours you have cried out for your fellow country men. I have seen how instead of cursing your persecutors you have blessed and prayed for them. I have given you powerful and dynamic preachers. You have embraced my truth. You have not denied my name. You have honored and feared me. You have over and over been generous, kind and compassionate. The only thing I have against you is that you allow false teaching t come in your midst. I encourage you to study the word of God. Seek my face about the truth of my word. I know the sheer numbers of converts have overwhelmed you. This causes you a logistical problem but you are responding well and I am pleased. Continue steadfast and true. Be strong and courageous. I am giving you the land. No weapon formed against you is going to prosper. Your best days are still to come.


Feb 20 – Sardis – Rev 3:1

Vs 1 – Again a message is about to be given to the messenger, angel or church leader and to the church in Sardis.  Sardis was situated in the middle of Hermus valley, at the foot of Mount Tmolus, a steep and lofty spur which formed the citadel. It was about 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) south of the Hermus.  The Greek historian and father of history, Herodotus, notes that the city was founded by the sons of Hercules, the Heraclides. According to Herodotus, the Heraclides ruled for five hundred and five years beginning with Agron, 1220 BC, and ending with Candaules, 716 BC.
     Jesus is known here as the one who holds the seven spirits.  In each case Jesus is shown as the one who comes from God and is God.  He also has the seven stars.  Seven is the number of perfection.  Six is the number of man.  Three is the number for God.  Sardis is known here for three things.  First, they are known for their deeds.  They are working, they are busy and they are active.  Secondly, they are known to be lively.  They have all the form and substance of being alive.  They are doing the things that someone expects a church is should to be doing.  Yet Jesus calls them dead.  They were socially involved in their community.  They were a social club and community outreach center but they were doing it for themselves and not the Lord.  This can also be applied to the individual.  We can be doing all the right things in our service to God but can be dead.  We are into the form not the substance.  Sardis is known as the dead church.  A sad commentary yet today we have many churches and individuals like that.

Verse Today


Jesus said in John 15:17, This is my command: Love each other. This is a simple, concise and precise command. It is the mark of being his disciple. It is the fruit of our love for God. So today do it and show his love in your world

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ruler and Morning Star

Feb 19 – The ruler and Morning Star – Rev 2:27-29

Vs 27 – Jesus is the one who will reign with an iron scepter.  His reign will be strong, righteous and powerful.  He will not tolerate sin.  All who oppose Him will be crushed like pottery.  Iron always crushes pottery.  This authority was given to Him by the Father.  Jesus reigns and rules on high.  Jesus is our model for obedience.  He triumphed by his work and we will as well through what we do for Him.  

Vs 28 – Jesus then promises to give them the morning star.  This star symbolism reflects the Old Testament and inter-testament emphasis on the “celestial” or heavenly nature of the coming Messiah.  William Barclay suggested several ideas. He thought the expression could signify the coming resurrection of the righteous. Just as the “morning star” breaks forth from the darkness of night, so the Lord’s people will break out of the darkness of the grave.  Later, however, he came to a different conclusion. The morning star is Christ himself.  We shall receive Christ Himself.  We have been promised we shall see as He is and become like Him.  What a great thought.

Verse Today


John writes in 1 John 2:27, As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him. So we are told to remain in Him. That means every moment belongs to him. So throughout this day remain in the Lord and have the life you always wanted.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

More promises

Feb 18 – More promises – Rev 2:25-26

Vs 25 – The only things Jesus wants them to do is hold onto what you have until He comes.  What a great promise.  Hold on to what you have.  Do not let go of that which we have been given.  The beautiful thing is that we have been given everything that pertains to life and righteousness.  The last part of this verse is so wonderful.  Jesus is coming back.  This is the hope of the church.  It is the message we bring and live.

Vs 26 – Jesus again promises the over comer and the one who is victorious.  When we win over the situations and circumstances of life the following promise is this.  We will have authority over the nations.  What a great promise.  We will reign and rule with Christ.  This is our destiny and reward for faithful service.

Verse Today


James writes in James 3:17, But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. So seek the wisdom of the Lord in all situation. It will be perfect for whatever you face and need.

Friday, February 14, 2020


Feb 14 – Jezebel and repentance – Rev 2:20-21

Vs 20 – The Spirit of Jezebel was operating in this church.  There was a faction in the church at this time led by either a real person or a spirit behind this person.  The Jezebel spirit is one that always claims to be something great.  It always tries to undermine godly authority.  It is a witchcraft spirit which tries to intimidate without actually confronting.  It works through accusation, slander and gossip.  Now this individual claimed to be a prophet.  To hear from God but they did not.  This individual was causing the church to go into sexual immorality or follow the base factors of life.  Also she taught that you could eat meat offer to idols.  Jesus was quote specific of what He thought about idol worship.  Isaiah revealed that anyone who worship idols was worshipping demons.  

Vs 21 – Now the tragedy of this individual is that they were given time to repent and they refused.  It was obvious that this person had been confronted about what they were doing but they refused to acknowledge their sin and to repent.  A very sad commentary of this individual.  They were immoral and they refused to give it up

Verse Today


Paul states in Eph 1:17, I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. What a great prayer. We need to know the Lord and the wisdom He brings. Let this statement be your aim and goal for today. To know the Lord better and to have his wisdom and understanding moment by moment.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Chile

To the Church and Nation of Chile
     I have seen your beginning and also the time of turmoil and stability that has been a characteristic of your land.  I have seen how you have embraced both the good and the bad.  My deepest concern is how so many of you have a form of godliness and deny the power there of.  You like form and ritualism but not the deepness of me.  I have given you my spirit on numerous occasions.  You have embraced and loved me and yet you have also turned away from me.  As a nation you have been in turmoil and stablity.  This is reflective on who you allow to rule you.  My one complaint is that your are inconsistent.  This has made you difficult and unresponsive to me at time.
     So today my word is sure and true.  You will prosper and grow if you walk uprightly before me and speak the truth in love.  I want to give you my power, plan and purpose.  I wish to make you the conscience of your nation.  If you call unto me and follow me I will give you the nation as your inheritance.  You shall see my glory in your midst.  Those in political, social and economic leadership need to hear from you.  They are lost without your voice.  Speak my words in love and power.  You have the truth and if you exercise in your own life I will give you influence in realms and areas you never had before.  To my preachers and leaders.  You are to lead your churches and movements in love, honesty, integrity and holiness.  Speak the truth from your heart today and do not be afraid.  Strength, courage and help comes from the Lord.  One final thing do not let any corruption be allowed in your life.  Remember a little leaven spoils the whole dough.  Walk with truth, speak the truth and others will know the truth because of you.

Six things

Feb 13 – Six things – Rev 2:19

Vs 19 – Jesus then reveals six things the church was doing right.  They were people that were known for their deeds.  Like James they followed through their faith with what they did.  Deeds always speak louder than words.  They were people who loved.  People will know that we are His disciples by the way were love one another.  They were known as people of faith, individuals who trusted God.  Faith is the measure of our belief.  Do we trust God?  If we do we will live it out in front of others.  They were known for their service.  They did things of behalf of the Lord for within the church and throughout the community.  Every church should have this testimony.  Our greatest service is beyond the church walls.  They were known for perseverance.  They had been living out their faith in the middle of a city known for its evil.  They lastly did more than they did at first.  They went above and beyond what was expected.  They were runners in a race of life.  They did more than expected.  This shouldbe our testimony today.

Verse Today

Victory in Jesus

Paul writes in 1 Cor 10:5, We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. What wonderful power and authority we have in Jesus Christ but we must also allow Christ to have every thought. So today submit your thought life to God and see Him work victory, abundance and power in your life. You can reach your full potential in Christ.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

To the Church and nation of Chad

To the Church and nation of Chad
     The Lord has a word for the nation of Chad.  I have seen your history and how you have prosper and then fell into poverty.  I have seen how you follow after the desert gods and the folly's of worshipping creation more than me.  I know that many have a form of religious behaviour but your hearts are away from me.  I have given you everything you need in resources but you have squandered them.  My heart is broken over your family units and how you exploit your women and children.  This breaks my heart and I will have to deal with you in anger and not in love.  Yet there is still time to turn to me.  I am a graceful and loving God.  
     To my people in the nation of Chad, I will give you greater favor than you have ever had before.  I have seen how you have cried out to me in your distress.  I know your poverty but I want to remind you that you are rich.  In me you can and will have abundance.  I encourage you to live a life of praise and worship. I have heard you powerful and dynamic songs of worship.  I have seem how you worship me with your whole heart and that pleases me.  I am concerned about how some of my preachers have embraced selfishness and personal gain but I can still reach them if they turn to me and let go of their greed.  I will give you strength and gladness.  I will pour into you my love, grace and mercy.  It will be an overflow.  So today draw close to me.  Heed my invitation and come.  I remind you that I am coming soon.  Live and be prepared for I will come at a time whenyou least expect it.


Feb 12  - Thyatira – Reb 2:18

Vs 18 – To the church and messenger of Thyatira.  Thyateira (also Thyatira) was the name of an ancient Greek city in Asia Minor, now the modern Turkish city of Akhisar ("white castle"). The name is probably Lydian. It lies in the far west of Turkey, south of Istanbul and almost due east of Athens. It is about 50 miles (80 km) from the Aegean Sea.  The Apostle Paul and Silas might have visited Thyateira during Paul's second or third journey, although the evidence is entirely circumstantial. They visited several small unnamed towns in the general vicinity during the second journey. While in Philippi, Paul and Silas stayed with a woman named Lydia from Thyateira, who continued to help them even after they were jailed and released.  The city was home to a Christian community from the apostolic period. The community continued until 1922, when the Orthodox Christian population was deported.  Jesus is described here as the one who has feet like polished brass and eyes like blazing fire.  One thing about Jesus when you see Him His eyes will see right through you and you will see yourself as you are.

Verse Today

Mind of Christ

Paul writes in 1 Cor 2:16, for,

“Who has known the mind of the Lord
so as to instruct him?”[a]

But we have the mind of Christ. What a wonderful thing to have the mind of Christ. You can know the will of God. You can walk righteous in this world. You can be clean in your thinking. So today walk in the mind of Christ and know what to do in all situations. A great promise.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2 Great promises

Feb 11 – Two great promises – Rev 2:17

Vs 17 – Again the statement to those who have ears listen to what the Spirit is saying.  To the overcomer two promises.  First, they will get hidden manna.  Manna of course was the food the people of Israel in the wilderness.  It was food directly from the Lord.  Those who are victorious will eat this food of heaven.  Secondly they will receive a white stone with a new name written on it known only to the one who receives it.  Our current name will be changed.  Like Jacob who became Israel so the over comer will get a new name.  This stone is a sign of victory, of honor and glory.  Two great promises to remember today as you go out into your day.

Verse Today

You are not alone

Jesus said in John 14:26, But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Moment by moment you have help. This is so wonderful to know you will know what the Lord wants you to do. So today trust the Lord with your life and let Him guide you throughout this day. You are not alone.

Monday, February 10, 2020

To the church and Nation of Central African Republic
 I the Lord have blessed you with climate, resources and beauty yet you have not use them for my glory.  You have been ruled by evil for a long time.  You have allow demons to take from you what I wanted you to use for your abundance and prosperity.  I gave you my presence and you have responded and I am please with you in that regard.  Your nation provided America with slaves and for a while the slave traders decimated your land.  They brought evil and the drink that they brought caused many of you to turn to evil in great ways.  They final left you poorer but you recovered.  
     I have sent many nations to keep your peace but you continue to fight among yourself.  You have been your own worst enemy.  Time and time again I have sent you help but instead you refuse and make it worst every time.  Yet it is not the end of your story.  I am going to pour out my spirit upon you in a greater measure.  I will send you my five fold ministry.  In particular I will send my servants and they will perform great things among you to stir you on.  Your young people will become your greatest asset.  They will lead you into greater and more wonderful things.  You have much too praise me for.  I will show you my greatness and power.  With that will come honor and glory to my name.  The leadership in your land will see what I am doing through my people and they will come to you to show them how to heal the land.  A healing is coming to your land.  Evil will only prevail for a while longer and as you turn to me I will heal your land.  


Feb 10 – Repent – Rev 2:16

Vs 16 – Jesus tells the church here to repent.  Turn away from their sins and wicked ways.  Purge these two groups out of the church.  Do a household cleaning.  Jesus says that He himself will come to fight against these groups himself with the sword of his mouth.  The word of God truly interpreted is the best defense against heresy and evil practices.  When the word of God is preached and live evil will not flourish.  Jesus also says that those who practice sin will be eventually destroyed by their own devices.  A good lesson to remember and learn.

Verse Today


David states in Psalm 25:4, Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. He wants to know the ways of the Lord. This should be the cry of every Christian. We need the Lord to help us every day. Make this your aim today. Ask for His guidance and wisdom and His promise is that He will give it to you.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Church and nation of Cameroon

Church and nation of Cameroon
The Lord has seen what has been happening in your country. He knows that corruption, death, and violence that has attacked your land. He has seen how your government is riff with corruption. He has seen your protests for fairness and equal treatment. The Lord has seen what has happened to your citizens. He tells you today that a day of justice is coming. Those who have been oppressing and taking advantage of you and your country will come down. Corruption and evil may have their season but the Lord will not stand for it long. So rejoice for your day of liberation is at hand. Evil will not always prevail remember that. To my church, I have many great things in store for you. You have been waiting and have seen a little of my glory but I tell you now that as you praise me you will see many great and marvelous things. You have so much to praise me for. First, the great salvation that I will bring to you. Next, My glory and visible presence will be seen among you. I will show you miracles, signs, and wonders. The shamans and witch doctors that have people in your country in bondage will actually turn to me. It will be like in the days of Acts for you. I will do my marvelous works among you. You will even see people rising from the dead. So rejoice and be glad. Draw near to me and I will draw near to you. My breath through is coming for you and your country. You are my special people. You have turned from darkness to light. I am so proud of your perseverance and will reward it.

Friday, February 7, 2020


Feb 7 – Pergamum – Rev 2:12

Pergamon lies on the north edge of the Caicus plain in the historic region of Mysia in the northwest of Turkey. The Caicus river breaks through the surrounding mountains and hills at this point and flows in a wide arc to the southwest. At the foot of the mountain range to the north, between the rivers Selinus and Cetius, there is the massif of Pergamon which rises 335 metres above sea level.  It was a very large city of about 200,000 people and was known for its luxury and merchant culture.

Vs 12 – This is the message given to the messenger and church leader at Pergamum.  Jesus is described as the one who has the double edge sword.  This of course later on would be used to destroy the enemies of the Lord at the battle of Armageddon. This also described the power of the word of God.  It can divide the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Verse Today


Jesus said in Matt 12:37, For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned." Our words have power and they will either bring us victory or defeat. We can help or hinder others by what we say. So today let the Lord take control of your words. Use your words to encourage and help others. They are God's means of healing and health. Use them wisely.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Communication Skills


Feb 6 – Hear – Rev 2:11

Vs 11 – Here again is the exhortation.  If you ears, hear.  This is what the Spirit is saying to the churches.  Those who overcome.  Those who are victorious and never give up.  You will not hurt by the second death.  The death that is reserved for the wicked.  You will not have to suffer in the lake of fire.  You sin has been dealt with at the cross.  You have been true, faithful and obedient.  You will not suffer a second death.

Verse Today


Hosea wrote in Hos 14:2, Take words with you
and return to the Lord.
Say to him:
“Forgive all our sins
and receive us graciously,
that we may offer the fruit of our lips. Confession is a wonderful way to stay clean and righteous before the Lord. When you ask for forgiveness the Lord graciously grants it. So today keep short accounts with the Lord. This way you lead a righteous life and walk in a proper manner before God and man.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Victors Crown

Feb 5 – Victors crown – Rev 2:10

Vs 10 – Jesus warns them that they will suffer, face prison and persecution.  He tells them not to be afraid.  He also tells them who is behind this attack.  It is satan himself.  He will test you.  Remember satan is the tempter.  Temptation is another word for test.  They will be tested to see their true colors.  They will be tested to see what they are made of.  Testing always brings out the best or worse.  It just depends on what is going on inside.  
     This time of testing will last ten days.  This is not literal but an extended period of time.  It could be years or decades.  However long the time these ten days are Jesus called them to be faithful.  Do not give in or up.  Stay true to the Lord. Some will even go to the point of death.  Now it does not say they will die but it will be to the point of death.  The reward for this faithfulness is life and the victors crown.  This is the crown given to those who run the race of life and win.  It is given to the one who stays true and faithful to the end.  You never give up or surrender.  

Verse Today

It is written

Jesus said, in Matt 4:4, Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Our lives must center on the word of God. It should be what we speak and how we live. The word of God is our spiritual food. It will give us life and victory. So today study and live the Bible. Stand on its promises and see God work in your life.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Jesus Knows

Feb 4 – Jesus knows – Rev 2:9

Vs 9 – Jesus knows their afflictions.  Once again the church has suffered.  There would be several more persecutions.  The church as well like Ephesus had been persecuted.  This was not a rich church in the sense of physical wealth.  They had been stripped of everything materially.  Yet they were rich in that which really counts.  Love, peace, joy, endurance, faithfulness, obedience, truth, righteousness, wisdom  and self control.  
     They had been slander by the chosen people of God.  The Jews had persecuted them.  They had been accused and mocked.  Those who did this are called the followers of satan.  Jesus calls them the synagogue of satan.  They have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.  When someone accuses, mock or slanders they are using satan’s attack schemes.  This also identifies them for who they are.  By their fruits you will know them.


Isaiah wrote in Is 40:18, The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God endures forever. Now we know how life can change in a moment but it is also wonderful to know that you can trust God's word. So today moment by moment trust in the word of God to help you meet whatever life throws at you today. Things may change but its power and help is the same.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Church at Sm

Feb 3 – Church of Smyrna – Rev 2:8

Vs 8 -  This is the second church mentioned here.  Now one important thing to remember that all these churches were located in Asia Minor.  All at this time were established churches in actual physical locations.  Now some have equated each church to an age.  This is called dispensational teaching.  This is taught by many modern scholars.  Ephesus would have been the age of the apostles.  Thus if you subscribe to this thought is the age of the church fathers.  
     To the church of Smyrna and the messenger or angel.  To the leader of that church here is your message from the Lord.  This verse also reveals again a truth about the Jesus Christ.  He is the first and the last.  No one comes before or after Him.  He is number one.  All end and begin with Him.  He has always existed and will always exist.  He is God.  Jesus died but He rose from the dead.  The resurrection is the central proof of Christianity.  Without the resurrection you do not have the gospel.  This is who He is and what He has done.

Verse today

Standing on the promises

Solomon states in Prov 30:5, Every word of God is flawless;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. You can trust the word of God. It will keep you in all times. You can also stand upon the promises of God. So through out this day stand upon the word and live the life God wants you too.