Monday, December 24, 2018

Men called on the nae of the Lord.


Last time we talked I told you about Enoch. For a moment I am going to talked about the first time prayer is mentioned in the Bible. It is Gen 4:26, Seth had just had a son named Enoch and at that time men began to call on the name of the Lord. I love the fact that Seth who was a godly man who called on the name of the Lord but also those with him began to pray. They knew that they needed to restore their relationship with God. Men all over the world will pray today. Many will pray to demons and deities that can do them no good. All world religions have prayer as the format to call upon their object of worship. Yet only through Jesus Christ will our prayers truly reach the throne of God.
Jesus told us in John 14:6, that He was the way, the truth and the life. No one could come to the Father but through Him. Jesus fully restored man's relationship to God. It is in His name that our prayers will be answered. Jesus stated that if we ask anything in His name we would have it. What a great promise.
My last thought today is this. When Enoch was born mankind began to call upon the name of the Lord. Literally Enoch's life was bathed in prayer. This is a wonderful thought. When we bathe our lives in prayer our children will most naturally want to follow the Lord. There is a promise in Acts 16:31, that not only will we be saved but our household as well. So let s bathe our families in prayer. Let us call out to the Lord for them. The promise is that they will like Enoch serve the Lord.

Your Friend


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