I love talking about prayer because it is the highest calling ever given to man. If God calls you into a life of prayer He has called you to the greatest and most important calling. The reason I say that is because that is what Jesus is doing right now. He is praying for us. When you pray for someone else you are breaking the selfishness of man. When you pray for others your are making a statement for eternity. In the first book of the Bible we find Abraham praying for Sodom. In the book of Job we find Job praying for His family. Scholars tell us that the first book written in the Bible is Job. The first chapter of Job introduces us to Job praying for his family. Household salvation is the greatest prayer you can give your family. When you are praying for your family you are inviting divine intervention for them.
Intersession is like water to a dry and thirsty soul. When you pray for others you are doing the greatest thing you can for them. You are creating a spiritual reality for them. When you pray for others you are making a path for them to follow. God is calling you to do this. If you are in tune with the Spirit He will lay people upon your heart and when you pray God will move in their situation. It is a marvelous thing to be one with the Lord in prayer. Moses spent 40 days and nights praying for Israel on the mountain. He did this because their destruction was at hand. When you pray for others you actually may be saving them.
So today take up the cause of prayer. Pray for others. You will help them and yourself. You have the knowledge that you are actually helping them. People often do not pray for themselves so you must. Remember Jesus is doing it for you. The least you can do is do for others.
Your Friend
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