These daily vignettes on prayer have been very good for my soul. Today I am reminded of what Paul said in Phil 3:20-21, that our citizenship is in heaven and one day we will be there. Yet right now we wait in expectation for that day. During the wait we are called to be busy working for the Lord. One of the testimonies of Jesus was that He went about doing good. Jesus loved helping others. He did it because that is the will of the Father. Good works testify of our relationship with God. James tells us that he showed his faith by what He did.
Showing faith is also is being a person of prayer. You can do more for a person in one hour of prayer than you could do for them in a day of work. Prayer involves both you and God. It has been said that George Mueller the great prayer warrior of two centuries ago prayed in every need He had. He would talked to God about the need and then God would supply. Prayer is communication with the Almighty. It opens the windows and doors of heaven. God loves to supply but He has chosen to use the means of prayer as the way for it to happen. James 4:2, says, "You have not because you ask not." So ask, and you shall receive. Jesus said that if we ask anything in His name it shall be done. To me it seems simple. We should ask.
I love prayer. It is the one thing I can do really well. There are times I doubt my ability in preaching, teaching and writing but I never doubt my prayer life. Sweet communion with God. We can be amateurs in many thing but never in prayer. Being a professional here will make a difference to your world. We can actually change our reality and world through prayer. We can have the will of the Father in our world. We can shape, mold and mend our world through prayer. The great men of the Bible were world changers and shakers through prayer. The blessing of God came into their live through prayer. It is time that we did. If you don't like your reality, change it through prayer. Jesus did, Moses did, Abraham did and you can as well.
Your Friend