Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Lord’s heart is broken

The Lord’s heart is broken –Eighty One

     The Lord’s heart is broken over what He sees going on in the world today but what is even more breaking His heart is the lack of concern by His people.  We are not concerned about the broken and hopeless lives around us.  Right now in Canada some 3500 people will end their lives through suicide.  Many will even request to die because they see no hope.  Every death is a win for the enemy.  In Alberta alone there will be close to 700.  My people stand idly by well that happens. 
     Violence is prevalent in the land and my people because of media think nothing of it.  Domestic violence is up, exploitation of children is rampant and the people of God continue on as if nothing is happening.  Families are falling apart and divorce now stands at 58% and the problem is that in the church it is not far behind the national average.  The Lord is no longer honor in most homes and even amongst God people prayer, the study of the word and church attendance is down.  Shame my people shame. 
     The love of money and greed is rampant.  People are chasing the almighty dollars and in turn losing their souls.  Billions every year are being spent in the pursuit of lottery and gambling.  Slowly society is being corrupted by the love of things and possessions.  Today people are chasing fame, popularity and pleasure and at the same time losing their dignity, character and morality.  Yet my people stand by as it happens. 
     Pornography and sin abound in every aspect of life.  The child will see at least one sex act before they are 14 because of the internet or exposure of media.  Men and women are gripped by lust 80% of men and 65% of women struggle daily with lust and pornography.  Meanwhile my people sit and do nothing.
     The Lord Jesus Christ has become nothing but a swear word an I don’t care word.  Yet it is His name by which all people can be saved.  What is really sad is that 95% of His people have never even told someone once about Jesus Christ.
      It is time for the people of God to humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.  The promise is that He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.  The heart of the Lord does not have to keep breaking.  We must take out place and do His will and then we will see revival in our land.

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