Ephesians 1:17-23 –
April 12, 2009 – Easter is not just a Bunny.
Intro: I just read
the origin of the Easter Bunny traditions.
Unfortunately, Easter has become just that a celebration of a Bunny and
the eggs he brings. We know that Easter
is so much more. It is the event that
changed the course of human history, destiny and eternity.
1. Easter is the
event that settled the battle of the ages.
Sin, hell, the grave and the devil
Were defeated at
Easter. The question of man’s separation
from God was settled at
Easter. The broken body, the shed blood, the death,
burial and resurrection settled
Once and for all
God’s demands and man’s inability to meet those demands. God
Himself dealt
with this.
2. Easter is the time
where we focus on who Jesus is, what He did and why He came.
It is a time
where the Church worldwide focuses on our mission, destiny and future.
It is a time to
help challenge our apathy, partial surrender, inabilities and excuses.
It is a time to
refocus and retool for the next season of God’s will.
3. So with that in
mind this morning there are three questions we need to ask ourselves
Did Jesus rise from the dead?
a. We must be vitally
concerned about this question.
1. Christian theology
is based on this question.
2. Our faith rests on
this question. In 1 Cor 15:14, Paul
says, “If Christ is not raised from
The dead, our
preaching is useless and so is our faith.”
3. Jesus veracity and
claims rests on this question. John 2:19-22. Jesus talk about how
His body would be
raised up in three days.
b. There is evidence
that He did rise from the dead.
1. The precautions
taken by His enemies. Matt 27:62-65,
2. The testimony of
the women. Mark 16:1-7
3. The biblical lists of eyewitnesses. Matt 28:16-18, Mark 16:9, John 20:19, 26,
21:1 &
1 Cor 15:6-8
4. The change
in the disciple’s attitude from fear to boldness.
5. The content of New Testament preaching. Acts 2:32
there life after death?
a. What evidence is there to consider?
1. Science can only
bring as far as the grave.
2. Philosophy can
offer only speculation.
3. There are many
testimonies of those who have had death experiences. T
b. What Jesus said
about life after death.
1. To the thief on
the cross. Luke 23:43
2. To the Jews of His
day. He told them in John 5:25-29, that
the dead will hear His
Voice and will
come out of the grave. Many did when He
3. He told them many
would sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of
Heaven. Matt 8:11
What does one do to prepare for life after death.
a. Many attempt to
answer this question.
1. Some advise living
an honest upright life.
2. Some advise
joining their religious group.
b. What did Jesus
1. Believe in Him.
John 3:14-18
2. Come to God
through Him. John 14:6
3. Confess and
believe. Rom 10:9-10
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