Saturday, June 30, 2018
God is Good
God is Good – Eight Three
There is one
unmistakeable fact and that is that God is good. In fact it is His goodness that enables Him
to extend grace to mankind even though we do not deserve it. James says that every good and perfect gift
comes from above. When God looks at the
7.2 billion people on this planet and knows what they say, think and do it is
amazing He doesn`t just blow this planet apart.
It is his goodness and love that prevents Him from bringing a Noah kind
of judgment.
Did you know
that God waited 1656 years before He destroyed the earth in the flood. What is even more amazing that out of the
multitude of people living during that time He only found Noah with the faith
to carry the Ark to completion. Estimates
of the size of the population based on reproduction today would place the
number in the billions. Yet Noah was the
only righteous man.
God is looking
today for a Noah, Daniel or Joseph. He
is looking for a Moses or Deborah. God
in His goodness is looking for someone to stand in the gap for those who will
not look for God. Noah preached for a
hundred years to the people of His day.
They thought he was a crazy old man until the first rain drop to fall
and by then it was too late. Do not wait
respond to God`s goodness before it is too late.
The fact
remains. When Jesus comes back it will
be in the twinkling of an eye, a millionth of a second. You will not have time to think, breathe or
utter a word. In that moment everything
will change and this wonderful age of grace and goodness of God will end. God is good and He will hold out until His
timing is perfect. So respond to the
goodness of Lord while there is time.
Ephesians 1:17-23 –
April 12, 2009 – Easter is not just a Bunny.
Intro: I just read
the origin of the Easter Bunny traditions.
Unfortunately, Easter has become just that a celebration of a Bunny and
the eggs he brings. We know that Easter
is so much more. It is the event that
changed the course of human history, destiny and eternity.
1. Easter is the
event that settled the battle of the ages.
Sin, hell, the grave and the devil
Were defeated at
Easter. The question of man’s separation
from God was settled at
Easter. The broken body, the shed blood, the death,
burial and resurrection settled
Once and for all
God’s demands and man’s inability to meet those demands. God
Himself dealt
with this.
2. Easter is the time
where we focus on who Jesus is, what He did and why He came.
It is a time
where the Church worldwide focuses on our mission, destiny and future.
It is a time to
help challenge our apathy, partial surrender, inabilities and excuses.
It is a time to
refocus and retool for the next season of God’s will.
3. So with that in
mind this morning there are three questions we need to ask ourselves
Did Jesus rise from the dead?
a. We must be vitally
concerned about this question.
1. Christian theology
is based on this question.
2. Our faith rests on
this question. In 1 Cor 15:14, Paul
says, “If Christ is not raised from
The dead, our
preaching is useless and so is our faith.”
3. Jesus veracity and
claims rests on this question. John 2:19-22. Jesus talk about how
His body would be
raised up in three days.
b. There is evidence
that He did rise from the dead.
1. The precautions
taken by His enemies. Matt 27:62-65,
2. The testimony of
the women. Mark 16:1-7
3. The biblical lists of eyewitnesses. Matt 28:16-18, Mark 16:9, John 20:19, 26,
21:1 &
1 Cor 15:6-8
4. The change
in the disciple’s attitude from fear to boldness.
5. The content of New Testament preaching. Acts 2:32
there life after death?
a. What evidence is there to consider?
1. Science can only
bring as far as the grave.
2. Philosophy can
offer only speculation.
3. There are many
testimonies of those who have had death experiences. T
b. What Jesus said
about life after death.
1. To the thief on
the cross. Luke 23:43
2. To the Jews of His
day. He told them in John 5:25-29, that
the dead will hear His
Voice and will
come out of the grave. Many did when He
3. He told them many
would sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of
Heaven. Matt 8:11
What does one do to prepare for life after death.
a. Many attempt to
answer this question.
1. Some advise living
an honest upright life.
2. Some advise
joining their religious group.
b. What did Jesus
1. Believe in Him.
John 3:14-18
2. Come to God
through Him. John 14:6
3. Confess and
believe. Rom 10:9-10
Call of the Lord
June 30 – Call on the Lord – Psalm 80:18-19
We are
spending a lot of time in the psalms of Asaph.
Now Asaph was the second most prolific writer of sacred music in
Israel. He talks again about Israel and
God’s dealing with it. Asaph makes a
statement that after all that happens they will not turn away from the
Lord. This is his decision and the
people. His cry is that the Lord will
revive, awaken, renew and restore them.
The outgrowth of this will be people calling on the name of the
Lord. We know that the Lord’s name is a
strong and mighty name. At his name all
opposition runs away.
In vs 19,
Asaph asks two things of the Lord.
First, to restore them to bring them back to the first state. Restore them to a place of health, vitality
and strength. Restoration has to do with
bringing someone or something back to the original condition. That should be a cry of our heart daily. Make your face shine upon us. The presence of the Lord gives light, health
and fruitfulness. Asaph was renewal,
restoration, completeness. Is that your
cry today? Carman the singer, songwriter
states His desire was to be revived. Let
God do that for you today as you praise, worship, read the Bible and pray.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Never believe a rumor about anyone until you have talk to
the person and verified it or not.
Verse Today
2 Timothy 1:7 New International Version (NIV)
7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
King of Old
June 22 – King of Old - Psalm 74:12
This is a psalm of Asaph it is a marskil or a psalm about how God can turn rejection into a victory. Have you ever felt rejected and in a place of despair? Asaph explains that we can be in that place and yet God reaches down and pulls us out. The devil loves to isolate and speak words of fear, despair and loneliness into a life. To fight that lie we must remember that the Lord will never forsake or leave us.
Aspah makes a statement so powerful in its thought and purpose. “But you oh God are my King from of old.” He reminds his readers that God was in charge a long time ago and He will help today. He is King of all creation, of water earth and sky. Heavens are your tabernacle and you reign on earth and on high. The Lord has brought salvation to the earth. This is something we must remember. Our salvation comes from the Lord. He will rescue us from loneliness, isolation, fear and despair. Remember that today before you go into your world.
It is the weekend and here is your thought. Never believe a rumor about anyone until you have talk to the person and verified it or not. Rumor mills are so destructive. Believe your friend before you believe the rumor.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Beauty is wonderful the first time view but not
always when the makeup has not been applied.
Verse Today
Proverbs 28:19 New International Version (NIV)
19 Those who work their land will have abundant food,
but those who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty.
but those who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty.
Tell others
June 21 – Tell others – Psalm 73:28
This is a psalm of Asaph who was one of David`s head musicians. He speaks of the goodness of Lord to His people. Asâph`s personal testimony was that He made the decision to stay close to the Lord. This is a decision we must all make. Do you want to be near God? It is like Joshua when he said, “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
Asaph then continues to tell his readers that he had made the sovereign Lord his refuge. He recognized God’s sovereignty over his life. The Lord was his refuge, place or safety and rest. Lastly, he chose to tell others about the Lord. We overcome the devil by two things. The blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. When we tell others about what Jesus has done for us we weaken satan’s hold on our lives and others. We share about the freedom we have in Christ. Remember who the Son sets free, is free indeed. So today be near to God, make Him your refuge and tell others about Him.
Thursday Thought
It is Thursday and here is your thought to consider. Beauty is wonderful the first time view but not always when the makeup has not been applied True beauty starts from the inside out. It is found in the Lord and the love He brings. So be beautiful for the Lord and touch others for His glory.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Verse Today
1 John 2:14 New International Version (NIV)
14 I write to you, dear children,
because you know the Father.
I write to you, fathers,
because you know him who is from the beginning.
I write to you, young men,
because you are strong,
and the word of God lives in you,
and you have overcome the evil one.
because you know the Father.
I write to you, fathers,
because you know him who is from the beginning.
I write to you, young men,
because you are strong,
and the word of God lives in you,
and you have overcome the evil one.
He will deliver
June 20 – He will deliver – Psalm 72:12-14
In this Psalm which is actually a psalm written by Solomon. Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. He wrote proverbs and wise saying as well as psalms. He relays to his readers three things about God here. First The Lord will deliver the needy and help those no one can help. The Lord is the father to the fatherless.
Next the lord will take pity on the weak and the needy. He will save the needy from death. Death stalks the world everyday looking for someone to destroy. The most vunerable are at peril the most. The Lord promises to supply every need according to His riches in glory. When you have a need the Lord will help. One man had no food to feed his family one time and so he prayed and asked the Lord to meet the need within minutes a knock came on the door with someone supplying the need.
The Lord will rescue people from oppression and violence. His people are precious in His sight. The Exodus was all about freedom from oppression. Mankind craves freedom and God supplies it through Jesus Christ.
It is the middle of the week and here is a thought to ponder. Those that are wisest in love are those that speak with deeds and not words. People will tell what kind of faith you have by what you do. So speak of God love and encouragement every moment in every action you.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Verse Today
Matthew 24:35 New International Version (NIV)
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Next generation
June 19 – Next generation – Psalm 71:18
The Psalmist is now reflecting on their life. They know that one day they will be old and gray. They ask the Lord not to forsake them. When our strength is ebbing and failing we can still rely on the Lord. One thing we learn from the Bible is that age is not a factor in serving the Lord. Moses was called at 80, Abraham was commissioned at 75, Sarah bore a son at 90, Caleb told Hebron at 85 and Haggai began his ministry at 90. So never think that for a moment you will retire. Refire yes but retire no.
The cry of the psalmist was that he could change the next generation. He wanted to be a teacher and mentor for the next generation. That was John`s point of view when he wrote his books. The psalmists desire was to declare the Lord`s power to those that were coming up. Today become renewed, restore and refired. Say Lord, `Give me your power, authority, anointing, and enablement today.` Then receive it and change your world and the next generation.
Tuesday Thought
It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today. Never waste a moment for God has given you each day to use for His glory. Be a blessing and a wonder for God. You can change your world when you use each moment wisely.
Monday, June 18, 2018
Verse Today
Psalm 150:2 New International Version (NIV)
2 Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
God has forsaken them
June 18 – God has forsaken them – Psalm 71:11-12
The psalmist relays the lies of the enemy. The enemy would love us to believe that God has forsaken us. We are all alone. That is one of the biggest lies of the enemy. He loves to isolate people and get them to believe that they are alone. This is absolute trash. The Lord told us in Matt 28:20 that He will never leave or forsake us. The lie is that we can be pursued, seized and no one will rescue us. God is our fortress, refuge rescuer and help. He will never forsake us.
The cry of the psalmist in this moment was, “Lord do not be very far from me.” Is that your cry today? Lord hurry, come quickly and rescue me. Remember as you go through out this day that the steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord. Psalm 37:23. You are not alone. The mighty God has got your back. The psalmist knew this and you need to repeat that to yourself today. Say it loud and clear. I am not alone. The angels are camping around me today. Believe and settle this matter in your heart today.
It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought. Vision dies when we fail to implement what God shows us in our lives. So put into action what God tells you and live your vision and destiny for His glory.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Verse Today
Psalm 147:3 New International Version (NIV)
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.
and binds up their wounds.
Sure Salvation
June 15 – Sure Salvation – Psalm 69:13
This psalm was written by David and reminds us that even when we feel like we are in a pit or hopeless situation God is with us. In this psalm we are reminded of three truths. First, when we pray God will give us His favor in His time. Favor is a blessing or honor bestowed on someone not worthy. It is also grace. God is the God of the perfect timing. He knows exactly when to bring divine intervention. Our part is to trust Him.
The next truth revealed here is the Lord’s great love. God’s love is love with no strings attached. Love that comes to release, heal, restore and forgive. David had experienced time and time again and you can too. Lastly, the Lord will answer with His sure salvation. God’s promises are rock solid. His salvation is sure. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Salvation is a free gift and all who trust in the Lord will have a sure and solid salvation.
True Vison
It is the weekend and here is a powerful thought. True vision is seeing what God sees and implementing that sight into our lives. In this way we are touching and changing our world. It is more than talk it is action and love.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
June 14 – Escape – Psalm 68:19-20
David was thanking the Lord in these verses for the fact that the Lord was daily taking care of his burdens and needs. God has promised to supply every need according to His riches in glory. This is something to thank the Lord for. Jesus proved this when he had Peter go and catch a fish to pay the temple tax. Provision sometimes comes in unusual ways but it does come.
David then reminds us that we serve a God who saves. A modern day chorus reminds that our God is mighty to save and how true that is. He is the sovereign God who helps us escape death. Pastor Ken Bunting use to say, “that we have escape from death unto life.” Death has lost its sting through Jesus Christ. Great promises for us to think about today.
It is Thursday and here is your thought to ponder. Vision is where people see and do the impossible. Be one of those people where God uses you to do the impossible in your world.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Motives are always suspects because they are
filtered through our experiences, background, upbringing and sinful
nature. God knows the real story so before you do anything filter your
Verse Today
2 Corinthians 1:20 New International Version (NIV)
20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
June 13 – Settled – Psalm 68:9-10
The psalms are full of so many great promises. Remember the promises are yes and amen to those who trust in the Lord. Today you learn that the Lord gives abundant showers. He rains His blessings on His people. He refreshes the weary with an inheritance. Jesus promised that all who come to Him who are weary and burdened will be refreshed and their burdens lifted.
The people of God are encouraged to settle into the bounty of the Lord. The Lord will provide for the poor. God promises to supply every need. He promised abundance when we choose to allow our soul to prosper and be in good health. When you look at Abraham, Isaac and Jacob they all prospered in the Lord. In fact, Isaac prospered 100 fold in a time of famine. So today trust the Lord and see Him add all the things you need from His riches in glory.
It is the middle of the week and here is your thought. Motives are always suspects because they are filtered through our experiences, background, upbringing and sinful nature. God knows the real story so before you do anything filter your motives. So do all things to please Him.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Verse Today
Proverbs 20:5 New International Version (NIV)
5 The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters,
but one who has insight draws them out.
but one who has insight draws them out.
Father to the Fatherless
June 12 – Father to the Fatherless – Psalm 68:5-6
In this Psalm of David we are reminded of the Lord`s care and keeping. The Lord is the Father to the fatherless. He cares for the widows and the orphans. He is the voice of the voiceless. He cares for the weak and defenseless. This is part of what He does in His holy dwelling. In today’s world the church is His holy dwelling and so we must take this as part of our mandate. In Matt 25, it states that we will be judge on what we do in this area.
He sets the lonely into families. What a great promise. He leads the prisoner forth with singing because He sets the captive free. Are you captive today? The Lord will set you free. Then there is a warning to the rebellious and that is that they will live in a sun scorched land. So today choose the Lord and life in abundance and not in famine.
Tuesday Thought
It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today. Love as if this could be your last moment on this earth because it could. So tell your family and friends how much you love them while you can and live with no regrets.
Monday, June 11, 2018
It is the beginning of the week and here is a thought to ponder. Children measure success not in you give them but in what way you give yourself to them. So today give yourself to your family and be the blessing at home first then go into your world and be a blessing to it.
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Bright Future
Obadiah – How to Overcome the Past for a Bright Future. Obadiah 17
Intro; Today, I am going to look at some very
powerful lessons from Obadiah. This is
one of my most practical messages yet.
- Shortest book of O.T.
- Obadiah was a prophet to Israel , Edom and the nations.
- Book centers on the feud between Israel , and Edom .
But on Mount
Zion will be deliverance.
1. Edom was an ancient enemy of Israel . The inhabitants of Edom allowed ancient
Offences to make
them enemies. The first lesson we learn
here is very practical.
let the past or the offences of it determine you’re present or future. Talk
About Middle East .
2. Never
take up the offences of others even if they seem noble, righteous or
Honourable. You could be poisoned, manipulated,
or be lied too.
3. Dwelling
on old offences will create new ones. Hurt,
bitterness and unforgiveness
Color everything
we do, say, perceive, see, hear and think.
allowed ancient
Offences to make
them enemies but they also made new offences.
They rejoiced
In Israel ’s
destruction, they also participated in it which created new hatred and
Animosity. Unforgiveness, hatred and hurt is an endless
cycle. The only thing that
Breaks it is true
forgiveness. Choosing to love, accept
and forgive.
4. Obadiah says on Mt
Zion will come deliverance. God keeps
the books, Obadiah is
Saying. A
valuable lesson to remember is that the way we react to hurt and offences
Determine the consequences
of our reactions and actions. Paul
says what we sow
It what we
5. This statement is
a promise to Israel and a
warning to Edom . God fights for Israel and
Against its
6. Obadiah warns Edom that God providentially cares
for the Jews and there is a certainty
Of judgment for
those who persecute them.
It will be holy.
1. Obadiah talked
about the rule of God, He also talked
about how Israel
was a
Showcase or
example to the nations. Israel was a
nation that was suppose to show
God’s mercy,
goodness, love, justice was all about.
That is why God was so angry
With Israel , they
forgot they were chosen and the mission they had.
2. The church has
that same mandate. We are to show the world what covenant means.
We show the world
God by our actions, words and attitudes.
What is the mandate?
Of the church.
1. To love God with everything
we have and to love our neighbours (Great
Commandment). Part 1
2. To show all Jesus by the way
we love one another. (Great commandment, Part 2)
3. Go into all world and preach
the gospel. Matt 28:19 (Great Commission)
4. Feed hungry, cloth strangers,
visit sick and those in prison and give thirsty a drink.
Matt 25:35-36
5. Practice pure religion. Take care of widows, orphans and keep
yourself unpolluted
By the world. James 1:27
6. Practice daily devotions of
prayer and reading of the word. Weekly
attendance at
Worship services. Heb 10:25
7. Be a reproducing
believer. Matt 28:19.
And the house of Jacob will possess its inheritance.
1. Obadiah reminds Israel that the
Lord will bring vindication and enjoyment again to
His people.
Obadiah talks about the Day of the Lord where the remnant of Israel
Will help in
salvation and rulership over the nations.
2. Israel is the
Lord’s arm. Today the church is God’s
arm of blessing. Today in His
Name if you need
salvation, healing deliverance, restoration, strength, encouragement,
Power, freedom or
prayer for anything.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Verse Today
Psalm 28:7 New International Version (NIV)
7 The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise him.
my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise him.
June 8 – Rejoice – Psalm 64:10
In this verse the psalmist encourages you to do three things. First, as a righteous person you are to rejoice in the Lord. The Lord has made you righteous. You are right with Him and with people. That was Jesus’ testimony. Next, you are to take refuge in the Lord. The Lord is your place of rest, security, hope and protection. He will keep you and make you rise above anything that you face today.
Thirdly, you are to join with all the upright in praising the Lord. Praising the Lord is thanking Him for what He has done. It releases an anointing that breaks any bondage. Moses was used by the Lord to free the people of Israel. Every plaque was designed to break a bondage in Egypt. Today let the Lord break your bonds and make you free to be righteous, take refuge and praise Him.
At Home
It is the weekend and here is your thought to ponder. A person may be a great success in the work world but a dismal failure at home. Remember what you do at home is more important. So today be the blessing here first than work on your vocation or career.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Verse Todaty
Matthew 21:22 New International Version (NIV)
22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
The Night Watches
June 7 – The Night Watches – Psalm 63:6-7
This Psalm was written when David was in the desert of Judah. He was seeking the Lord and it was middle of the night. On His bed he was thinking of the Lord. He was not able to sleep and he was thinking about his life and the challenges he was facing. Often in the middle of the night when we are thinking about things God speaks the plainest. One quote went like this, “When you are not able to sleep let God speak. He will often make his will plain when you have nothing to distract you.” In our modern day of devices and phones it is easy to lose ourselves in the nonsense of this world. God will not be rushed or distracted. You have to seek Him before He will be found. Turn off your phone and pray. It is when you do you will find God to be your help and your protection. As David said, under His wings you will be safe and secure.
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