Wednesday, January 10, 2018


  Retaliation – Matt  5:38-42

                Jesus was laying out new ground rules for those who belonged to His Kingdom.  Jesus clarified God’s position on the eye for an eye law.  It was obvious that this law dealt with how to deal with righting wrongs have been abused.   Jesus then clarifies that we are not to resist evil in the same manner as man. 
If someone slaps you, your response is to turn the other cheek.   Revenge and pride had become a motive for retaliation in this case. If someone sues you for your coat, let them take your cloak as well.  Jesus wants to break the power of greed, materialism and love of possessions here.  It is only stuff Jesus is saying.
If you are force to carry something for one mile, go the extra mile.  This deals with the feeling of being used or taken advantage of.  In all cases up to this point Jesus is correcting our views on our personal rights.  Paul says in Romans that when we come to Christ we give up our personal rights to follow God and His will becomes our desire. 
Jesus then tells His audience to give what is asked and to lend to those who wish to borrow.  This last exhortation deals directly with property rights.  When we feel something is ours it always comes with conditions or strings attached.  If however our view is that all things belong to God then they are at His disposal to be used to help, encourage and minister love to others.  This passage is dealing directly with personal selfishness as well as retaliation.

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