Monday, January 1, 2018

Our adoption

Our adoption – Thirty Seven

     The Lord reminds you today of His great love adopting you into His family.  You are in the family of God.  You are among the beloved.  At one time you were not His son or daughter. You were a stranger and alien.  You were in this world and of this world.  Then you heard the message and gospel of Jesus Christ.  In that moment you made both a decision of the mind and of the will.  You chose to not only listen to the message but believe the message.
     The Holy Spirit had been working on your heart for a while.  He had sent people and circumstances to create that moment that you believed.  You could not have believed without His work in your heart.  When you believed and acted with your will to give your life to Jesus Christ.  That was the moment you joined the family of God.  You became through the process of regeneration my son my daughter.  In that moment you trusted in Jesus Christ.  I adopted you into my family.  In that moment you went from called to chosen.  You made yourself chosen.

     Now you are my son and my daughter.  You are part of my family with all the rights and privileges of being part of the family of God.  All the benefits and privileges of heaven are yours.  So today walk as my son and daughter.  You are an overcomer, a victor and a conqueror.  You have eternal and abundant life.  You were once not my child but now you are my child.  Ask of me and I will give it to you.  Remember you have not because you ask not.  Resist the devil today and he will flee from you.  You are living in this world but you are not of this world.  When you gave your life to Jesus Christ you changed your destination and your address.  You are not satan`s but mine.  Walk in your victory today.  Be my child and overcome all that faces you.  I have given you all things through Christ.  Live like my child today in  your world.

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