Saturday, January 6, 2018

A time of Refreshing

A time of Refreshing – Forty One

     A time of refreshing is about to come on the people of God.  You have been working and struggling against the forces of darkness and a time of light and victory is coming.  When the enemy has come in like a flood I have raised up my barrier and wall against it.  You have been my standard and my hedge of protection.
     I will now give you a time of rest.  You have earned it and so I will refresh and renew you.  Take the time to be released from your striving.  It is time to lean on me and let me strengthen you.  This time of refreshing and rest is given because the real battle will soon begin.  The enemy is regrouping and preparing for a counter attack.  It will be unlike anything you have ever seen before.  However remember those that know their God will be strong and do exploits.  So rest and refresh because you must be ready for the onslaught.
     You will however have nothing to fear.  As I was with you before so I shall be with you again.  You have the strength, anointing, power, authority, wisdom and power you need.  You will be an overcomer again.  I never intended you to play or stay a victim but a victor.  I have willed that you will be more than a conqueror.  These are my will and plan for you.  Never be afraid of your enemy.  As I was with the saints in the past and gave them the victory, so I will be with you.  Remember the Lord stays the same. 

     So rest, be refreshed and restored.  Great things are in store for you.  No weapon formed against you will prosper.  Your victory has already been secured.  The enemy thinks they can win the war but the script has already been written and if you read the end of the book you win.  So be strong and in the power of His might and you will see a great salvation.

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