Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Power of Consistency

The Power of Consistency - James 1:17

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

1.        Every good and perfect gift comes from above.  He is known as the Father of Lights, this phrase is used to described, His illumination, essence, flawless character, goodness, holiness and excellence.  All truth, love, grace and mercy flow from God.  There is no darkness in Him.  He is perfect love and light.
2.       The second truth is that there is no shadow of turning or variation with Him.  Heb 13:8 says, Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday today and forever.  I found 32 scriptures on God`s consistency some I will share at the end of this message.  

The greatest example of consistency is Jesus.  From the beginning to the end of His ministry He was consistent through his ministry.  His love, acceptance and forgiveness could be relied upon.  Jesus was faithful to the task He was given.  That is what God is looking for from us.  Jesus` testimony was that he grew in favour with God and man.

Jesus was consistent in three areas which I will talk about and I think would be essential in our dealings with others.

1.        He saw the potential.  He did not see people as they were but as they would become.  He saw that Peter would become a rock on which the church could be build.  A man who would love the church and feed them.  He did not see the impatient, quick tempered, foot changing and savior denying man. 

a.       He saw that Matthew was more than a tax collector.  He saw the scholar, the writer and the evangelist.
b.       He did not see John as a fisherman but as an apostle of love, a man to be trusted with his family and a future prophetic vice. 
c.       Do you see the potential?  Can you see past the exterior and see the heart, the soul, the spirit of a person.  Jesus did and we must as well.  That is why he had patience, wisdom and understanding with them.  Talk about Gary Collins who went through Teen Challenge 14 times.

2.       Jesus was a healer.  He healed, mind, body, soul, will, emotions and family.  Mark says that Jesus came to heal all who came to Him.  He healed Blind Bartimaeous.  He healed Zachaeous in Jericho of being a social outcast.  He healed the gentile woman’s daughter, the Centurion servants and the woman with the issue of blood.  He raised, Jarius daughter and Lazarus.  He can heal us of anything today.  We will discover that in a few moments in our communion and we focus on the broken body of Jesus Christ.  Talk about the healing of Domina MacKay and Thelma in Trail of hearing.

3.       He is consistent in His love.  He lifted up woman to their proper stature.  Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha, Salome with Chuza,  King Herod’s steward.    

a.       He showed consistent love to the woman caught in the act of adultery.  The Samaritan woman.  The blind man at the pool of Siloam. 
b.      He forgave even while hanging on the cross.  His battle in the Garden of Gethsesane .  All based on love.  This is consistency of motive, character, obedience, love and faithfulness.
c.       He will be consistent with you.  Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.  God will stand behind every word he says and you will find Him faithful.  Every man may be a liar but the word of God is true. 
d.      You can trust God with every aspect of your life.  The will, intellect and emotions.  Your past, present and future can be trusted in God`s hand.  He will be faithful and consistent in the way He deals with you.
e.      He broken Body and shed blood of Jesus Christ secure that for you.  His death, burial and
       resurrection is yours.  That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you so claim it.   

      Close with communion and story of healing of Jim in Yellowknife of broken foot.

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