Sunday, April 30, 2017

Romans 7

Vs 1 - Paul knows that his audience were men who knew the law of God.  They grew up with it.  They knew the priesthood, sacrifices and rituals that go with it.  They also knew that the law had authority over a person as long as they live.
Vs 2 – Paul uses the example of marriage.  In Paul’s day, a couple were bound together in marriage until one of the two died. 
Vs 3 - Then after that they were free to marry another otherwise it was considered adultery.  In Paul’s day a person who married another when their original spouse was alive was considered an adulterer.  Adultery is so devastating because it is more than sexual it is an issue of trust.  Trust has been broken.  Death is the only bond that breaks a marriage vow.

Vs 4 – When a person comes to Christ they die to the law and they belong to Him who was raised from the dead.  Jesus put the power and effects of the law to death on the Christ and He rose to bring a new life and era based on grace and love.  The results of this new life are fruitfulness to God.
Vv 5 – When we were controlled by sin and the passions it creates.  The law which was at work in our bodies brought only one thing and that was sinful death.
Vs 6 – By becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ we died to that which once bound us and now we are free or released from the law of sin and death.  We can serve in a new way God through the Holy Spirit.  The way of the Spirit is not of any written code.

Vs 7 – Paul then answers his critics and detractors by answering a question they had.  Is the law sin?  Paul says of course not.  The law revealed what sin was.  We would not have known about coveting if not for the law when it said, do not say do not covet. 
Vs 8 – But sin like any living force seized upon an opportunity and produced in Paul every kind of covetous desire.  When you know what is wrong, it produces a desire to do it, to prove you are not a prude.  Paul says, “For apart from the law sin dead.”
Vs 9 – Paul says that once he was alive apart from the law but when the commandments came sin became alive.  Mankind then knew what was wrong and sin sprang to life and mankind died.  Some would then argue then, why did God bring the law?  Sin was always present but it needed to be revealed for the sinister thing is was, so it could be dealt with once and for all.
Vs 10 – The paradox of the law was that even though is was intended to bring life because of human weakness and sin, it actually brought death.
Vs 11 – Sin seized the moment afforded to it by the commandments. It deceived Paul and through the commandments put him to death.  Sin blinds us to our real soul condition and robs us of a clear vision of our true condition.  Sin deceives, blind and leads us to death.
Vs 12 – Paul then reveals three things about the law.  First, it is holy.  Next, the commandments themselves are holy.  They were given by a holy God to His holy people.
The commandments are righteous and are designed to bring righteous living.  Lastly, the law is good.  The law was given by a good God to create a good and godly people.
Vs 13 – Paul then answers another question his critics presented.  Was that which is good become death to me?   Sin needs to be recognized as sin.  It cannot be excused, ignored or pandered with.  It will kill, rob and destroy.  It takes what is good and produces death.  The commandment showed what sin was and proved that is was utterly sinful.

Vs 14 – Paul then begins what is known as the great internal debate.  The law is spiritual.  Mankind is however unspiritual and a slave to sin.  We are dead in our trespasses and sin until we come to Christ.
Vs 15 – Paul says, we do not understand what we do.  What we want to do we cannot, will not or do not do.  We do what we hate.
Vs 16 – If we do what we do not want to do, we have to agree that the law is good.  The law shows us that we are sinners incapable of doing good, even if we wanted too.
Vs 17 – A paradox of life is that it is not us but sin living in us that causes us to do bad things.  This however is not an excuse but the cause of sinful thoughts, words and actions.
Vs 18 – There is nothing good that dwells in us.  Our sinful nature prevents that.  Man is under the delusion that we are getting better but in reality we are not.  We have a desire to do good, but it is impossible for us to do as long as sin rules our hearts.
Vs 19 – Whatever we do is not good even though we have a desire to do good.  Evil desires, and thoughts is what we do and we keep on doing.
Vs 20 – It is not us who are doing these things but sin and evil that dwell in us.  Paul is not excusing anyone he is just explaining that mankind is slaves to sin and the evil that dwells in us.

Vs 21 –The law Paul finds working in him is this, when he wants to good the reality is that sin is right there with him.  This is the same thing Cain faced when God told Him that sin was standing at the door of his heart and it was looking to master him but he could master it.  Cain’s greatest fault was that he allowed sin to perpetuate through him and be passed onto man.  That was a defining moment in the history of man.
Vs 22 – Paul says that he desired in his inner man to do what God wanted.  He saw the value and the beauty of the law.
Vs 23 – But he saw something else working in his members.  This created a war between what he wanted to do in his mind and heart.  He was a prisoner and slave to the law that was working in his members even though in his mind and heart he wanted to do God’s law and will.
Vs 24 – Paul saw the he was a wretched man.  In that moment he saw what he was.  He then cried out, “Who can save me from this body of death?”  That is a question every person has to answer.

Vs 25 – Paul however does leave himself, his audience or us in a hopeless or helpless position.  “Thank God”, he says for Jesus Christ our Lord.  He has rescued us from sin, it’s slavery and death it brings.  He has helped us to pass from death unto life.  Jesus is God’s answer and man’s remedy for sin.  Paul is a slave to God’s law in His mind but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.  Fortunately for Paul and us, who the Son sets free, is free indeed. 

The Power of Being Quiet.

The Power of Being Quiet.

We begin our message with a little story about Elijah.  Elijah in 1 Kings 19.  Elijah just defeated the prophets of Baal, gets a message from Jezebel that she is going to kill him.  He runs to Beersheba some 110 miles from Mt Carmel about 9 days walk.  Then walks a day into the desert, He gets depressed asks the Lord to kill him, falls asleep, gets woken up by an angel eats a meal that last him for the journey to Mt Horeb some 40 days later.  He spend the night in a cave on the Mountain, God meets with Him and asked Him what he is doing here.  He complains and then God asks him to stand on the mountain.  Then there is wind, an earthquake, fire and God still not speak but after all the noise He speaks in a still small voice.

Often our world is blowing apart, shaking and seems on fire.  Yet the force of God will not be heard.  It is heard in the still small voice, the voice of the word, prayer and going to the house.  Talk about the lady you met an Ironwood.  Our text today is

Psalm 46:10

10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth

-          The root word in the Hebrew of this verse is Rapha, which means to release and let go.  A better way of looking at it is this.  Cause yourself to let go.  To surrender, let go and even to die to ourselves.  Rom 12:1-2, talk about this.
-          Another way to let at this phrase.  Is let go and let God have control.  Jesus di.  In fact he said, that He only did the will of the Father.  We let God to know the saving power of God.  Ex 14:14 gives us an exhortation to giving up in trusting ourselves and our designs in or der to experience the fullness of God`s all sufficiency. 
-          -When we surrender to the truth that God is in control we receive peace from the Lord and our release from our temporal fears.  In other words stop striving and let go and let God handle the situation,.  Paul said the same thing in Phil 4:6-7, when he said be anxious for nothing but with prayer and supplication let your request be known to God.  In other words.  God has is covered.
-          Peter said, in 1 Pet 5:7, to cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.  So I want you right now to cup you hands imagine all your cares, fears and problems in that cup, now lift it up to the Lord and now release it to Him. 

The Lord then says. Be still and know that I am God.

Five reasons to be still.

1.        You can hear things.
2.       The outside world and its voices are in time silenced.  All distractions are eliminated.
3.       You have a time to reflect, re-calibrate, focus, plan and rejuvenate.
4.       You get to stop and see the world for all its beauty for a moment.
5.       The Holy Spirit can talk to you when you are quiet.   The word and prayer and more real and meaningful when you are quiet.  Talking can be overrated.

The modern Quaker writer Arthur O. Roberts succinctly outlines the characteristics of silence. Roberts shows silence not as formal worship but as private reflection that nurtures the individual in the recognition of solitude. In his Devotions on Silence, Roberts writes that silence

  1. fosters awe before the Almighty;
  2. indicates submission to God;
  3. provides a posture for worship;
  4. provides freedom from noise and distraction;
  5. condition for tranquility;
  6. sets the stage for prayer;
  7. signifies respect for others;
  8. renews wonder at the world;
  9. provides holy space;
10. prepares for effective social witness.

Then practice 3 minutes of silence.  What did God say?

Edmonton Auto Show.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Jacob – Two side of a coin

Jacob – Two side of a coin

-         Negatively in his early life we see Him as a man who was crafty, shrewd and deceptive.  He trick Esau out of his birthright and then stole his blessing. 
-         Reaped what he sowed.  His uncle Laban was just as crafty, he tricked Jacob into working 7 years for free for his daughter Rachel and then gave him Leah instead.  Then got him to work another 7 years after that.  After that they deceived each other for 6 years.
-         He showed favoritism to Joseph over his others sons and this led to Joseph`s deportation to Egypt and Jacob would only find out what really happened 20 years later. 
-         Positively we see he was a follower of God.  He had momentous encounters.  The angelic ladder and the fighting with the angel.
-         He was a hard worker.  He worked for 20 years for Laban. 
-         He was a man of faith.  Heb 11:21, he blessed and worshipped the Lord. 
-         He was a man of legacy.  He twelve sons became the fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel. 
His greatest legacy is that the thief, liar and trickster became Israel and Prince with God.

The Message of Easter

The Message of Easter – Rom 10:16-17

Vs 16 – Unfortunately the Jews have not believed the gospel.  They have follow Isaiah’s scripture that states, “Lord who has believed our report.”  A wall of unbelief has been built because the Jews believe in their own righteousness instead of the righteousness of Christ.

Vs 17 – Paul then lays the foundation for how faith grows and matures.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  When you receive the word you have both an intellectual and volitional decision to make.  Do you believe the word you hear and will you obey that word?  This is the question we need to put to all people in light this day and what Easter really means.  The resurrection secures us the victory we need in Christ and we need to share it so that others will come to the knowledge of the truth.  Today let us pray and then go as the Lord leads.  Our world is waiting for someone who walks in the power of the risen Lord.

Proverb of Steel

Your true treasure is where your heart goes when all has been taken from you.

Verse Today

Habakkuk 3:2New International Version (NIV)

Lord, I have heard of your fame;
    I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.
Repeat them in our day,
    in our time make them known;
    in wrath remember mercy.

True Treasure

It is the weekend and here is a simple thought.  Your true treasure is where your heart goes when all has been taken from you.  Today go to the Lord in those times and let Him be the treasure of your heart.  Seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all things will be added unto you.  He will rebuild your dreams, hope and future.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Psalm 19:7

Verse Today

Psalm 19:7King James Version (KJV)

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

Proverb of Steel

Discouragement comes when you allow circumstances, people and situations overwhelm you to the point where you see no solution and forget God`s promises.

The First Question

The First Question – Rom 10:14-15

Vs 14 – Paul then asks three questions and in these questions He also gives the answer.  First, how can they call of Him if they have not believed?  Belief is essential.  How can they believe if they have not heard?  Someone has to go.  How can they hear without a preacher?  Someone has to go and tell them the message.

Vs 15 – Paul then asks one more question.  How can they preach unless they have been sent?  Paul had been the first official missionary party.  They had been sent out by the church in Antioch.    Paul then quotes Isaiah 52:7 where it states, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”  The message of Christ is one that brings glad tidings.  It is a message of joy, peace and gladness.  Let us be His messengers with healing, peace and victory.  We have beautiful feet let us use them today.  Someone is waiting.

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is a wonderful thought.  Discouragement comes when you allow circumstances, people and situations overwhelm you to the point where you see no solution and forget God`s promises.  So today break discouragement and all negative things.  Stand on God's promises and walk in His victory today.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Power of Consistency

The Power of Consistency - James 1:17

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

1.        Every good and perfect gift comes from above.  He is known as the Father of Lights, this phrase is used to described, His illumination, essence, flawless character, goodness, holiness and excellence.  All truth, love, grace and mercy flow from God.  There is no darkness in Him.  He is perfect love and light.
2.       The second truth is that there is no shadow of turning or variation with Him.  Heb 13:8 says, Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday today and forever.  I found 32 scriptures on God`s consistency some I will share at the end of this message.  

The greatest example of consistency is Jesus.  From the beginning to the end of His ministry He was consistent through his ministry.  His love, acceptance and forgiveness could be relied upon.  Jesus was faithful to the task He was given.  That is what God is looking for from us.  Jesus` testimony was that he grew in favour with God and man.

Jesus was consistent in three areas which I will talk about and I think would be essential in our dealings with others.

1.        He saw the potential.  He did not see people as they were but as they would become.  He saw that Peter would become a rock on which the church could be build.  A man who would love the church and feed them.  He did not see the impatient, quick tempered, foot changing and savior denying man. 

a.       He saw that Matthew was more than a tax collector.  He saw the scholar, the writer and the evangelist.
b.       He did not see John as a fisherman but as an apostle of love, a man to be trusted with his family and a future prophetic vice. 
c.       Do you see the potential?  Can you see past the exterior and see the heart, the soul, the spirit of a person.  Jesus did and we must as well.  That is why he had patience, wisdom and understanding with them.  Talk about Gary Collins who went through Teen Challenge 14 times.

2.       Jesus was a healer.  He healed, mind, body, soul, will, emotions and family.  Mark says that Jesus came to heal all who came to Him.  He healed Blind Bartimaeous.  He healed Zachaeous in Jericho of being a social outcast.  He healed the gentile woman’s daughter, the Centurion servants and the woman with the issue of blood.  He raised, Jarius daughter and Lazarus.  He can heal us of anything today.  We will discover that in a few moments in our communion and we focus on the broken body of Jesus Christ.  Talk about the healing of Domina MacKay and Thelma in Trail of hearing.

3.       He is consistent in His love.  He lifted up woman to their proper stature.  Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha, Salome with Chuza,  King Herod’s steward.    

a.       He showed consistent love to the woman caught in the act of adultery.  The Samaritan woman.  The blind man at the pool of Siloam. 
b.      He forgave even while hanging on the cross.  His battle in the Garden of Gethsesane .  All based on love.  This is consistency of motive, character, obedience, love and faithfulness.
c.       He will be consistent with you.  Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.  God will stand behind every word he says and you will find Him faithful.  Every man may be a liar but the word of God is true. 
d.      You can trust God with every aspect of your life.  The will, intellect and emotions.  Your past, present and future can be trusted in God`s hand.  He will be faithful and consistent in the way He deals with you.
e.      He broken Body and shed blood of Jesus Christ secure that for you.  His death, burial and
       resurrection is yours.  That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you so claim it.   

      Close with communion and story of healing of Jim in Yellowknife of broken foot.

Call to Prayer

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Being Revived

Verse Today

Psalm 80:19New International Version (NIV)

19 Restore us, Lord God Almighty;
    make your face shine on us,
    that we may be saved.

Proverb of Steel

Creation is called God`s silent witness.  So let it speak to your heart and be aware its glory is really God`s.

You will never be put to shame

You will never be put to shame – Rom 10:11-13

Vs 11 – Paul then quotes Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:31.  Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will never be put to shame.  God will acknowledge and publicly proclaim that we are His children.  There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Vs 12 – All men are equal before God.  Jew and Gentile are on equal footing.  God will bestow His riches and blessing on all who call on Him.  The benefits of heaven are waiting for all who will call on the name of the Lord.

Vs 13 – Paul closes the paragraph with the statement.  All who call of the name of the Lord shall be saved.  The same salvation is offered to all.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is a thought to ponder.  Creation is called God`s silent witness.  So let it speak to your heart and be aware its glory is really God`s.

Monday, April 24, 2017

James 3:3-12

1.       James has much to say about the power of the tongue and words in general.  We can stumble in many ways but the man who does not stumble with his tongue or words is a perfect man for he can control his own body.  David said in Psalm 141:3 “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.”  The way to protect yourself from saying the wrong thing, at the wrong time, for the wrong reason is to follow James 1:19, be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. 

a.         James uses the illustrations of the bit for the horse and the rudder for a ship.  The tongue is a small member yet it makes great boast.  It speaks what is in the heart.  Jesus said. 
b.       James says the tongue has these qualities. In vs 6-10. 

I.                     It is fire.
II.                     A world of unrighteousness. 
III.                  Sets the course of an entire life. 
IV.                  Sets on fire and is led by hell. 
V.                   Beast, bird, reptile, sea creature can be tamed by mankind.  But no human being can tame the tongue.  We need divine help.
VI.                  It is restless.
VII.                Full of deadly poison.

c.         The tongue is a paradox with it we bless the Lord and our father and then we curse people with it who are made in the likeness of God.  Blessing and cursing should not come from the same mouth.  It is unnatural.  A spring cannot give salty or fresh water.  Fruit trees cannot bear strange fruit.  Yet the mouth does. 

2.       “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”  Rabbi Yehuda Berg stated this.

a.        Considering the ‘powerful effect of the words we utter, we must ask the Lord to help us and discipline ourselves to speak in a way that conveys respect, gentleness and humility. One of the clearest sign of a God working in our moral life is right speech. Perfecting our speech is one of the keystones of mature believers .
b.       Before speaking take a few moments to contemplate what you will say and how you will say it; while considering the impact they will have on the listeners. Be kind to all and speak words that are beacons of inspiration, enthusiasm and encouragement to all. Kind and sweet words are always music to the ears of the listeners.  Right words, always come from right thinking. 
c.        Paul says Philippians 4: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  You will speak what you think on.
d.       When we speak we should speak with mindfulness, in a way to solidify peace and compassion in our characters. Not only do our words matter, but also the tone which we use has a huge impact. There are certain rules that should guide all our communications with others.

I.         Always speak the truth,
II.        Avoid exaggerations.
III.      Be consistent in what you are saying,
IV.      Don’t use double standards in addressing people
V.       Don’t use your words to manipulate others. 
VI.      Most importantly do not use words to insult or belittle anyone.

e.       Speaking honestly in any negotiation between individuals or groups is necessary. Speaking the truth in a loving way is also necessary.  Jesus Christ was a master at this.  We must demonstrate loving speech” even when we are communicating about our differences and disagreements. We must be ‘lovingly honest’; we need to ask the Lord for His help and discipline ourselves to speak in a manner that conveys respect, gentleness, and humility’.

3.       When we need to talk candidly about something difficult with another person, we must focus on the conversation with keen attention and purpose.

a.        During the conversation, we must listen patiently, speak tactfully, and tell the truth as we understand it. We must align our words, voice inflection and tone, eye expression, body language, and actions with our inner awareness in an honest exchange.
b.       Remember you words can heal or hurt. The choice is yours. 

Powerful Prayer


Psalm 85:6

The Confession of Faith

The Confession of Faith – Rom 10:8-10

Vs 8 – This is what is being said.  In fact this word is near.  It is in your mouth and in your heart.  It is the word of faith that Paul preaches.  Jesus is the Living Word.  He is the resurrection and the life.  It is His atonement that secured salvation for mankind.  Jesus is the object of our faith.  He is the author and finisher of our faith.  He is the central figure of the gospel that Paul and we preach.
Vs 9 – Then Paul relays how a person can be saved or come into the Kingdom.  If you confess with you mouth the Lord Jesus.  Acknowledge Him as your personal Lord and Savior.  If you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved.  Salvation based in the finished work of Jesus Christ, your belief and acceptance of that fact.  This is the first step to an eternal and abundant life.  Was a story you will write for the Kingdom of God as you serve Him.

Vs 10 – In your heart you believe and righteousness is imputed to you through the Holy Spirit.  Then with your mouth you confess Jesus’ Lordship and you are saved.  Righteousness comes in the heart by belief and salvation is released through the confession made with the mouth.

Proverb of Steel

Faith believes with God all things are possible.  Faithfulness and obedience see that it comes to pass through the power of God.

Verse Today

Psalm 85:6New International Version (NIV)

Will you not revive us again,
    that your people may rejoice in you?
It is Monday and here is a great thought to start the week.  Faith believes with God all things are possible.  Faithfulness and obedience see that it comes to pass through the power of God.  So through out this week trust God and see His power do the impossible.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Verse Today

Acts 1:8New International Version (NIV)

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,and to the ends of the earth.”

Faith comes to the wise

April 21 – Faith comes to the wise – Rom 10:4-7

Vs 5 – Moses described the righteousness that comes from the law.  When a person decides to follow the law they have to follow it to the letter because if they fail in one part they fail in all parts.
Vs 6 – Paul then brings out that the righteousness that comes by faith and it is given to the wise.  Those who chose to follow Jesus Christ are wise.  Paul then asks another question.  “Who shall ascend to heaven and bring Christ down from above?”  There will be a parallel question about to be asked.
Vs 7 – Or shall ascend to the deep and bring Jesus back up from the dead?  Paul is dealing in the questions about Jesus’ incarnation and His resurrection.  In both cases Jesus has already come, died, been buried and rose again.  The work has been done so nothing more is needed.

Proverb of Steel

Every chair has four legs.  The four legs of Christianity are prayer, the word, fellowship and evangelism.  Sit down on your foundation.

4 legs

It is the weekend and here is a great thought.  Every chair has four legs.  The four legs of Christianity are prayer, the word, fellowship and evangelism.  Sit down on your foundation.  Use this as a foundation for life and living.  Be a blessing to your world and minister God's love to all you meet today.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

James 4:2 about prayer

Proverb of Steel

Perseverance is key to success in faith and life. 

Jesus fulfills it all

April 20 – Jesus fulfills all – Rom 10:3-4

Vs 3 – They have become ignorant of God’s righteousness.  Instead they have been trying established favor with God by going and trying to establish righteousness based on works and not faith.  They have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God. 

Vs 4 -  Jesus is the end of the law.  He came to fulfill the law.  He showed its weakness and He did away with it on the cross.  Righteousness is given to all who believe and put their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.  So today put your trust in Jesus Christ and let the favor of God flavor your life and situation.  Be His ambassador for his glory and praise of God.

Verse Today

James 4:2New International Version (NIV)

You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.

Thursday Thought

Today is Thursday and as we approach the weekend here is a simple thought.  Perseverance is key to success in faith and life.   So never give up and trust God to help fulfill your dreams and destiny.  It is how you finish that is important not how you begin.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Proverb of Steel

Revival is man reaching out to God in desperation and God reaching back to man in celebration of recognition of the desperation.

The Right Reasons

April 19 – The Right Reasons – Rom 10:1-2

Vs 1 – Paul has a hearts desire and a prayer for Israel.  It should actual all our prayer.  That Israel would be saved, that they would acknowledge and receive Jesus as their Messiah.  They would receive salvation through faith.

Vs 2 – Paul said that the people of Israel have a zeal for God.  He should know because he himself was once like them.  Their zeal for God is not based on knowledge but tradition.  Zeal is a belief that you are doing the right thing for the right reason.  Jesus was the prefect example of zeal directed in the right way.  Everything Jesus did He did it for the Lord and His motives and reasons for doing them was for the glory and praise of God.  This should be our desire to direct our love and zeal for God in the right directions for the right reasons and motives.

Verse Today

Matthew 6:33New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


It is the middle of the week and here is a thought for you.  Revival is man reaching out to God in desperation and God reaching back to man in celebration of recognition of the desperation.  Today reach out to God and seek His kingdom and righteous and all things will be added to you.  Do this for yourself, family, friends, community, and nation.  God is waiting.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

James 4:8

Proverb of Steel

Foolishness is thinking God does not see all and expecting to not give an account of one`s life.  Wisdom is knowing God does and living in such a manner to reflect this.

Verse Today

James 4:8New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

The reason

The reason – Romans 9:31-33

Vs 31 – The reason the Jews who pursued a law of righteousness did not attain it is simple.
Vs 32 – They pursued righteousness by works and not by faith.  They forgot that the Patriarchs were declared righteous by faith and not by works.  Works is an outgrowth of faith. Faith is not an outgrowth of works.  They stumbled over the stumbling stone.

Vs 33 – The Lord has laid in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble.  A rock that makes them fall.  This stone will cause men to be put to shame.  In the Jewish mind set stumbling was a sign of spiritual blindness.  Paul closes off this chapter with a wonderful promise.  The one who puts their trust in the Lord will never be out to shame.  Darkness is dispel by light and light allows you to see any object that could cause you to stumble.        

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought.  Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.  In this verse God exhorts us to follow Him with all our heart.  Foolishness is thinking God does not see all and expecting to not give an account of one`s life.  Wisdom is knowing God does and living in such a manner to reflect this.  Prayer is the key to following God.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Call to prayer

Proverb of Steel

True morality is not man`s attempt to regulate or soothe the conscience.  It is God flowing through the conscience to change our world and influence the world at large.

Verse Today

2 Chronicles 7:14New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

With Speed

With Speed – Roman 9:28-30

Vs 28 – The Lord will one day carry out His sentence of judgment on the earth with speed and finality.  When the grace of God is exhausted His judgment will come with speed and finality.
Vs 29 – Isaiah is quoted once more.  If God had not left us descendents, Israel would become like Sodom and GomorrahIsrael had failed to accept God’s divine plan.  So God gave it to the Gentiles.

Vs 30 – Paul again asks a question, “What shall we say?  That the Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have now obtained it.  A righteousness that comes by faith.  Paul is now preparing his closing arguments and statements.  Righteousness comes by faith.

Thought today

Today our scripture and prayer thought flow into one main though.

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.  It is prayer that moves us to morality.  True morality is not man`s attempt to regulate or soothe the conscience.  It is God flowing through the conscience to change our world and influence the world at large.  Gd has called us to pray and be moral agents for change in our world.  Let us do that for His praise and glory and one person at a time be a agent of change for the Lord.

Friday, April 14, 2017

A Good  Leader – Titus 1:6-9

Intro;  Today Paul marks out the characteristics of a good leader.  These things I am sharing are not just principles for the church world but business, education, political or marketplace but also can be applied in the home very effectively as well.

1.        Paul says that before he left Crete he wanted to make sure things were in order and that there would be nothing left wanting or undone.  So he did two things, he ordained or set aside for service elders.  Men who were given spiritual authority over the church.  They were appointed to give oversight to the work of the Lord and to work together with the pastor or clergyman to accomplish the work of the Lord.

a.        Paul list three areas in which a leader was to shine or be an example and work very hard on.
He says you must live a blameless.  To be blameless means to live such a life that no one can attach blame to you.  Daniel and Joseph did this in their world.   As a Christian you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you.  So positionally as far as God is concern you are blameless because of Jesus Christ.  Morally socially, economically and personally you are to be an example of Christ like character.
b.      As a church leader this shows by being in a committed loving relationship with your spouse.  Honoring you marriage vows and all that entails.
c.       When you have children having them be committed people who believe and serve God.  Having children who are not wild, disobedient or rebellious.  It is a real balancing act and hard work but it is possible.  The following principles I am sharing will also help you in your work world as well.  I am only going to share six though I could share more except for time.

1.        Pray for them every day.  Invite God into the child rearing situation. 
2.       Be a role model in faith and practice.  Live your Christianity before them.
3.       Be consistent and fair.
4.       Be a parent.  You are their Mom and Dad when their kids you can be their buddy later
5.       Say you sorry and ask forgiveness when wrong.  Children are very forgiving and over look our faults failures and mistakes when we and they walk in forgiveness.
6.       Keep home and work separate.  Hard to do in this world of cell phone and electronic devices.
7.       Honor and work with their uniqueness.

2.        Paul then says a leader must be consistent with their conduct.  Paul deals the negative first.

a.       Be blameless and view yourselves as a steward of God.  We bring Christ into everything we are and do.  You do not separate your faith from your conduct.  You are doing God`s work not your own.
1.       Not self willed or overbearing.   You do not want your will but God`s and this enables you to work with others.  Team concept and working with others is your goal and aim.  This is an important point in the home as well.  You are working with your spouse.  Her ideas his just as important as yours.
2.       Not angry or quick tempered.  This is a killer for relationships!
3.       Not violent. 
4.       Not in it for the money, prestige power or status.  Talk about Mark Driscoll

b.      Paul then focuses on the positive.

1.       Hospitable.  You love to be with people and have people in your life.  Talk about Dave Gaskell.
2.       Loves what is good.  That comes from focusing on what God wants, thinking good thinks and hanging out with godly and good people.
3.       Sober and not given to drinking or wine.  Be temperate in your view to substances.
4.       Just means you are always fair in you dealing with family, friends and church.  You always want to do what is right and you pattern your justice and fairness on the bible.
5.       Holy, you live a life separated to God.   You know that you have an audience of one and you live your life according.  Talk about Billy Graham at 96
6.       Temperate.  self control is used in other translation.  If you allow the fruit of the Holy Spirit to flow through you and self control becomes real.

3.       The last quality is very important as well for leadership.

a.       Holding fast to the faithful and good word.  The Bible must be our final authority on word and practice.  The principles and truths of the word do not change just because of cultural shifts or political correctness.  This is why we have the Pope saying the creation story is not true.  That is why we have Crislam, well known preachers going soft on salvation, the debate on the family.  The Bible and nature teaches us that the family unit compromises of a man and a woman in a loving relationship.  Even the birds known that you mate for life.  You deviate from the Bible and you get into all kinds of ridiculous things.  2 Tim 2:15, Study to show yourself approved by God.

b.      You then can exhort rebuke and convince those who oppose it.  You have to know what you believe to give the hope that lies within you.  There will always be opposition some sincere others mocking but you have to be knowledgeable.  He says know your stuff.  This applies to all walks of life.  An architect needs to know his stuff to build a building, plumber, electrician or mechanic.  A good leader is always learning and growing.