Saturday, April 18, 2015

What we must be

What we must be   -  Eighty Four

    The Lord is looking for people today who are not ashamed or afraid to share Him with those in their world.  Time is short and the end is drawing nearer than you could possibly imagine.  In these last days you must first of all love people.  There is no room for prejudice or bias towards people.  God loves all people and salvation is for all.  God is no respecter of persons.  All must hear and all must be given an opportunity to know about Christ.  That is done by living out your faith in your world.  You catch more fish when you use the right kind of bait.  The best bait is your life.  When people see the Lord living out in a life this is the best advertisement for Christ. 
     You must always be looking out for opportunities.  To pray to be witness and never see the need is like saying you are hungry and never eating.  The Lord will provide many opportunities but you must keep your eyes open.  Do not be like the people of Jesus’ day who were always looking but never seeing.  Keep your eyes open and watch for the Lord`s opportunities.  It could be a family struggling and you could meet their need.  Jesus said to righteous in Matt 25, when you visited the sick, fed the poor, visited the prisoners, helped a lame man you were doing it to Him.  Mother Theresa was asked one time how she could ministry to the lepers in Calcutta.  She said she look at each one as Jesus in His distressing disguise.  Do you see Jesus in the people that you help?
     You must also communicate.  This means you should know what you are going to say.  The secret is asking the Holy Spirit to help you.  Jesus said in that hour we need to speak on His behalf we will be given the words.  Keep away from Technicalities and from debate.  Keep the talk straight.  Franklin Graham was interviewed on Fox News lately and he started with a simple presentation of the gospel to the host before he even spoke to the matter she was asking.  His message was simple, precise and clear.  Ours should be as well.  Focus on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, why He came and what eternal life is all about.  Share your story.  Tell them what you were like before you got saved, how you got saved and what the Lord has done for you now.  It is your testimony and no one can dispute with us on that.  Tell them your story.  The Lord has been good and tell them why. 
     Keep your message on Christ and do not get side tracked.  Use tact and love.  The world needs a Savior and you and I have the message of truth.  Let us tell others and see God change their lives in front of us.    

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