Saturday, April 18, 2015

Season of Grace and Mercy

Season of Grace and Mercy – Nine

     The Lord is going to give us a season and grace and mercy. He is going to bestow his Spirit in an unusual way. It will be a time of refreshing and renewal. He encourages all His people to enter in and draw near. His peace will pass all understanding will be upon all those seek His face. This will be a time of closeness and communication with the Lord. It is a time healing and comfort. The Lord is doing this because He knows that difficult times are coming. It is His habit to strengthen His people before the coming storm. So enter into His presence and receive His peace and freedom. Do not wait for grace in time of need but receive it before so you will sustained and rise with in great victory. The Lord loves His children and wishes them to enter His rest. It is your opportunity so enter in and see His goodness, kindness and love. This s the time of still waters given before the rages of life seem to sweep you away.  

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