Saturday, April 18, 2015

Keep it Simple

Keep it Simple  -  Keep it simple

The Lord wants to remind His people that it is time to come back to the fundamentals of the gospel.  We must keep it simple.  So many today are deluding or changing the gospel to fit cultural changes.  There is one thing that does not change and that is God’s word.  Cultural, special interest groups or political interference will not change or influence the word of God.  Keeping the message simple will keep things black and white.  Never compromise on the Word of God.  It was written so man would have a standard of faith and practice.  God’s view on things is clear.  It is man who wishes to distort or explain the word to fit their particular view at the time.  Remember man is like shifting sand he changes and moves towards whoever has the strongest opinion, influence or voice.  The Word of God is established in heaven.  Heaven and earth pass away but the Word of God will not.  The Bible is God’s love letter to man.  It was written to help man to know and understand God.  If followed it will be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  Ignore it mankind will languish in darkness and death.   
     Tell mankind that God loves him so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for their sins.  He was buried and rose again according to the scriptures.  Do not sugar coat it or try and make it more palatable.  Tell them that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that no one can come to the Father but through Him.  Mohammed, Budda, Krishna, Mary, or any other human being cannot save you.  Only Jesus.  To tell anything lessens what Jesus did.  Yes, there will be pressure to change, compromise or even ignore your message but keep strong and keep focused.  You have the truth and the truth sets all free who choose to believe and receive.  Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil and you represent the light.  Too many of my people are more than willing to accommodate sin because it is their loved ones doing it.  You can love the sinner and hate the sin.  Remember they are the ones under conviction not you.  They want you accept what they are doing because then this way they have power over you.  They don’t have to compromise you have too.  You must make it clear that you are separating them from what they are doing.  You love them but not what they are doing.  Tell them your love is still there but you cannot compromise on your Godly values.  You may have to agree to disagree.  Reality is reality.  To those who say that the church is becoming culturally irrelevant you are fools.  You have forgotten about God and His ability to bring revival.  There have been many times in history that the same prediction has been made and the church is still here and those who made the statement are not.  The Lord is about to do great things among our society.  He will not be stopped and you will see it and if you wish be part of it. 

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