Saturday, April 18, 2015

Are you ready?

Are you ready?   -  Ninety One

     In October 2015 America will complete the world change over to chip technology.  Even now there are companies throughout the world installing chips into their employees for security and identification and security purposes.  Back in October I posted on my Facebook about companies that are proposing chip technology to all aspects of society and beloved it will make sense.  For example parents will be told that you will never lose your children again.  The chip will help locate them.  Consumers will be told that identity theft will be a thing of the past because the chip will be your safety net.  You will never have to carry all those annoying credit calls which can be lost or stolen just zing, zing, you make your purchase.  No fuss or muss. 
     Chip technology is the wave of the future people say.  In reality what is coming will make the book 1984 look like a picnic.  The anti-christ will use it to control every aspect of society.  At first it will be voluntary then compulsory.  It will be your symbol of allegiance to the one world government.  You will not be able to buy or sell.  Your every movement will be monitored.  The Canadian government introduced draconian legislation to curb the activity of terrorists but in reality they just implemented the first stages of legislation to destroy the rights and freedoms of Canadian citizens.  This is also happening in all Western countries.  Believe it or not the Moslems in their quest for world domination are setting the course for the anti-christ.  The west will react and in their attempt to stop the spread of terror will set the stage for the end of time. 
     With all that is happening why is most in the church asleep. Simple, we have preachers now expounding that Christ is not coming back.  A committee of Catholic church cardinals have proposed a change in the Catholic view of Christ`s coming.  They have said, “Since the church has not seen Jesus come back in 2000 years logic tells us He will never come back so let us stop telling people He is and get on with loving people and scaring them out of hell by preaching this.”  Such silliness.  Church with all the signs we must be more vigilant than any time in history.  Everything is in place technology wise.  Soon there will be government insistence and then here comes the anti-christ and by the way Jesus as well.  Are you ready?

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