Monday, March 23, 2015

Portrait of Joel – Joel 2:12-17

Portrait of Joel – Joel 2:12-17

     A prophet of Judah who ministered from 795-745 B.C.  His name means, “Jehovah is God.”  Joel was a man that lived as if God was everything to him.  In the Old Testament when a man was given a name as a child it was a prophetic eye into their future.  His parents saw that Joel had a great future.  This would be the man who would see not only his present day but what was going to happen in the future.  What does your name mean and how can it be used for a redemptive quality?  

    Joel was a prophet and poet.  The language used in his book has great value from a literary stand point.  It is full of metaphors and allegory.  God used the illustration of a locust invasion as a premise to present God’s judgment on a land following idols.  The drought was not just a lack of water but a lack of God’s word in the land.  Our present day is much like that.  There is a drought in the land of the knowledge of God.  The church has abandoned all truth and chosen to follow a lie.  When a group of people lower their standards then anything goes.  In our time of cultural shifts and change we must stand on the word of God and hold onto to truth or we will be swept away to useless and meaningless religion.

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