John 5:1-17
We are now into our third day of this passage today we will learn about how human nature and perspective can John collide with divine truth and reality. .Jesus told the man that sickness can be caused by sin. For example smoking causes lung cancer, alcohol causes brain damage, drugs cause all kind of medical problems. To deny that sin does not cause sickness is not operating from common sense. Sickness can also be caused by other factors but sin can also be a contributing factor. This man demonstrated he could be two-faced. This man went and told the Jews about Jesus after he was healed by Jesus, because he wanted to save his own hide. Jesus revealed in this passage that the Father is always working and that He must do the same. There is an old adage that say, “Jesus is coming, look busy.” Being busy about the masters business is key. Key to influencing your world for Jesus Christ. People are more concerned about human rules than God. The Jews were more concerned about the fact that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath instead of the fact that the lame man was healed. In this passage. Jesus claims to be the Son of God. The Jews had two charges that justified their hatred in their minds. Jesus broke a Sabbath law and He also claimed to be God. Both were capital offences. Jesus’ claims of deity are reality that every potential Christian has to deal with. C.S. Lewis penned it best. Jesus claimed to be God. This places Him four categories, a mad man, liar, fraud or the Son of God. His resurrection proved He was the Son of God. This is what the lame man would have to come to grips with.
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