Thursday, March 26, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Day of the Lord
Day of the Lord - Joel 2:17-27
His key message was the Day of the Lord. The day of the Lord is the future coming of the Lord in the Spirit and power. The day of the Lord has many meanings. It has both a future and present reality. In the future the Lord is going to come and change everything. He is going to change the course of human history by stepping into time and dealing with the present wickedness of man. The present reality is that God wishes to step into your reality and deal with your present situation. This is the day which the Lord has made and we will rejoice in it said the Psalmist. Today let the Lord change your outlook and reality. Let your steps be order by the Lord. Let Him guide you into paths of righteousness for His sake. Any day that we let the Lord have His way is a good day and He will help us to receive all the benefits of heaven. We will prosper and be in health as we let the Lord prosper our soul.. Your change will begin from the inside out. Let it happen today.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Portrait of Joel – Joel 2:12-17
Portrait of Joel – Joel 2:12-17
A prophet of Judah who ministered from 795-745 B.C. His name means, “Jehovah is God.” Joel was a man that lived as if God was everything to him. In the Old Testament when a man was given a name as a child it was a prophetic eye into their future. His parents saw that Joel had a great future. This would be the man who would see not only his present day but what was going to happen in the future. What does your name mean and how can it be used for a redemptive quality?
Joel was a prophet and poet. The language used in his book has great value from a literary stand point. It is full of metaphors and allegory. God used the illustration of a locust invasion as a premise to present God’s judgment on a land following idols. The drought was not just a lack of water but a lack of God’s word in the land. Our present day is much like that. There is a drought in the land of the knowledge of God. The church has abandoned all truth and chosen to follow a lie. When a group of people lower their standards then anything goes. In our time of cultural shifts and change we must stand on the word of God and hold onto to truth or we will be swept away to useless and meaningless religion.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Kingdom Living
Jesus then begins teaching about his relationship to the law and how the follower of Christ is to respond to the law. Kingdom living is one of faith and practical application of its principles. Jesus did not come to do away with the law but fulfill it. The law showed us to Christ. Jesus fulfilled its requirements. The law will not be done away with until it has fulfilled its purpose. Its purpose was fulfilled, accomplished in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Disobedience to the law and teaches others to do the same makes an individual the least in the Kingdom. Jesus deals with pride and self righteousness in this portion. If one obeys and teaches others to do likewise will be considered great in the Kingdom. Obedience is key in the Kingdom. Influence is also a key component to exaltation in the Kingdom. Then Jesus puts an important final statement about righteousness here. Unless a person is able to out perform the Pharisees and the teachers of the laws in acts of righteousness they will not enter the Kingdom. In a final statement makes it clear that righteousness is not accomplished through works but through grace. He also makes it clear that the law had its purpose but the only way to fully meet its demands you must come through Him. The Kingdom of God is not about works but grace.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Being Light
Being Light
The child of God is the Light of the world. In us shines the light of God. You are city on a hill. The topography of this area of Galilee is surrounded by gentle slopes but the east and west shores of the Galilee are steep cliffs and sharply rising hills. Communities on the top of these hills can be seen for miles. Jesus was using this illustration to make the point that a life committed to God cannot be hid. It will reflect the light and life of God. We are not the light but we reflect the light. Like a mirror reflects an image so we reflect the Lord.
Jesus then says no one lights a life and then puts it under a bowl. Instead they place the light in a prominent place to give light to the whole room. In the same manner we are to allow our light to be shown before people so they may see the good things you do and give praise to your Father in heaven.
The Christian is called to prominence. We were not saved to hide our testimony. There are no secret agents in the Kingdom or covert operations. Our lives should radiant the love of God. Faith is designed to be seen. We are called to give glory to God. The word “glory”, means to take upon and reflect the character and essence of God. For example God is love so we should love. God forgives we should forgive. Fruitful Christianity is faith that is accompanied by works. James point is succinctly, “I will show you my faith by what I do.” Today do the same,
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
You are Salt.
Matt 5:13 – You are Salt.
What Jesus teaches next is in the form of a metaphor. He equates the Child of God as salt. Salt in the ancient world was very valuable. It had three qualities. First, it was used as it is today as an element to flavour food. Food tastes better when salt is added to it. Life is better when salted with prayer, the word of God, fellowship and evangelism. Our lives need also to be flavoured with the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. These affect those around us and we have an impact. Salt next was used as a preservative. Before the invention of the ice box or the refrigerator food was preserved by putting salt on it. In us, is the preservation, protection and proclamation of the gospel. The last function in the ancient world was currency. It was a trading commodity. We are to trade and share the gospel with whomever we come across.
Jesus then says if salt loses its flavour it is useless. You cannot make it salty again. This is a warning for apostasy and effective living. Those who lose their ability to influence, preserve or proclaim the gospel become like salt, useless and the gift has been wasted. This is a warning and an encouragement.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Blessed are the Persecuted.
Matt 5:11-12 – Blessed are the Persecuted.
Jesus finished the thought of persecution by reminding His audience there are three consequences or realities that come with being His followers. First, you will be insulted. An insult is the verbal reaction to hatred or misunderstanding. When someone does not understand, agree or hates what you stand for there is going to be a negative reaction. David calls them mockers. A mocking spirit comes from an unredeemed heart. When a person does not know Christ they belong to the kingdom of darkness and their master is satan. They do not understand you, whom you serve or what you stand for so they will insult, slander and malign you. Secondly, you will be persecuted, people will become hostile, abusive and cruel to you. They will harass you. Friends become enemies, family become abusive and hostile. All because we are His followers. Thirdly, you will be lied about. Satan is the father of all lies and so his followers will use the same method of attack.
Your reaction should be one of happiness and rejoicing. When the disciples were beaten for the sake of the gospel, they rejoiced. To be counted worthy to suffer for Christ has been a badge of courage from the beginning of the church. Jesus says a reward is being held or kept in heaven for you. Do not let a little persecution on earth keep you from your reward in heaven.
Jesus then closes this thought with reminding His audience that they persecuted the prophets who were before them. Religious establishment resent change. It upsets social, religious and often economic realities. Often new ideas and ways of doing things are met with opposition because of ignorance and fear. God is always doing a new thing because man loves stability, security and self importance. These things in themselves are not bad but they are factors that lead to resistance to necessary change. Today remember when God is making the necessary changes in your life don’t be surprised by those around you to resist it and remember your in good company when people react negatively.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Blessed are the persecuted
Matt 5:10 - Blessed are the persecuted.
Over the next two days we will examine the concept of persecution and what it means. Jesus says here that you are blessed when you are persecuted because you are doing what God requires and for righteousness. Righteousness and all that is associated with always come with a price. When you become a Christian you have immediately changed kingdoms and leaders. Before Christ your kingdom was darkness and the devil. After Christ your Kingdom is heaven and leader is Christ. Peter says, “Do not think it strange when fiery trials come because of your relationship with Christ.”
The exhortation here is to count the cost. Eternal life has its cost and benefits. A small amount of persecution now for an eternity of life and victory seems a small price to pay when you think of it in those terms. Jesus says the Kingdom of heaven is theirs now and in the future. We will complete this thought tomorrow.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Sermon on the Mount– Matt – 5-1-3
Sermon on the Mount– Matt – 5-1-3
Jesus saw that there were many people who had come to hear what He had to say. So He went up on a mountainside. When the time and setting were right. His disciples came and sat beside Him and He began to teach. His first lesson would on 8 blessings, which later would become known as the Beatitudes. Blessed are those who are poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God.
Jesus says when you know you have a need for God, when you have a contrite and humble attitude and when you are poor in spirit. You will have the Kingdom of God with all its attributes. The Kingdom of God as we learn has three qualities to it, righteousness, peace and joy. Righteousness is created because we have right standing and relationship with God. This of course leads to right living. Peace is absence of warfare or strife in life. Jesus promised to give us peace. This peace is of course not as the world gives and the beauty of it is that the world cannot take it away. The last attribute of the kingdom is joy, that deep contentment knowing that God has everything under control. When you are humble, contrite and penitent before the Lord you will have the Kingdom of God fully working and developing in your life.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
The Twelve Disciples Called
The Twelve Disciples Called – Mark 3:13-19 & Luke 6:12-16
Jesus went out into the hills and spent all night in prayer. He was facing a tremendous decision. He was choosing the men who were going to take His message to the world. He saw in them much potential. That is what I love about the Lord. He does see as we are right now but what we shall become. Jesus wanted to make the right choice. Jesus was a man of prayer and we must be the same. If Jesus needed to pray how much more should we be praying.
Jesus called men not according to ability but potential. He saw in them faith and trust. He sent them out to preach. They had authority over demons. In His name we can overcome any foe or adversary. His twelve disciple were: Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the Son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Place of victory
Jesus went back and healed many of various diseases. He fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah. Jesus then went to many different places through out Galilee. People followed him so they could be touched by Him. Demons were also cast out. Jesus has power over sickness and demons. Jesus healed all who came to Him. He was a man who always met the needs of those who needed it. He will do the same for you.
Jesus was a man of prophecy. Isaiah said that He was a chosen servant of God. Jesus is the one who the Father delights in. The Father put His Spirit on Jesus and had called Him to proclaim justice to the nations. He will not quarrel or cry out, and no one will hear His voice in the streets. He will not hurt anyone until He leads justice into victory.
In the name of Jesus nations will put their hope in Him. Prov 14:34, “States that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.” Jesus can heal with just a touch. Demons fell down and recognized Him as God and they fled from Him. They will do the same when we come in the name of the Lord. Power came out of Him to those who needed a touch. Jesus was full of the power of the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to use you today to touch your world for Christ.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
The Withered Hand.
The Withered Hand. Matt 12:9-14, Mark 3:1-6 and Luke 6:6-11
Jesus was teaching in a synagogue on a Sabbath when He saw a man with a withered hand. The Pharisees were looking for something to accuse Jesus of. Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He asked the man to stand up and He asked the Pharisees a question. Was it lawful to do good on the Sabbath or save a life? They could not answer so He healed the man. They were furious and wanted to kill Him.
People were always trying to trap Jesus, they tried by asking Him if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Jesus put the question by to them by asking them if they would pull a fallen sheep out of a pit. Jesus then said a man was more valuable than a sheep. It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath? Jesus is not concerned about man made rules when it comes to helping a person. Jesus is distressed with the stubbornness and hardness of people’s hearts.
Monday, March 9, 2015
The Sabbath Controversy. Matt 12:1-8
The Sabbath Controversy. Matt 12:1-8, Mark 2:23-28 and Luke 6:1-5
Jesus and His disciples were walking through a grain field on the Sabbath when some of His disciples starting eating the grain. The Pharisees saw this and complained to Jesus that His disciples were doing something wrong. Jesus then gave them a teaching on the true meaning of the Sabbath. The Pharisees were more concerned about their law than the law of God. They had become legalistic and religious. They were binding people with silly laws. Jesus proved to them that what the disciples were doing by telling them the story of David and his men eating consecrated bread to the Lord. He also exposed their hypocrisy by reminding that priests perform their religious duties on the Sabbath.
Jesus was telling them there is one of greater standing in their midst than the law or the Sabbath. When a person has mercy as part of their lifestyle they will not condemn others. He also taught that the Lord would rather have mercy than laws or religion with all its ceremonies. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was created for man not man for the Sabbath.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Friday, March 6, 2015
Father hood of God
John 5:1-47
What an amazing time we are having in this passage. Today Jesus will again unlock more mysteries of God for us. Today we will learn about honouring God, eternal life, future events, life in God and pleasing God.
Jesus states bluntly that whoever does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent. Many monotheistic religions love the concept of the Father hood of God but they fail to see the significance of Trinity or even deny it. Jesus makes it clearly that when you honour and accept Him you are honouring the Father. Whoever believes the words of the Son will have eternal life. They will cross from death unto life. Peter stated in Caesarea Philippi that only Jesus had the words of eternal life. Jesus tells the people of that day about the rapture. When the dead hear the voice of God they shall live. This also happened when Jesus died on the cross. Many people were raised from the dead and were seen through the city. The Father and Son have life in themselves. They are the source of life. The time is coming when all shall rise and those who believe will have life and those who did not believe will be condemned. Belief and trust have powerful consequences to them eternal consequences. Jesus tells that by Himself he can do nothing, He does what the father tells Him to do. Jesus judges only by what He hears and judgment is just for He seeks to please the Father. The harmony and unity between the Father and the Son during Jesus’ earthly ministry is amazing. The obedience to the Father is an example for us to follow. Seek to please God, do what He says and there will be harmony and unity between you and Him.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
The Father
John 5:1-47
Time is passing quickly we are now in our fourth day in this passage. There are three main nuggets of truth we will learn today. First, Jesus is God, secondly He reveals the Father and lastly, He is going to judge all.
Jesus claimed in this passage that He was equal with God. This is a recurring theme in the Book of John. Jesus is the word, the logos, God with a face and the perfect union of the human and divine. Jesus taught that the Son is the one who reveals the Father and He will do what the Father has told Him to do. The writer of Hebrews says that Jesus was obedient to the will of God. John states as well that Jesus is the Father with a face. Here we learn that God is going to show men even greater things than was done on that day. He would raise people to life. This was a prophetic promise of both physical and spiritual realities. The Son can give life to whoever He wishes. The sovereignty of God is both amazing and fearful. Amazing to those His grace is given and fearful because it cannot be questioned or understood. The Son of God is going to be the judge of all. So honour the Son as you would the Father. God can be the righteous judge because He knows all and sees all. Nothing can be hid from Him. He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart. Live your life so well that the preacher does not have to lie at your funeral and you will not have to fear the judgment of God.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Keep Working
John 5:1-17
We are now into our third day of this passage today we will learn about how human nature and perspective can John collide with divine truth and reality. .Jesus told the man that sickness can be caused by sin. For example smoking causes lung cancer, alcohol causes brain damage, drugs cause all kind of medical problems. To deny that sin does not cause sickness is not operating from common sense. Sickness can also be caused by other factors but sin can also be a contributing factor. This man demonstrated he could be two-faced. This man went and told the Jews about Jesus after he was healed by Jesus, because he wanted to save his own hide. Jesus revealed in this passage that the Father is always working and that He must do the same. There is an old adage that say, “Jesus is coming, look busy.” Being busy about the masters business is key. Key to influencing your world for Jesus Christ. People are more concerned about human rules than God. The Jews were more concerned about the fact that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath instead of the fact that the lame man was healed. In this passage. Jesus claims to be the Son of God. The Jews had two charges that justified their hatred in their minds. Jesus broke a Sabbath law and He also claimed to be God. Both were capital offences. Jesus’ claims of deity are reality that every potential Christian has to deal with. C.S. Lewis penned it best. Jesus claimed to be God. This places Him four categories, a mad man, liar, fraud or the Son of God. His resurrection proved He was the Son of God. This is what the lame man would have to come to grips with.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Jesus learned - John 5:1-17
This is the second day of our time in this very rich passage of scripture. Jesus healed a man who was lame for 38 years and everyone instead of seeing the big pictures get bogged down in the petty details. Here is what we learn today. Jesus was concerned about people. He had learned of this man’s condition and asked him if he wanted to be healed. He was testing the man for faith. God will do that to see if we are serious and are willing to trust Him. The man said yes, and took Jesus at His word and was healed because of that. It wasn’t till after he was healed that he realized that Jesus was special. This is often the case. At first the lame man was looking for someone to help him. He only saw his present condition which is often the reality for many. When you are in pain you only know that and what you want is relief. We have to come to the point that man cannot help. It is then we rely on Jesus. When Jesus heals it can be immediately. This man was cure at once. The Pharisees in this case were more concerned about the law than that fact that a healing had taken place. Jesus did not always want to be the centre of attention. He wanted God to get the glory. This should be our aim as well. John the Baptist put it all into perspective when he said, “I must decrease and He must increase.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Some of the disciples of John came to Jesus along with some Pharisees to ask about the truth about fasting. The practice of fasting was considered to be one of the three pillars of virtue in Jewish life. They came to Jesus and asked why His disciples were never seen fasting. Jesus gave them the answer that one day His disciples would fast, even though they were not doing it now. One time a church needed a major breakthrough so the pastor called the people to fast and pray and the following Sunday God moved in a wonderful way. Fasting is more than going without food, it is a spiritual principle of abstinence and denying oneself on behalf of seeing a breakthrough in an area of life or service. Jesus tells them there will be a time when His disciples will fast.
He is predicting His death on the cross. He is telling all Christians that a time of testing is coming upon them. Jesus teaches that the practice of fasting done by the Pharisees was more for show. Jesus wanted this practice to be one of the new man regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants this practice to be preserved by His followers, but must be done in the right manner for the right reasons.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
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